Teaching your baby to be physically superb

I managed to post the picture, but it is quite small. Can they be made larger or can everyone see it ok?

It gets larger when you click on it.

Oh! thanks - and I thought I was becoming more computer literate! :blush:

Thank you everyone for your imputs. I really appreciate it.

Forgot I had this picture:


Felicity was 8 months old, so by then we were tilting the track upwards to increase the difficulty level. You will see my watch at the top of it cos that’s the thing that lures her the most!


btw, love that outfit I bought for her from London! lol

to the poster who put up the original question i want to talk about the things beyond the crawl track -
as excellent an idea as the crawl track is, it is only the first part of the program. the book takes you from birth to six years old. so even if your baby is too old for the crawl track there is still so much you can do. i started the program with my daughter when she was six months old. now at almost two she has physically reached the level of a three year old – this is the result of following his recommended programs, walking every day (basically throwing away the stroller as soon as possible :wink: ) especially on different terrain, jumping, and our favorite - brachiating - basically monkey bars - but way before she was even old enough to go to the park we would let her hang from our thumbs - this was around seven months and even then she could hold herself up for ten seconds - now she is past a half a minute - finally beyond all this i would really recommend reading the book because besides the practice of it, the charts there really pull all his programs together and gives you useful benchmarks for charting the total evelopment of your child

I totally agree with Tatianna. The physical programis also very beneficial for brain development.

We are encouraging dd to crawl a lot. We are beyond the crawling track so use nylon tunnels to make it fun. DD hangs from our thumbs for about 15 seconds. We also try to do a vestibular program.

I love Felicity’s outfit too KL !! lol

Can someone explain the theory behind the monkey bars (or hanging from people’s thumbs too) What is it meant to help? What other activities can you do.

My daughter did crawl from 6 months of age til about 11 months. I basically couldn’t stop her and let her crawl on almost any surfaces as well as slopes. She hates being in the stroller and even on long walks she asks to be taken out and walks. I have also taken her to the beach and let her walk on the sand which is rather bumpy and I take her to the shops now in my arms and just let her walk (but how do you get any shopping done with a toddler running around the shops???) Am I doing the right things and what other things are suggested?