Shichida Method - Books

Hi Angmei…What a genius boy!! Reading encyclopedia at vey young age!! Thanks for your suggestions. As you said, about playing and teaching the child 30 minutes, could you give some examples what to teach the kid during that time? Teaching anything he s interested in, right? You did not mean GD method or Shichida method ,did you? And I understand what you said about laziness with the second child. You know i have tons of my eldest son photo but have very little for my daughter. I am too lazy to take the photo all the time(unlike my first son) ha ha lol

Big thanks Lucky mommy1302. I know that Singapore is the good place to find all everything about educational things, even the decent schools!! Actually the GD cards i used now, it is originally came from Singapore. :smiley:

About SM, I just think that Shichida has lots of picture while GD doesnot have. SO If kids do Shichida, It s likely that they will refuse the GD method which has only words, no pictures. What do you think about this??

All I do now is physical paper card only. I try to keep the schedule 14 sessions. But at the weekend, I cannot do that because I think I better take my kids to play and learn outside. Like going to zoo, aquarium, museum…or even the playground.
Well, 14 sessions for me is quite tough though. Imagine, I have to do 14 sessions for each kid. It is totlly 28 sessions. I did it! I even do it in the car (only when he is happy). I think you have ever heard about the traffic in Bangkok. I have to go out everyday to send and pick my son at a preschool. Normally, with his good mood, I can do at least 4 sessions in the car in his carseat. And the rest, I do it at home. Anyway, I am thinking aout cut down the sessions or do it back to back.

I hv just know about LR and LM from this site but i am not sure how to use it or what the program look like. Is there any photo in LR? It s interesting. I also look for the info on Tweedle Wink but I am not sure if I can afford the Tweeedle Wink. I am thinking about it

u can download e free LR lite to try out first. I write to u later got to attend to my son now

hi, may i know where can i buy the shichida flash cards? thanks

Hello everyone,

If you want a step by step guide for Shichida, a good book to get is “Quantum Speed Reading: Awakening Your Child’s Mind” by Yumiko Tobitani. Alternatively, try to get your hands on a copy of the Shichida Parents Handbook which gives you the step by step. Because both are difficult to get, I have them written out here:

I also have the Shichida books from Japan and I agree, it is difficult to extrapolate what you need to do with your child unless you have actually been to the classes. Probably the fundamental lesson to take away from those books is the connection - right brain development/relationship/love. The links above share with you the activities you need to do with your child, but without focussing on your relationship with your child, the practice will not be effective.

If you need further clarification, just let me know and I will try to answer you to the best of my understanding.

hi shenLi, thanks for your links. can i ask, is tweedle wink an alternative to shichida?

what’s the difference btw tweedle wink, wink to learn and brainy baby, in terms of methods or approach? thanks!!

Hi dna,

TW is not really an alternative to Shichida. They incorporate right brain activities into their program, so it is a good program to do, but if you want to fully develop your child’s right brain, I still think it is important to follow Shichida’s home practice activities. Ideally, the best is if you can send your child for right brain classes. If there aren’t any right brain classes where you live, you can do the Wink program at home or follow the right brain training home practice guide I posted the link to.

TW is both a DVD program and a early childhood development class. I’m assuming you are referring to the DVD? The difference between TW DVD and Wink to Learn is that Wink to Learn is specifically about one subject. For instance, it might be a language. They show series of flash cards - words and images at normal speed and fast speed. You can elect to have the pictures and words, pictures only, or words only. The TW DVD is a more complete program because they do eye training, music, math, reading, science, art, speed reading, vocabulary expansion, etc. They also focus on building your relationship with your child - which is a key part of right brain education.

I cannot comment on Brainy Baby because I don’t have their DVDs.

Hope that helps.