Softway Mozart for a $50 discount! 1 year license for only $100 bucks!

Cs 08,

The code expires on the 24th December. You can try to e-mail the company and mentioned that you are from Brillkids and see if they would still give you the offer.

Thank you.


I had sent an email to them. Still waiting for their reply. Meanwhile looking for a keyboard as well lol

Cs 08,

Please also visit SoftMozart forum, as there are many mothers started posting their experience with their little ones. The keyboard does not need to be too complicated or expensive as long as they have the appropriate requirement like MIDI connection, without touch sensitive (not needed for beginner especially for young children age 2-5). I own a Casio CTK-571. See the requirement or recommended keyboard in this link.

Hi all,

I managed to get the $50 Brillkids discount, but somehow could not key in the softchristmas code:(

I read in the earlier thread that SoftMozart may make the subscription a perpetual subscription correct? When would we get to know about that?

Thanks so much for sharing about this promotion!

Happy New Year all!

Thanks TTT8,
Thanks for your advise. Will go to that forum tml.

Hi Joy mum,
When did u manage to key in the 50 dollars discount code? Tried it few times but still invalid …


Hi joy mum, the perpetual liscence opportunity is based on posting actively in the soft Mozart forum about your learning experiences and how you use soft Mozart. Hellene wants to hear the good and the bad so she can actively tutor us online. It was an offer for brill kids mums ( to build up the English forum) if you let it be known you are a brill kids mum ( introduce yourself) and post often it is likely you will be considered for the perpetual liscence. Do check with Hellene to be sure. At the end of the year if some of us don’t get the perpetual liscence we will group together to buy one at a discount. Check out the forum though we are off to a great start!

Thanks, Mandabplus3, for the info! Will post on the SoftMozart forum once I get my set:)

Hi Cs08, I think I managed to get the Brillkids coupon code discount in the nick of time, as I purchased my set on 23 Dec pretty late. You managed to get the softchristmas code?

No, didn’t manage to use any code. Very keen in their products so will wait for their reply. May be they ar closed for Xmas as so far no reply.

Dear Brillkids Parents,

Just received a reply from Hellene.
She kindly agreed to extend the offer : discount coupon BRILLKIDS1111 had been extended 'till Dec 31 of 2011.

BUT this is THE LAST EXTENSION, so IF YOU ARE THINKING to buy SM program DO use this opportunity.

You can use the coupon towards the purchase of Soft Way to Mozart® 12 Month Subscription.

Piano key stickers are not included you will need to purchase them separate:

After completion of 12 month subscribtion you will have chance to receive a free perpetual copy of SM Program ( value $499 USD):

" The perpetual liscence opportunity is based on posting actively in the Soft Mozart forum about your learning experiences and how you use Soft Mozart. Hellene wants to hear the good and the bad so she can actively tutor us online."

After buying program you will need to register at SM forum and introduce yourself ;

If you have any question regarding your purchase contact SM team directly at

I have been using the SM program to teach my DD piano and absolutely LOVE IT.
Without it I do not know how I would be able to start teaching my daughter piano at early age of 28 month.
I have no musical background at all.
No piano teacher would agree to take my daughter as a student, as she is very active and has very short attention span.
PARENTS are the best teachers!
Here is a video of her learning to play the song Hot Cross Buns using 2 hands
(like you see she is not that excited to be filmed, but I had to share her progress (after using SM program for 17 days):

Will order today!

Make sure to register on SM forum:

most of Brillkids moms have the same user names on SM forum as here.

Welcome to the club! :smiley:

We are planning to do Our First Video Reciatal at the beginning of Summer
and I suggested to have a T-shirts made for kids: “Year 1 Graduate from SM Academy”.
Well , all of this is still to be approved by all moms participating , but I already see my DD wearing SM t-shirt to the playground l

Had finally purchase the product! Now just need to wait for parcel to arrive. Very excited about it. I forgot to purchase the MIDi connecter. Hopefully I will find it soon. Anyone know where can I purchase one in Singapore? sim lim square?



As no one knew where to buy a MIDI cable from Romania (my country), here’s how I did it, maybe it’ll help you too:
I’ve looked on what MIDI cables Hellene recommends (and sales). Then looked for them on local (Romanian) online stores. Then I bought one identical (with the cheapest price).

At the link below you find what me and others say about MIDI cables we bought and where from. You’ll see that it also can depend on the digital piano or keyboard that you have:
