Shichida Method - Books

I search information (concepts) about the shichida method. Especially where I can get books where Makoto Shichidas methods are explained or books from himself. Thank you in advanced for your help.

I think you can obtain books by Shichida from this site see Q2 A2 for details.


Thanks for the link, Chris - Shichida information is so hard to find!

Also, for english products direct from the the Shichida school in NYC - link to store:

Hi again,

thank you very much Chris for the information. Sorry that i couldn’t reply earlier. I got two books but still search the book “Right brain education in infancy: Theory and practice”.
Could anyone help me where i can get this book as 2hand or new or could borrow me. I would pay the shipping costs.

Best regards,

Thanks a lot AlliesMom I have been looking for this for a while to buy directly from JP is so complicated.
Thanks a million for this resource.
jsut out of curiosity how did you find it?

Karma to you !!


I would also like to buy second hand… I am in Canada… or do an exchange… My husband works in the US so I have the option of exhanging that way… any takers


have someone order english shichida material from the website ?
I send them my order list several times but they never answered. Perhapst i did something wrong? I’m trying to order
from Germany. Please help. Thank you in advanced.

Best regards,

Where do you live? I heard that it is difficult to buy Shichida books in mycountry too. There is a shichida center in my country, but they dont have the books for sell. Anyway, people who would like to buy the books can ask center owner to order it from Japan.

I have ordered books from shichida japan. But what i am going to say may dissapoint most of you.

  1. The english books i have ordered, they don’t really provide alot of DIY + you won’t know if its correctly done, it gives plenty of description of the power of the right mind in quite poor english translation from japanese. And he quotes aot from western right mind study. So if you do english, a few right mind books would give you a general idea of what he is trying to say about right brain. The other thing is although they do give general description of how to bring about that right brain power, its actually very simplistic that it couldn’t be it only to get that superb brain. There is no way to know if what your doing is working or not. The GD books are more descriptive for reading & maths etc… compared to shichida’s. It practically tells you to attend classes with them and most of the time he goeson to describe success stories from his training centers. Also he says you need a opened right brained teacher to teach children succesfully … again read attend his classes… finally if you still want to get his books … try calling japan … that’s what i did … i get the sales name ask for a english speaker talked to them and email confirmation with visa etc … the post cost about or more than the books…

  2. If you know how to read traditional chinese you will have tonnes of books i think more than 10 … and i do have them all actually … again unfortunately alot of cross referencing and alot of singing of praises … and some methodology … written in taiwan or translated there … can get books from Taiwan, HK and some tites only from Singapore…

good luck

I totally agree w Trinity Papa, I read almost all of e Chinese translated books n they don’t state clearly of the method. It has lots of cross referencing …except the actual method step by step.
Any Shichida parents here will provide u better w e lesson plan.

Dear trinity papa,

Do you mean that Chinese books are more methodology and more practical?
I cannot read Chinese but I can read Japanese. Probably, I will try to get Japanese version. Which book do you recommend? Could you please let me know the name in Chinese (or ENG). I understand Chinese letter.(Cannot read but know the meaning)


Hi ing, i can’t read japs … but if you can, do try out most of their books and do tell us your findings … as for your query … no the chinese books are just slightly better than the english ones … perhaps luckmommy can give more details …

Thanks for reply, trinity papa. I will try Jap version and will let you know. Anyway, I do not live in Japan(I am notJapanese and live in Thailand). I will figure it out how to get the books

Hi Ing,
Your youngest child is about same age as mine. Here is the summary of one of the book for infant:
( due to my poor Eng, let me know if I did not explain clearly any of the points below) or other parents can help me out w the explanation, please!

0 age education plan
1- listen to music cd = start fr 2-3 months old
2- look at picture/paintings = start fr 2-3 months old
3- Teach language ( start fr the names of our body parts) = immediately after birth
4- Use our fingers to point to let our child understand ( eg: this is your hand, repeat hand, hand, hand and show our child where is his hand. follow by leg and other body parts. After they understand u can ask your child can u touch your hand, where is your leg) = no age stated
5- Don’t baby talk to your child, use the proper language = no age stated
6 to 8- Physical exercises
9 to 10 - Let our children get in touch w nature - for fresh air = start fr 1 month old
11 - Sun bathed = start fr 2 months old
12 - Take note of the usage of walker = no age stated
13 - Let infant hang on our fingers ( refer to Doman method for details) = start after 1 month old
14 - Let our children play w balls = start fr 6 months old
15 - Teach our children language ( daily objects ) = start fr 1 month old
16 - Teach our children the names of animals = start fr 6 months old
17 - Read storybook to our children = start fr 6 months old
18 - Storytelling for our children = starts fr 6 months old
19 - Tell our children more about facts ( eg: how the milk comes fr, how the bird look after their baby, how they build their nest. Is the same as Doman method - EK) = start fr 2 years old
20 - Teach reading = start fr 2 yrs old
21 - Fastest age to teach and absorb very fast ( refer to Doman books - the younger the better ) = start fr 6 mths old
22 - The ability to remember language ( refer to doman books) At least start fr 2 yrs old, the younger the better.
23- Read books = start fr 2 yrs old
24- increase our children’s vocabulary = no age stated
25 to 26- Teach phonics =start fr 2 yrs old
27 - Record our children’s language development = immediately after birth
28 - Teach our children to write = start fr 2-3 years old
29 - Let our children write diary = start fr 2-3 years old
30 - Let our children write letters ( eg to relatives) = start fr 2-3 years old
31 - Parents need to keep a diary of our children = immediately after birth
32 - Let our children have their own notes ( eg under the page of a: there will be words of apple, b - ball, ballon ) = start fr 2-3 yrs old
33 - Teach our children how to count = start fr 1 yrs old
34 - Let our children draw = start fr 2 yrs old
35 - Play color games = start fr 2 yrs old
36 - Use actual objects to teach color = start fr 2 yrs old
37- Training of observation = start fr 2 yrs old
38 - Let our children have more experience about the world ( eg: bring to for outings: to look at sea, mountain, country side, zoo) = immediately after birth
39 - IQ games = start fr 1 yr old
40 - Teach Children English = start fr 9 or 10 months old
41 - Perfect pitch = Start fr 3 yrs old

