Should I give up?

I have been doing GD method for word and math for a couple months.(flash the paper card with no picture) My son is 2.5 years old and my daughter is now almost 8 month old. They are normal child. My son recognize 0-10 since he was 1 year old (I mean he saw the letter and know it noit only counting) . He knew all ABC/since he was 1 year and 4 months(when he saw the letters he know what it is and what the sound of each letter-phonics)

My son was interested in my GD program just only 2 weeks and then not interested at all. My daughter is not interested at all since starting the program. I try to make it fun and do it when they are in the good mood. What s wrong? One day, I stopped the program for a big while and then when we were back , it was the same.

Moreover, I found that they are not interested in books that much even we are reading to them everyday. (I am sure I and my husband read it with fun coz other kids still keep listening to our story except our own kids (they are a little bit older than our kids) ,especially my husband , he did really good as a storyteller.)

Teaching my kids is the thing I love to do and looking forward to but seem they are not in the accept mode. Should I give up? Or this GD method just doesnt work with my kids? Can all kids learn the same way, if we teach them all the same thing??I am thinking about LM and LR. Does anyone failed with the typical GD method but success in LR/LM or any other methods? This is really sad for me. I dont know what to do where to begin it again…

My oldest (two) isn’t always receptive. I also want to know if the Doman program doesn’t work for everyone.

Have you done Doman with Little Reader or by using powerpoint presentations?

Joel is a lot more interested in the multimedia presentations than just the flashcards. I try to do both, but he always asks to see “Elephant, zebra, pig.” He’s also 2, and although he’s enjoy LR alot, I have no idea what he’s actually learning, since I don’t test him…but I’m hopeful that as long as we’re having fun, he’s learning something.

My son is much more receptive to LR than paper flash cards. It is much more interesting for them, and you can flash pretty fast on the computer. You may want to try a multisensory approach instead of just flashing words.

Hi ING can we have more details … can tell your not native english speaking …

For your son 2.5 yrs old … can start phonics … it will be easier … also can try YBCR DVDs …

For the 8m …

Actually need to know more, when i started we had problems too and queries … and the typical qns they ask was did we use the irght size cards and words, did we follow the method etc etc … but its not al that hard and fast rules, … but the fonts you use for the 8mth is quite different from the fonts you use for a 2.5yrs old … under 1 yr the fonts are like 2-3 inches, bright red … after 2 its reduced to 1 inch and in black etc … of course they will always tell you oh you didn’t do this or that or didn’t follow as per accordingly … some have to be followed others not need …

but before can help need to know more
like the materials you used … etc …, what else are you teaching … , is she mobile etc …

ING for the 2.5 yrs old … i think he prefers TV or DVD … so can get educational DVD YBCR etc … your 8 mth old girl can use it when she is 10-12mths old too or she could be learning while brother watching … also can try monterssori …activity based program … (no i am not montessori agent) … i first heard about montessori some 20 yrs back … and there is a montessori school down the lane in my other house in another country … just sometimes boys are more active and they can learn thru play … and i did my research on montessorri way before i have my child … was surprised not much people knew about it in this forum … anyway they are mostly for 2.5 - 5 yr olds … and i did figure hey if GD method doens’t work i can always try montesorri … so don’t despair …

For the 8m girl … don’t give up … yet … hmm if you have spend loads on the cards … try again … but with lesser cards and do it quickly … it could also be the elder brother distrating her too … anther method is to train the concentration power of the little one … get a blue dot about 1 inch diameter and paste it in the middle of the large orange board … and try to get her to focus …

sorry think got to go sleep now … been having 4-5 hours sleep a day for the last few weeks … excuse the rush up topic i didn’t spell check them …

I use both manual flashcards and slideshows to teach my son. Powerpoint allows me to show the words and pics a lot faster which I think he prefers. I also don’t follow the program as it says, but I have adjusted it to fit us :slight_smile:


Just one thing about the books, just make sure the books do not have too many words per page. My baby is younger than yours, but she definetly pays much more attention with book with a few wors per page in big letters.

With the 8 month-old… Try to adapt the program to her reaction. I believe Doman says somewhere that it is Ok to stop for a few weeks. I really would not keep on showing her if she turns her head away for example.
Or you can try (that’s what I did) introducing encyclopedic knowledge while you stop with the words. My daughter loves it now. She’s into peekaboo at the moment so I show her the word or picture, and sort of hide it behind me so she gets all excited and want to see it.

My son is 11 months old and I started reading with him when he was 9 months old. As he never sat still, I thought he would never be interested, but he was hooked within a couple of weeks.

At the begining he didn’t seem interested, then I realised I had to go really fast and keep to 1 sentance per page to maintain his interest. Bright bold pictures or ones with textures, flaps or holes (!) are a hit. He also likes ones with (short) nursery rhymes. Also I always raise the corner of the next page so that when he gets bored he will just turn the page (in fact its his favourite thing to do). The idea is to get him as physically involved in the “reading” as possible as he is a very physical baby. A thing that I do now is to point at the words as I read (as part of my effort to teach him to read) so big clear text is important. Again when I first started the pointing, he didn’t like it much but now he is used to it and seems to enjoy it.

With the DM method, I haven’t read the entire book yet but somehow it seems more intuitive to me to show the flash cards with pictures of the words on the reverse, so I guess I didn’t follow strictly the DM method which is to show words with no pictures? I just can’t imagine my son being interested in just the words and I am talking about Chinese which already look rather more like pictures than English words do. And also surely I would want him to know what the words actually mean? I have been showing him single word flash cards since 3 weeks, in his high chair just before his meals and so far he seems to enjoy them. My biggest trouble is that he keeps wanting to grab them and gets very upset that I don’t let him - anyone got tips on this? :slight_smile:

Hi betty … you can try giving him a spoon or something else to hold … this way he won’t want to to grab your card …

There is also one more problem … if he can grab your card … your showing it to him too close … it will create lazy eye movement problems … if you do it too close and too many cards … i think there is a distance your supposed to maintain …

The YBCR sliding cards are fun because when you pull them apart a picture is revealed. My daughter just turned 2 yrs old about 2 weeks ago. We have been doing the YBCR program loosely for 6 weeks. Half of the time, she is uncooperative so then we stop. She likes their videos enough to maybe watch it once per day. Again she is in the uncooperative “terrible twos” stage so many times she will refuse it. I just try to do the program when I can without overwhelming myself or stressing her. I think the Doman Method might involve more work for the parent. My stuff came ready to use out of the box. I just offer her the video twice per day - if she screams “No!” then I turn it off. Three times a day I “try” to do flashcards. I’m pretty disorganized about the flashcards. I can’t get into a rhythm, not sure how many I should do, or even at what speed. I’ve worried about it but she still seems to be learning despite my disorganization. Once again, if she is uncooperative, we stop. Then there are also flap books. There is a word on each page and the flap lifts to reveal a corresponding picture. My daughter loves these books and looks at them with or without me several times per day. Sometimes she won’t share them with me so I am unable to tell her the words on the pages. I also have LR and downloaded the YBCR files. She actually points to the computer and asks for them. However sometimes she climbs off of my lap after just a couple of words, and again I just stop. So anyway, it just isn’t any harder then entertaining her with toys except for the flashcards. I still have some stress because I feel like I should have more of an order and process for introducing and retiring flashcards. Maybe the YBCR program would be easier for you and more entertaining for your kids. Also it seems like your kids are learning because most 2.5 yrs old don’t know their alphabet and phonics. Your daughter is probably too young to demonstrate what she has learned.

Good Luck and Don’t Give Up, Lori

I have a 12 month old daughter who loves her books. I mean that she will not touch any of her toys, she only wants her books. She will not do anything but bring her books to us (mummy and daddy) to read to her. If we have visitors over she will grab a book and bring it to them.

When she was 7-8months old she was completely NOT interested in books…we would try to read to her and she wouldnt look, it got very discouraging so I stopped reading to her and just played other games.

I only started reading to her again at about 10 months of age.

Now about the flash cards, I tried them and found that my daughter was mainly interested in them if they had a picture with them. I found LR to be a lot better as she would actually watch them all the way through and would actually get grumpy if I turned the lesson off. I found that she enjoyed watching the animal slideshows that had noise included with the pictures.

Dont give up, there are many other methods to teach your children with, just remember to enjoy your time with them as they are only little for so long :slight_smile:

My daughter is 14 months old and when she was younger she will like to look the books for babies, there are some books with baby faces, and baby pictures, babies love to see other babies faces, there are small books.
She likes the flascards also, but I made some flascards using asl, and she loved them(those were their first flashcards)in one side there is the sign and the other side is the picture with the name. You can get her attention with pictures, mom,dad, pet…something familiar.maybe you can try that. but in a different way, until she is used to flachacards and you go back to the program you are using.

For your older boy I will try the ybcr program, kids love tv, or computers…

One more thing ,I think boys and girls learn in different ways so you maybe should plan different activities for them.

Trinity Papa, thanks for the tips. I hadn’t thought about the distance being too close, now that you mentioned, I should definately keep an eye on the distance!

hi there.

i am not sure if this could be the possible reason why kids are not receptive to flash cards. i have 3 theories.

