Shichida Parents - Choosing a Math Program?

My son has been attending Shichida classes for the past 3 months and we are finding the program quite interesting. He likes the classes and it has improved his concentration. I would like to know if there are other parents in the Brillkids community who are also attending Shichida. I am thinking of buying the 63 day maths program since my son attends the classes but am not sure whether LM would be better. I have tried the LM trial and my son loves it, but he also loves flashcards. So, for those Shichida parents, which maths program are you using and why?

Hello Rd,

Purchase LM and you can download all of the shichida math files in the downloads area for the 63 days program. This way, you have the option of owning both LM/Shichida. The biggest benefit is being able to change the icons, unlike the cards. If your child ever reaches a point when they are bored of red dots, being able to change the icons helps rejuvenate their interest.

Good Luck!


rd, my bb is going to attend the shichida class in july. glad that you have good feedback on the program… hope my bb will get benefits from it too. u r from malaysia/spore?

TeachingMyToddler, thanks for sharing we can download the shichida math files from LM! karma to you :slight_smile:

I just wanted to say I am completely envious that you get to take your children to Shichida school! I convinced my husband to move our family overseas for a variety of reasons (a job offer came our way) and the language immersion and enrichment classes like Shichida were my primary motivations for wanting to go! I was heartbroken when it all fell through. So I just do the best I can on my own, but truly be grateful for the opportunities you can offer you children!

Also, I am going to move this to the math forum for you/retitle since it’s predominantly about math. Hopefully you’ll get some better responses this way and find the information you are looking for. Good luck!

TmT, will share my experience aft attending the classes :slight_smile: i envious those from USA too… there are so many early education materials which are much cheaper to purchase there…

@TeachingMyToddler, thank you for your advice. I will consider getting LM and have both ciriculums. I am grateful that I can send my son to Shichida but the classes are expensive and I did reconsider reenrolment for next term but have decided to continue. The classes is fast pace and it is a good reference for creating activities for home practice. I have read that Shichida is more successful if you do home practice. I have visited your blog before and I envy how much you have done and the activities you come up with. The main point of the program is stimulation and you have achieved a lot of that already. If you wanted to get a bit more info on what activities that occur in a Shichida class, there is a blog
that was done in 2007 detailing class activities for a 2 year old. There are only a few lessons written and the another blog was created (I don’t know why). Although it is old, I found some of the actovities are very similar to what is done in class. It gives parents who are not familiar with Shichida an idea of what it is all about.

@dna, I am actually in Australia. Where are you from? I hope that you will also find the program interesting.

Thanks for the link, I am going to check it out later today when my kids are napping. I love the chance to learn more about teaching them, which is why I am here to begin with. Sharing infomation helps us all become better parents! Thanks again!

rd, didn’t know shichida has a centre in Aus too :slight_smile: i’m from Singapore

can someone tell me what shichida is about? i’m in australia too and have never heard of it…

Hi TmT, could you possibly send me the link on the site where I can find the 60-day program? I can’t seem to find it!

Hi Sarah,

I have the 65 day program up on my blog:

It is taken directly from the Shichida parents handbook. The only thing is that I have since been told that the 65 day program has been modified and it is now a 63 day program. I don’t know what the differences are though. Seems to be pretty hush hush because I cannot find any information on the 63 day program. There are websites selling the 63 day program kit based on the Shichida Method but they are Chinese websites and not being able to read chinese, I can’t follow it. This is one of the sites selling the 63 day kit:

Whoops, sorry Sarah, my bad. Just re-read the whole thread… Realised I’ve given you the wrong info… There is no 63 day program on BrillKids LM but Agnes did the 65 day program. It’s here:;pg=4;q=cC50aXRsZSBMSUtFICclc2hpY2hpZGElJyA;w=IChwLklEX0NBVCBMSUtFICclWzIxOF0lJykgQU5E;qs=336dc559e22e2e093b1ca1c92ed5293d2fa7df05;ws=3b97425c72f94c7e503199f0d032d6fd6b018881

If the link doesn’t work, Click the “download more” link from your LM. Click presets and search for “Shichida”. It should come up.

RD - My sons attend Heguru which is apprently very similar to Shichida. Rumour was that they split ways from Shichida Japan so they have the same source, hence the similarity between their lessons.

I still have LM which I do for my younger son and occasionally my older son. I plan to do the Shichida 65 day program for my older son. Did not do it earlier because he was resistent and I didn’t want to force. Lately, he’s been more open to flash cards again so I’m thinking he might be ready to start.

I have also been looking into Soroban/Ansan and the program from Math Secret to reinforce the Math part. My son started right brain training late and he has always been very logical so I fear he is already very left brain.

Hi ShenLi, I OF COURSE have donwloaded your Shicihda parents manual a long time ago (you know Im a religious follower of your blog). Thanks SO much for the link to the LM site. Karma to you and TmT!

Hi Sarah, the only ones I knew/know of are the LR files by Agnes and then ShenLi’s blog Link. ShenLi thank you for giving your link & info, my knowledge of shichida is limited at best!

Thanks TmT - that’s exactly what I wanted - the LM version!

Hi everyone,
New to board , just join today. I am down in Malaysia , and I am looking to teach math to my 2.5 yr girl , as part of the right brain training . Can someone pls help tell me which is the best one ? I am inclined toward little math , how is it ? Also read about jones genius, but don’t have a clue yet

live in Mumbai now , don’t have any right brain school like schicda or heyguru. So trying to create something from home. thks

Hi mna,

Welcome to BrillKids!!! Little Math would be a good right brain program to teach your little girl math. My son loves Little Math!! There are alot of extra downloads available. Have you signed up for the free trial yet? Little Math uses quantity recognition and then teaches equations as well as numerals. They allow you to arrange the icons on each lesson at random or grid placement. I am not sure how Jones Geniuses’ program is designed to teach math. But I thought to build a strong solid foundation Little Math was the best program to start with.

If anyone else can give us some insight on Jones Geniuses.

Hope I could be of some help.

Hi Shenli,

I avidly have read your blog , and I am currently in Malaysia , with my 3 yr old daughter. I live in Mumbai, and we don’t have any right brain school teacher. I am really puzzled , with which maths program to buy for her , ie little math, jone genius , or orthers. Which do you feel the best for a beginner like me . I did read your blog on doman vs little math. also are there any other right brain material , which you feel i can buy and take it along , to do the right brain stuff back in Mumbai. thks