End. ( not sure if I should post this as some might not understand what I am trying to write here. :frowning:
These r the guidelines, however Pro Shichida did stated the earlier the better. He quote alot about Glenn Doman in his other books for older children. Eg the maths dots…

In my own opinions, the reading and maths n EK programmes can use Glenn doman as it stated very clearly in his books on the steps to do it. My understanding fr my friends whose children that are attending Shichida class. For flash cards they use alot of pictures unlike Doman method. And one of the mommy told me that her first child start w Shichida method shows less interest on wording compare to e younger child who start w doman method first. Of course all these r personal experiences.
For me I will be using Doman method as a start for my son and add in more things as it goes. In future when I have a better understanding will add in linking memory, speedreading ESP or whatever that will be taught in the class. In short will be combining few method together.

I really hope my post will not confuse anybody here

thanks LuckyMommy1307. How about for age 2+?

Hi Jemjem,
U can refer to those I put start fr 2 yrs old. For e rest of the books did not state very clearly abt the method. U can refer to Trinity Papa’s post earlier. It has alot of cross referencing and the actual details are not there. For me, a first time mom I really need methods that provide steps by steps so that I know I did not mess anything up. Fr my understanding is that 2 yrs old class they have speedreading, linking memory, ESP, multi languages… and alot of other things which I am not aware of unless I attend the lesson in future.

thanks luckymommy1307 :smiley:

Thank you so much Luckymommy1307 for your time and contribution!! I am really appreciated the education plan. It is very useful for me anf for others, I am sure.

I also think that the child who start from Shichida method will have difficulty with GD method. It might bore them. I plan to appply Shichida method when she is older than 2 years old.

Frankly speaking, I hv just know Glenn Doman method and also Shichida method.(less than a month) So i feel very sorry and guilty for my eldest son whom I did not do anything to. Now he s 2.5 years old. After I know about GD. I bought the kit. It is really expensive for me but I have no time to waste. I have to look after 2 kids that s too busy to prepare materials. I start teaching him and also my daughter Math first. Just start Reading last week. According to GD method, i have to 21 sessions (Read 15+ Math 6) but I cannot. It s too much. So I do about 14 sessions per day. But still wonder is it gonna work? because I did not do what exactly the book say.

And I know the book “how smart is your baby” but wondering is it okay to use with my daughter who are 6 months old. Is it for the new-born?? (Maybe I need to raise this question in new topic) If it s applicable to 6 mo old. I m thinking about buying the book

I have a book on Shichida Method but in Chinese. It was given by a friend. Frankly speaking, I have not even read it…bcos due to busy daily schedule.

Just a few tips for those new mothers.
I have two sons. The older son, Shawn is 7 years old and younger son will be 3 yrs old in August.
I started teaching Shawn alphabet when he was only 6 months old. The first letter I taught him was letter “O”…then keep exposing him to all things including listening to music, showing all educational VCD etc…
I even made an effort to attend the Phonics programme so that I could teach my son. When I looked back, I have no regrets because Shawn started to read at the age of 2 and half years old. At the age of 5, he started reading encyclopedia. He could absorb and digest every word he read. It saved me a lot of time as he gets older as he could read books by himself and he could explain to me what he read. To make my story short…start teaching your child whenever you have time. No need to wait until 2 years old or schooling age…If possible spend at least 30 mins everyday with your child ( one to one) playing & teaching your child. Though he may not be able to give response now but I can assure you that you will not regret when you see the results later…Please don’t underestimate your child’s ability.

As for my younger son, I spent lesser time with him due to my busy schedule and also 2nd child, parents tend to more slacking… :smiley: . However, due to my determination, at least I could see that my younger child at the age of 2 and half, he knows his alphabet and even the phonetic sound of the letters. I could not compare him with my older son because it was my laziness for not guiding him at an earlier age. :frowning:

Then start teaching your child now…will never be too late

Hi Ing,
U just do whatever u can, me even I am a stay home mom I can’t commit to the GD sessions like other parents. I came to know abt SM when my son was 3 mths old, I spend my time read through whatever resources I can find on Shichida method but I did not proceed with anything as I am not clear. In Shichida’s book he mentioned abt GD as well, and I spent alot of time looking for resources abt it as I didn’t know both are available in Singapore. So silly of me right? And I finally decide to start on GD first and enroll my son to the Shichida school to learn how to do home practise.

The reason been as mentioned in the GD books we need to prepare our material in advance so that I won’t feel stress up. But now when LR n LM and so many free downloads u don’t have to worry so much. All u need to do is see which one more suitable and start flashing. And u don’t have to wait till your child is 2 yrs old to start SM as u can add in more activities when u r more settle w your current routine.

Wow u are a super mom, how u manage w 14 sessions? I can’t!!! I am lazy also… I do 3 sessions of physical flash cards, 3 sessions of slideshows or LR. 3 sessions of educational dvd ( all very short period) and 3 sessions of reading books. And the rest of the time listen to music and playtime. I don’t know how to organize to 14 sessions. I do the flash cards back to back. And not everyday I am able to cover 3 sessions.

I am using Tweedle wink dvd also. They are very good and it is right brain training as well. U might want to get them as well.

The how smart is your baby book is great! It starts fr new born, applicable to your 6mth old child.