  1. your child knows the word and is bored.

your child could really know the word and be actually bored. if you flood the child with flash cards they could see it as a chore and not really a fun learning experience or they could take it for granted or are bored with seeing it all the time.

  1. the speed is also a factor. can you be as fast as a computer? or dvd

  2. i think our kids are exposed to speed and technology. now if your computer can make sound effects, how do we compete with that.

i have LR and powerpoint presentations but i still use flash cards. i like Sa’ad to hear my voice and i enjoy flashing the cards. it helps me stick with my schedule.

things i do to keep Sa’ad interested.

  1. when he is walking around aimlessly i get the cards and jump right in front of him and say loudly STOP!!!. his eyes light up and he laughs and i have his attention.

  2. i then read the cards as quick as i can in different silly voices. one of a father bear from (goldilocks and the 3 bears) and a laughing one and a clear one and a baby bear one etc. even a french accent.

  3. and i then put them away. i do 3 sets 3 times a day and not more.

  4. i have a set in my handbag so when im shopping or in the car i use them. the environment is different so it works.

  5. i hide away and scream “come find me” and when he comes then i flash him the words quickly as well.

Rose, I’m interested in what you are saying here. My daughter -9 months- has been getting upset recently with the books I show her before sleep time. In the past, she was trying to grab the book and it was obvious she wanted to play with it, or close it, or turn the pages. But now, she starts grumbling (not sure this is the right word, but she is not happy and becomes very loud) as soon as she sees the book. She still tries to grab it and becomes very frustrated with it. It is hard to explain. If i put it away, she’ll try to hold it, but as soon as she holds it, she becomes vocal again. Needless to say, it’s impossible to read to her. I do it when she drinks her bottle of milk only. Any tips?

I think you should

  • change the subject, show something completely different;
  • show faster;
  • show pictures and use powerpoint or other resources.

When I prepare a session to my foughter i do not think “will it be educative enough” but “will it be funny enough”. Your children are young. Are there any deadlines for starting to read? I guess, no.

One question about your child not liking the books before bed, have they seen these particular books a lot before? I had a similar problem with my first child, and one thing that was later pointed out to me was that they were bored of the same books. I then tried some new books and it helped quite a bit.

Hi everyone. I am surprised with lots of reply.
Big thanks to all of you for being very suportive and cheerful.
I am discoraged and sad and…dont know how to say in English

This is more information , Trinity papa and all:

We are not English speaker. But We started speaking English
to both of them 2-3 months ago. Of corse, they know English less than
our mother tounge language(We are Thai, live in Thailand). Before that,
I teached my son lots of word in English. With flashing cards, I make it
in English. I think my son doesnt know all of words I flashed though.
Coz I try to finish my category (just want to be organized).
Since my daughter is just 8 months, so I think she rarely know the words
I flash her.

For the cards, I use the cards from Gentle Revolution (Glenn Doman institute)
which i boght secondhand from my friend. So the size is big and clear.
But with those cards, I cannot flash them as fast as i wish coz it s really big.
I didnot use picture. At the beginning, I flash 5 sets of 5words 3 times a day.
But I found that it was too much so I decrease to 3 set of 5 words 2-3 times
a day. and I did back to back so it s 10 words for one session and another 5 words for the another session. I did not do it on the day we go out like Sat or Sun.
about math, at the beginning, i do 2 set of 5 dot cards 3 times a day. Now,
I do it 10 cards in 1 session 2-3 times a day. I have just begun to use
Powerpoint with my 2.5 years old son,
do not know the result yet. (using picture with word and sometimes only word)
It draws more attention from him. But the problem is that, he s likely to
manipulate and play with the keyboard too. He like to strike at the keyboard
to see what the change in the screen. (I have to push the button
to the next page. Should it use animation to turn to the next page
automatically— i think it consume lots of time to do so)

My daughter can creep but not good enogh to creep away from me.
But believe me, i start it since she cannot crawl/ creep. If she is not
interested, she just turn her head way or crying. So i think mobility is
not big deal. FOr my son, he just run away. So i try to do it onhis carseat
(in the car–he goes to a preschool from 8-12). Again, he turn his head
away but he repeat my word without looking at it.

I think that all info.

And I have one question. What do you think about flash picture
with word? I think that if i flash picture, maybe he s not paying
attendtion to words.

We are about moving to a new house in 2 weeks. Maybe it is the
good time to change into the new routine.
Please let me know your suggestions. I will adapt it in our routine.
Thank you so much