Shichida 65-Day Math programme?

I would also like to be directed to some step by step guide on how to run this program.

Thank you, Ages! This is most helpful – thank you for posting the program.


Hi Agne, I was wondering if turning off the symbol necessary? Would the program not be effective if the symbols is left on?

I read the forum and I understood the main concepts that there are 2 cycles - 65 days each, which should be repeated twice. I downloaded presets by Agnesdecham. However, I in cycle 2 presets are from day 1 to 9 and 55-58. Does anyone know where to find days 10-54 in cycle 2?

and how do I test my child in days 59-65? is it necessary? can I skip the testing?

Yes, it would be great to get the second cycle!

I also am looking for Cyle 2, days 10-54. Where can I find them? Or what do they contain so I can make them myself? Thanks.

thanks for the ideas

You can follow this link

Thanks for sharing the link/ It’s really helpful. I still have a question. In cycle 2 we repeat days 10-54 EXACTLY as they are in cycle 1? Or do we make the lessons following the lessons in cycle 1, but using numbers from 50 to 100? It sounds confusing, but I truly don’t understand why we teach numbers 50-100 in Cycle 2, but show addition, subtraction etc. using numbers 1-50

HI all,
Need some help here. I tried to download Agnes’s 65 days Math program but it appear to be lmtp which couldn’t recognize by LM progam. ANy idea?

Best Regards

I did Shichida with my son when he was around 2 years old. It was a pain! We used the Little Math software. Any parents who wanted to start teaching this method, please do so before your baby starts walking. lol Anyway, 65-day program is actually quite simple but calling it “65 day” is misleading. This is actually a 65x4-day program so there are 260 days of lessons in total.

Circle 1 - Day 1 -9, flash 1-50
Circle 1 - Day 10 -54, equations
Circle 1 - Day 55-65, I call it the testing period.

Circle 2 - Day 1-9, flash 51-100
Circle 2 - Day 10 -54, equations (the exact same set as circle 1)
Circle 2 - Day 55-65, I call it the testing period.

Circle 3 - repeat Circle 1
Circle 4 - repeat circle 2

That’s it! You are done. 260 days of pain and lots of repetition. I have no clue if my son had learned anything but I do know one thing. Teaching math to young baby is like giving him Flintstones’ gummy vitamins. I don’t really see the clear results like teaching him to read but I know it’s good for him and I kept doing it. (giving him the super math vitamins, that is!).

Pennyphoo, .lmtp is actually the Little Math’s file. You may want to save the files into your computer, and then import them to Little Math. Make sure that your browser don’t change the file name from .lmtp to .zip. If your files is .zip, you will have to rename the file extension.

Please read this support article from Brillkids. I hope this helps:

Hello Danellie,

Your answer to the online DIY…
if Shichida Method is not in your area is
I hope that helps.

My son was on the Shichida Method from 1 to 4 years old. The school never conducted the 65 Day math program during lesson. It is really up to the parents to carry out the program at home. The instructor would flash the number cards on average 3 times during lesson. Also she would use the abacus to count and would encourage each kid to have a go.

  1. Flash 1, say 1
  2. While taking another card from the back, say +
  3. Flash 3, say 3