Teaching babies - men can do it too!

Hi everyone,

My name is Lawrence and I am one of the admin here too.

I’ve got minimal experience with the software, but I do believe highly in the idea of teach your baby to “love learning”.
Personally I am not a father yet, however I do love children and believe they are definitely our future, not to mention the “cute” factor and “adorable” ness.


Hi Lawrence, great to see you on! [Cool jamming smiley by the way] :w00t:

Hi Lawrence,

How did you use that different smiley???
And…what is the story behind “Iron Chef?”

:slight_smile: Deneen


Those were actually our old smileys before you got into the forum.
We thought these were better. :tongue2:

Anyway, thanks for asking!
Have you ever seen the show “iron chef” the chefs move around non-stop,
and I feel like that everyday. lol

But actually I just love to cook, hence the iron chef.

We don’t use foul language in our home but for some reason I really get a giggle watching Chef Gordan Ramsey’s show, “He**'s Kitchen.” Have you heard of it?

If not, he’s a wonderful chef but uses some very colorful language (and with a British accent!)

anyway…blah blah blah… :tongue2:

Yes I do watch that show.
I feel really bad for the contestants as they are subjected to verbal abuse day in and day out.

But that’s what makes great television right?

That’s a cool show… I agree! By the way he is much much much nicer in the show Kitchen Nightmares! There’s a UK edition and a US edition(better). It’s hard to believe but he seems like a really nice guy when he’s not in his own kitchen! ha ha…

I will try to show this to my husband.


Hi. I am a dad of a loving little early explorer. I was amazed by what I saw in videos and research when my wife was looking into Glenn Doman and other early child development techniques. It did not take long before I was onboard and we were setting up schedules and programs. I think this little reader software is going to make teaching and learning together so much easier and more fun.

this would be helpful to your child. if both the parents are teaching to the child i would give a better effect to child. im really happy to hear that. i wish if my husband also be that much interested on the netter.

I’m so glad to hear somebody else say it, Lawrence! And, not only that men can, but that they SHOULD be doing it!! It is so crazy to me how often people act incredulous or shocked to see me, a man, interested in learning about how babies and toddlers learn! Fathers especially treat me like a fool because of it - power to men teaching!:slight_smile:

I am blessed …my husband ‘took’ to right brain education without hesitation. There is nothing like having two parents reinforcing the method! It is awesome to have dads here on the board!

Hi everyone

I’m new here but this is great that there are fathers on this website as well. I will tell my husband to check this out. His family is not in teaching baby early, maybe they think learning is not fun. However we both believe in it and want a good start for my baby. Just so much to read and learn when you are starting though.
My husband is good with babies but the idea of a father taking care of babies here seems still strange. what a shame. I would like to see that view changed.

My husband did not help at all, it’s like non of his biz. I got to to e sourcing, printing, teaching… everything… how I wish he can help me as daddy’s impact is really huge. He already made it clear that not getting involoved … so mad w him sometimes. Luckily I hv all of u to ask for parental advise! Thks to this forum!!!


I don’t know what to say but I feel for you. It’s a lot of work to do alone.

My husband is not good with sourcing or researching. I e-source, buying books and present them to him to read. I also do heaps on preparing materials. if it makes you feel better…

he has more time than me right now so sometimes I’m mad at him. However men and women are different. And I’m blessed he contributes a lot on other aspects. We discussed purchasing decisions, agreed on lesson plan, what to teach, when to teach etc… And he tried to make some material. Not to mention he helps a lot on household chores.

At least we can save lots of time making material from this website, right?

All the best to you.

My husband ( pastor) is an awesome dad. He helps with both of my sons learning everyday. My toddler he takes on field trips, and he plays with him doing certain exercises before bed. My hubby does a lot for me with the kids. He actually help sme with the curriculum as well, for we make our own faithbased. My infant he sings to him, and of course exercise and his physical therapy. We make a really good team. And yes men can teach their children. I feel that his dad can teach him things that I can’t teach him. My hubby is more active then i am, and he gets right down on the floor with him and wrestles and goes on and my toddler loves it. I on the other hand am more delicate.

I’m a Papa, and I can’t imagine anything more important in my life to be doing than to help educate and raise my boy. This is another whole person who depends on me and his Mama for almost everything he will become–except what he can bring himself. I have the opportunity, and responsibility, to make another new person as happy, virtuous, and wise as I can. What could be more important?

That’s why, frankly, I do a lot more of the “educating” than his Mama does. She does her part in many other important ways, though, of course…plays a lot with him, teaches and reads to him in another language, exercises, and of course takes care of him (especially while I’m working)!

So, um, do you have any male friends like your self?.. lol lol lol

I am on my own with pretty much everything to do with my son.

Hi DadDude,
Are u the father whom wrote the child n me website? It’s great! I am still going through page by page. So much info.
Actually men had a really huge impact on little ones. They pick up things faster if father teach them. Just that my husband fail to see it. I tried all methods and still can’t get him involved. But it’s alright, I am more settle down now. I set up schedule for myself, what are the things I need to do everything w my son. I am not longer so lost as I used to be few months ago.

One funny thing that my husband mentioned really make me mad. He said he will start e teaching when my son turn 3. What is this???!!!


My wife believes a lot in Right brain education. I am still trying to learn