Teaching your child music with tools online for free. Make it fun! Colin loves to march around the house playing his instruments. I teach him vocabulary while we are doing this like fast, slow, stop, march, follow etc…
- First you are supposed to teach your child rhythm
You can use any music and teach them the beat but also use a metronome to teach difference in beat. You can start this at birth by lightly tapping on their body to the beat of music.
http://www.metronomeonline.com/ - for teaching rhythm
* Largo -- very slow (40 - 60 beats per minute)
* Larghetto -- rather broadly (60 - 66 beats per minute)
* Adagio -- slow and stately (66 - 76 bpm)
* Andante -- at a walking pace (76 - 108 bpm)
* Moderato -- Moderately (108 - 120 bpm)
* Allegro -- fast and bright (120 - 168 bpm)
* Presto -- very fast (168 - 200 bpm)
You can teach this while they are beating on anything
pianissimo/pp (very soft)
piano/p (soft)
mezzo-piano/mp (moderately soft)
mezzo-forte/mf (moderately loud)
forte/f (loud)
fortissimo/ff (very loud)
- From what I have read the next thing to teach is Solfege
If you can sing in tune you can start this at birth. If you can’t sing in tune you will have to find cds or mp3s. Obviously, the child will not be able to participate with the singing until after they can talk.
Solfege teaches sight singing and ear training for relative pitch
Solfege with a moveable do is also much easier for intervals. For example, Do-so is ALWAYS a perfect 5th, and fa-ti is ALWAYS a tritone in both major and minor.
Solfege keyboard
- Then there is teaching perfect pitch - use a musical instrument in tune not a toy
play a note and show flashcard with appropriate note - Either use Solfege or abc your choice to name the note.
A glockenspiel is an inexpensive instrument that is in tune that you can use.
Children are supposedly born this and will lose it if they are not taught to use this.
Teach the instruments and what they sound like.
Little Reader is an excellent tool for this. Colin’s favorite file is Musical Instruments by cyndec. This is a file of all the classical instruments playing Twinkle Twinkle. -
Teach Music Basics – Hopefully Little Music will do this for us and maybe a few of the other items :biggrin:
I thought this video was interesting. Simple things to teach like which way is up and down on piano and notes and using all five fingers just for a basic introduction to an instrument before actually playing. Simple things we take for granted that they are not going to know.
- Teach classical music and composers by playing piece, naming the piece, and showing a picture of the composer
In the video section on here I have linked several Youtube videos for teaching classical music.
Play all different kinds of music and name it and classify for child.
Of course don’t leave out music for children useful in teaching many other things.
Finally when they about three maybe older depends on child and you are exhausted from giving them a head start on all the above things. Select an instrument and an instructor and teach them to actually play an instrument. Feel confident you have made the teacher’s job so much easier. So if you are not teaching the lesson yourself at this young age you must attend to know how to support the teacher with practice and not to negate what the teacher is teaching. Personally at this young age I would teach myself until they learn the basics and are able to play a few simple songs.
A simple inexpensive instrument is a recorder.
10 Site with simple sheet music http://www.gmajormusictheory.org/Freebies/freebiesFP.html
- This explains the different major scales:
- This is a good site for teaching intervals:
The difference between Solfege and ABC notation is Solfege floats and is relative and ABC naming is fixed. Solfege training better allows a child to change the key a piece is in. But learning this is a C this is an A is essential to perfect pitch.
Hope this helps - this is what I have found so far in a few weeks of searching
I am no expert so anyone who would like to modify this please feel free. This is my best synopsis on teaching music to a young child.