As some of you already know we are teaching my daughter English adn Spanish, but would like to introduce her to Mandarin adn German also. I sent a question regarding the matter in the Institutes website and this was the information I got:
[b][i]Thank you for your interest in our methods. I am assuming that you have a bi-lingual home, which makes teaching the programs in 2 languages easier. It is a good idea to let the child hear the two languages as part of his/her everyday existence. Then you would do the readign program the same for either language.
Keep the two languages separate. Consistency is important. You do not want to teach a reading program in English or Spanish every other week. So you can decide. You can show 3 sets of English words 2 or 3 times a day and 2 or 3 sets of Spanish words 2 or 3 times a day. The program is very workable. You can make your own schedule for this.
We have the Pictute Dictionary CD Roms where you can show the word followed by a picture. You can choose to show it in English and Spanish. Depending on the age of the child, you can see if your child needs a break between the languages or if your child can happily go from seeing the words in English and then seeing them in Soanish. [/i] [/b]
Then I e-mailed her back with these questions (this is part of the e-mail):
[i]We do have a bilingual home and we try to expose her to both languages. It is great that you can do it at the same time. Would you recommend doing the same categories in both languages the same day? Or do you think it is better to do dome categories in English and some different ones in Spanish?
Also, we would like to expose her to Mandarin and German. Do you have a recommendation on how to introduce these two languages since neither of us speak the languages?[/i]
And this was her response:
[b][i]Do what makes sense to you. Right now, just for the beginning of a bi-lingual program, it is a good idea to use the same categories. After a while it will not be necessary. Use the Picture Dictionary CD Roms. It has the same words in 5 different languages.
To make your child familiar with other languages, they have to hear them. You can try the Muzzy tapes for children. you can find them on the internet. You can play folk songs from other countries and even movies.[/i][/b]
Unfortunately in our case the CD’s do not have Germand and Mandarin, so I don;t think we will be getting any right now.
Hope this gives a little bit of light to those who are teaching otehr languages to their children