Substitizing Numbers 1-5

I am in the process of putting together LR files for numbers 1-12. BK already has a bunch on counting. But in reading a ton of teachers manuals, Marshmallow Math, KTM and stuff online including studies, I now have a better idea of what I am after. I don’t plan on ordering a curriculum with worksheets and assignments just yet. I think we quite can do this quite casually by playing games and right brain learning.

Shen-Li posted this post: which got me thinking about how I wanted to approach this in a Doman type fashion. I didn’t want to use those patterns, as we have all kinds of patterns readily available to us that there is no need to learn new ones.

The point of these files is to get a child to recognize the number patterns - I’ve based these on the patterns my son will encounter and use frequently later: dice, dominoes, cards and the ten frame. They will prepare a child to work in groups of 5 and 10 so it will make a natural transition to the abacus or whatever else you plan on using. I’ve got a much better idea how to approach math for toddlers than I had a year ago but right now am working about a week ahead of my kidlet.

I have the first five files finished except for sound - we’ve been using them. Therefore I haven’t uploaded them to LR yet. However, I’ve put them in a zip file here: just unzip the folder and click on the individual files and they should open in LR. Below is a video of the number 2 & 5 file.

If someone wants to do it in power point I will be happy to put the files into my dropbox.

When we do these I will say things like: “This is two on a ten frame.” “This is 2 on dice.” “This is 2 hearts” “This is five fingers” “This is the word five” you get the point. If anyone is interested in these, let me know and I will get to the audio part. If not, I am going to work on numbers 6-12. My 2 year old went from reliably substitizing 3 objects to 5 objects after watching these just a couple times.

The reason for doing it this way is that it helps a child understand that the group of things is the number not the last thing counted. This is addressed in KTM, Marshmallow Math, Jump Math and in even the Ray’s Arithmetic series. Those programs have various ways of addressing it, this seemed to be the easiest way for us.

wonderful, i’m looking forward to using with the kids - thank you! :slight_smile:

fyi: dropbox link isn’t working for me.

OK, try this one: I just tried this it should work. I also replaced the one up above so it should work also.

Thanks for letting me know. Text me and let me know when I can call you next week.

Hmmm, now it makes sense why she doesn’t subitize numbers beyond 3 any more, even though she used to be able to. I was beginning to wonder why we didn’t seem to progress beyond that no matter how many times we counted groups of four and five.

Thanks for the file!!! Looking forward to 6 - 12!!

These are wonderful! They would be a wonderful addition to the share file section. They would do a great job of increasing number confidence. Definately keep going up to 12! I don’t think the sound is all that important. If I was using them ( which I just might :biggrin: ) I would sometimes just say “two” at every slide and sometime explain the picture. That way you are reinforcing that it is always two no matter how it is presented.


Another reason why your child might be having trouble with substitizing past three is that some children (mine is one of them) get the idea that counting means touching stuff and saying numbers. So if you hear your child playing and saying random numbers this might be the problem. Eventually they will figure it out, but I was reading on the Moshe Kai thread that Moshe finally grasped numbers when his parents showed him cards of the same object - say lions (I don’t remember what it was) and it had a picture of one lion. They said “one lion” and then a card with 2 lions and so on. He finally figured out that the number was a descriptor relating to how many there were.

@ Manda - that is what we’ve been doing with them. I’ve introduced the ten frame to my LO, so parents might want to do that before just saying two. Now when we count things I put then in a pattern that he is familiar or on the ten frame and he can substitize to five consistently. So, I will just upload these to the files section and I can add a second file with sound when I get to it later. Right now, I’ll finish the 6-12 files.

I always hoped someone would be inspired to make RS abacus files for LR using the digital abacus on their website (taking screen shots). So, that may be something to include as an example. Although for little tiny babies. It might be best not to show the inactive beads below and crop them out somehow? Not sure.

But, there’s another idea for you if you are including that in your curriculum.

TMT I love that idea! Maybe screen shots from their iPad app might be easier ( full screen) I personally wouldn’t crop out the inactive beads if it is one way of many to show the number 2. Hmm if I get some spare time I will get those screen shots and add them in. I think a whole file of rightstart abacus number would be quite boring but in here they would fit beautifully!

Here’s a sample of #9, I cropped out the red and added black, but that is extra work that is unnecessary I guess. I did it because our frame is not red.

I don’t have LR but I already have those screen shots done. Want me to send them to someone so they can do the LR files.


Just send me a PM on here and attach the files. Then, if you have Power Point, I can put all the files I used to make these into my drop box if you want to make a pp.


Sonya This is a great idea and just what I need. Thanks!

I have jpgs for tally sticks counting 1 to 10. Would you like me to Send you these too?

Go team!!! :biggrin:

I am making files 1-12 so whatever you have send them on over!

I’ve been inspired to make books using this idea :rolleyes:;id=9108

Sonya, these sound amazing, but I don’t have LR. My husband is a computer programmer and made me something similar before I found BrillKids. Would you share your files so I can use them in my slideshow viewer?

Absolutely - files for numbers 1:

I’ll post the other numbers when I get them finished. And if anyone has file they want me to add please let me know. Tally sticks and RS abacus are in a separate folders - I haven’t had a chance to separate them into the number folders yet.

There is a zip file below - but I don’t think it will work - it was too large so it might be corrupted and I couldn’t take it off.

Number 2 book is up;id=9109

You lot are just great, thank you from all the other mummies who are hanging onto your coat tails. The files are great, & I’m sure the books will be too once they are approved, hint hint lol;id=9111

This contains files 1-8, it is not approved yet.