Softway Mozart for a $50 discount! 1 year license for only $100 bucks!

I am interested please forward me the details.


That’s great :biggrin:

Sonya I will PM you the details

If anyone else has signed up then let us know so we can try to connect up on the soft mozart forum too

I was able to get in on this deal. I was told by the Soft Mozart people that it was extended until Dec 7th with code: BRILLKIDS1111. Please keep me on the Brill Kids list for this. I want to try hard to get the perpetual subscription with you guys through forum posts. Please keep me updated. Thank you.
Vanessa - queenkmommy

Vanessa I couldn’t find you in the on the soft Mozart forum, are you under queen mummy? Look for us and send out a friend request, and be sure to introduce yourself there too! I am mandabplus3 over there too. Manda in real life lol. I will do my best to keep posting like crazy piano fingers to help get the perpetual liscence. The English forum is a bit quiet but I have a feeling it’s about to be swamped by brillkids gang posts lol. Can’t wait till my package arrives.
If anyone else hasn’t been " found" yet please be my friend :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, I am keen to get on board with you :slight_smile: see you on the SoftMozart forum (if I get through) :slight_smile: If you are lucky you should be able to get additional 15% off the price adding second promotion code to the order: SoftChristmas11 reducing total price to amazing 78,42 USD :slight_smile: Good luck!

Hi Monika and all the last enlisted on the SM discount for BK parents!
Look for us on the Soft Mozart forum. Usually we all have the same nick as here on BK (andreasro - is me, and usually my friends there are BK parents). :wink:

Hi everyone,

Glad to see so many of us getting into this together. It will be an interesting journey.

wow…Monika…how did you hear about this SoftChristmas11 code? Only 78 bucks. Good job!


Hi Ariel,
I guess, Monika, like me and others (by becoming a SM forum member, or SM client or whatever, don’t know) got an e-mail on 4th of December with a 15% discount (using SoftChristmas11 promotion code) and ending on the 24th of December. The promotion is for every Soft Mozart purchase in the period mentioned.
Unlike me, instead, Monika read the e-mail paying attention :wub:

For those interested in how we’re doing with Soft Way to Mozart program and what we’re talking about on the Soft Mozart forum, check the next link from time to time. The Brillkids moms have started great discussions on the English forum and Hellene makes sure to read and answer all our questions, helping us:
It will take a while before we can review the software here on Brillkids as we’ve just bought it and not all of us will use it immediately after getting it.


Yes, all subscribed via SoftMozart web site do recieve emails with updates on their products and with sale specials :slight_smile: I was checking their web site, as I was planning to buy SM once it is on special. I have submitted my order a few days after I recieved their promotional e-mail with christmas special code. Only few minutes after submitting my order I came accross this forum message about BrillKids code. So I asked Hellene if she could still count me in - and she kindly did :slight_smile:

i still don’t get it , if you purchase the software and it is shipped to you , what is the one year license about , wha would happen after ?? please can somebody explains it to me .

You have three options when purchasing the software. You can purchase a starter pack which is a downloadable version of the software, with limited capabilities for $29. You can purchase the software outright at around $400 or something like that, or you purchase a subscription at $149 a year. Which I suspect is the best deal, as I’m not sure you’d be using this more than a couple years unless you had multiple children using it. However, with the subscription, you do get updates and all that , so who knows which is really the better deal if you have several kidlets using it.

We ordered the subscription. Your software comes in the mail and it is good for 1 year. It doesn’t appear as though it connects to the internet each time it is used, I suspect it has an internal clock - you get a message that says: “This product is good for 364 more days.”

I hope that helps.


thanks Sonia i am looking forward to read updates how other members are using it .

I posted my DD first impression with SM program here:

I will be updating it, hopefully, tonight.

You can also read there software installation guide:

and my experience connecting computer and Yamaha YPT-320 keyboard

Hope this helps!


Unfortunately i missed the -Softway Mozart for a $50 discount! 1 year license for only $100 bucks!-offer,and now i am wandering how could i get also an attractive offer?Does anyone have an idea or an address where I could ask for an offer.?Thank you


Try to e-mail the company and mentioned that you are from Brillkids and see if they would still give you the offer.

Thank you, i will try to ask them.


The SoftMozart team just extended the offer for the brill kids 'till Dec 24,11
Just place BRILLKIDS1111 and you receive $50 discount

Great news!

Here is my daughter playing Jingle Bells song ( part for the right hand) after using the program for 5 days.

Here I am sharing our experience with the program:

If the brillkids1111 discount is still valid then the deal comes down to $78 because the softchristmas code mentioned earlier in this thread is still valid also! Now that is certainly a bargain! what a great Christmas present to anyone you know who ever wanted to learn piano!

Just saw this thread… Anyone has an updated code that I can use?
