Teaching babies - men can do it too!

My husband is certainly one of the more hands - on dads! It is time that catches him out.

I must say my DH has been very supportive and even takes active interest in such matters. That makes the whole journey so interesting and burdenless.

Indeed blessed are the mothers whose husbands take to equal participation.

Sometimes I feel: we become parents without much of a preparation. Whether a coaching must be made compulsory before entering parenthood… :nowink:

That’s my hubby’s name! I hope he jumps on board wih me soon!

Yes I agree.Men too can teach babies as neatly as mothers.My hubby is helping me a lot. :nowink:

Yes i agree cos im a dad n im teaching my child.

I am new to this game because my new baby is only 2 1/2 weeks right now. I heard about the Doman methods and have spent a lot of time researching it - Daddy 10 Mommy 0!

My daughter spends more time with Mommy than me, but is very responsive to my voice and I am excited to start teaching her later.

In the meantime, besides just holding her, talking and walking around with her, I have used the infant stimulation cards that I found on the site and … what a trip. My daughter started stretching and kicking and cooing … frankly, she started going wild. It was amazing.

Catalina couldn’t get any better papa than her own…It is amazing how dadas can love their babies.

Actually my husband does a better job at teaching my boys than I. He’s much more patient and knows how to deal with each one of them. In terms of flashcards, he knows how to keep their interest better too. :slight_smile:

Yups, sometimes, man talk to man is better… ehhe :laugh:

Niway, everybody has own skill about teaching, but actually it can be developed… :unsure:

My Husband also help me in teaching my 2 little boys. instead he do searching in webs, he also guide me if sometimes i have some mistake in teaching my childre. Thank you DAD!!! :biggrin:

I am so happy to see so many dads on here taking a very active role in their child’s early development. I wish that my husband was just the slightest bit interested. It makes it really hard.

I am new to the site, but I believe fathers should also play a role in teaching their kids.