Teaching your baby to be physically superb

Has anyone read this book from Glenn Doman? Has anyone tried to do what is suggested with the baby? Does it work? Thank you.

I guess there is someone out there that knows the details of the methods of Glenn Doman of stimulation baby’s physical growth. I read information on BabyBrill website - thank you. It mentions “You might also consider making or buying an infant crawling track (details of which can be found in Glenn Doman’s How To Teach Your Baby To Be Physically Superb). The track has a surface with good traction and can be put on an incline (by placing one end on a step). Using a downward slope makes crawling easier, while the upward slope can be used later to make crawling more challenging.”
Can anyone describe in more details how to make it, how it is supposed to look like and how it is supposed to be used? Thank you.

Check out Maddy’s blog. She has a video of her daughter on the crawling track.

Yes, I saw it earlier. That is why I bacame again interested in this matter because I am planning the second child. I would still love more explanation, please. :blush:

I’ve seen it before. The yellow flat surface is very smooth, easy to slide on, and the green vertical sides have ridges, so if your baby pushes off on it, it will have more traction.

you’re planning to make one yourself? wow, good luck! Tell us how you do it! :slight_smile:

I have a book (havent read it yet)…by earl woods…“raising a tiger.” (about tiger woods). I borrowed and read from the library a book by a father who raised his twin boys to be tennis champions. (something like how to raise a champion) It was worth a read. he was very disciplined with them…no TV, lots of practice, but ultimately they succeeded and earned big money, fame etc. of course it depends how you view success. Raising a psycopath would be my idea of failure as a parent, and a decent human who is compassionate and kind to animals and humans would be a success.

We built a crawling track for our baby. I am totally convinced that it gave her the idea that she could become mobile much earlier than if we hadn’t used it. The instructions are in the back of Glenn Doman’s book.

I do not have the book myself. Would you be so nice to write down the instruction? I would love to built it for my future baby. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I’m on holidays for 2 weeks and the book is at home. If you still need it please leave another message & I can send it to you when I return.

I was thinking some more & I can definately send you the info, although if you can get the book at the library I would definately recommend it because it has so much more info.

I have the book “how smart is your baby” and it is in the back of that. It is made out of 3/4" plywood covered with a 1" thick foam rubber, then covered with smooth, ungrained naugahyde.The track is 16" wide with a 6" high rail on each side. They have made it into three sections so it can surround the bed for sleeping at night.
They also have a place you can buy the ASICS infant crawling track already made and have it shipped to you. Don’t know the cost but they have a phone number. This again was in the back of the same book.

That seems so complicated! I wonder if one can do that track a bit less detailed with material that is more readily available at home…ideas?

Here is where it’s offered. $260??? It’s made out of foam!

I’m sure you can modify there plans for it. The one for $260 isn’t exactly what the plans say. It is just like upholtering a piece of plywood with a smooth fabric. Vinyl would probably do. Use a heavy guage stapler to tack it all undeneith.

I havent used the track but would with the next ones if they happen. I’d build it cheap with wood, foam on top (u can get foam camping beds or mattress protector setc at op-shops or garage sales for a couple of dollars…just cut them to size). Then I’d put black and white chequerboard vinyl from a hard ware store over it, and along the sides I’d stick the black/white pictures, covered with clear see-thru plastic/vinyl, so while baby is crawling she’s seeing all those early-learning items.

We bought the naugahyde from Wal Mart. It was in their discount bin and was only $1.00 or $2.00 per meter. Our foam came from there also and was not as thick so we doubled it before stapling it to the track. We used a piece of long flat shelf that we had laying around for the bottom and only had to purchase the boards for the sides. We bought a vinyl glue to glue the foam and naugahyde to the track, then stapled the edges underneath. I’ll see if I can figure out how to upload a photo later.

You can attach your photo here kmum :slight_smile: After clicking on reply, just click on additional options underneath the white box you write in and you’ll find a place to attach

We just changed it so you don’t even have to click on the Additional Options thingy anymore - the Attach option is now right below the message box! You can’t miss it!


Oh yes I noticed that but wasn’t sure if it was changed or just my browser going nuts lol

This is a photo of K’s crawling track. It has been stored in the garage for a while so I see one of the contrasting pieces we had glued on the side has come off, but it gives you an idea of what it looked like. You could choose brighter colours - we went with these two because they contrasted and the naugahyde was discounted so it was quite inexpensive. I love Nikita’s ideas about the pictures on the sides. I’m sure you can vary your design and the materials a little from the book and still get the same results.