You don’t have to worry about following anybody’s else schedule except your child’s. I didn’t even exactly follow GDs schedule or showing addition after first 20 dots … i did it after 50 … its easier to show more addition after 50 … since we’re suppose to show 9 equations a day … its quite alot … if your only at 20 …
I wrote up a schedule on my own but leaving the date out subsequently, as the baby may not be feeling well, or teething, or we have some other curriulum on certain days or travelling … what’s mportant is to do have a rough schedule, the equations all ready … and leave out the dates … each time you finish a step just cancel it away and move on to the next … be it SM or GD … as long as you show them something on dots and link it to vocalization and subsequently vocal to numerals … they get the idea … once you do 3 step equation you don’t need to show them the equation …just the answers …
Thanks for the guidelines. I downloaded Agnes’ Shichida/LM sets and printed out the jpeg schedule posted by her in Reply #23 and #24 of this thread - and need clarification about the process.
I think for the 1st cycle on Days 1 - 9, you show the dot cards 1 - 50 and then proceed with day 10 for addition and so on until day 65; and then for the 2nd cycle for Days 1 - 9 you show the dot cards 51 - 100 and follow the rest of the schedule. And then repeat the entire 1st/2nd cycles again? Is that correct? I just want to make sure that I understand the schedule and how to use the LM sets I downloaded, please.
hehe…ur are most welcome for those who thanks me! I just wanna share the good resources with all the mums in brillkids :yes: ! For the SM schedule, u have to consistently do it everyday and you can do it more than once a day (the same dot card for that day) until u complete the 65 days programme (for those toddler who are more than 3 yrs continue with day 55 until 65, and for those younger,you can stop at day 54). Then you can take a break for a week before you start cycle 2. Hope you all enjoy it!
Thank you so much for creating the whole programm and making it available for everybody. I don’t really now anything about Shichida. I’m sorry if it sounds lazy, but I’m up for anything that is “ready to go”. My questions is if I can use all your files with my daughter following the order and doing cicle 1 first and then cicle 2 without really knowing anything about the method.
Thanks Agnes!!! :biggrin:
This is what I was looking for with SM math. It is all such a mystery unless you can be in the program.
How many times a day do you recomend showing dots ( day 1, day 2, day 3, etc.)?
Joha: I would advice you to take a look of the initial post in the topic discussion about the 65 days programme so that you have a better idea about this method. But after all, you just need to follow day 1, day 2 … schedule to conduct the programme.
MonkeynoseMomma: It really depend on you and try not to bored your child. I would advice not more than 3 time. =)
I’ve a qns for you. Is your child in the SM class?
Because mine is but I’m thinking of dropping out. Seek your opinion whether you think is it necessary to continue the class if I can just teach her home base. The class is only once a week & I’m thinking whether does it really makes a difference.
Hi Shuhui,
Ya my child is in the SM class and I am still sending her to the class although the course is quite expensive but my child love all the activities there and I can see her improvement and changes in her behaviors (she used to be very bad temper). I find the class is quite rewarding in enhancing the bonding btwn my child and I. So it’s really depend on your own decision how good is the lesson for both u and ur kids. =)
For those who had downloaded or going to download the 65days programme, please change the setting to disable the showing of the symbol of +, -, = etc… to turn off symbols, go to display settings, and up at the top right under general, check the box that says do not display symbols if showing icons. I am so sorry about the mistake that I had made and hope you all enjoy the programme.
Besides that, all the equation should show only once. I think on the set of maths equation from day 10 - day 60, I didn’t set the no. of equation and all of them were in the preset as 15, so they might be repetition. Please change it to the no. of equation I had filled in. I would like to apologize again for the mistake I made.
Hey… A question for all you Shichida math experts!
Just looking at the scanned document that Agnes gave us before, and I notice it says:
“Random Type (Plain Dots) is used for the whole of this 65 Day Prog.
Supplement with:
a.Variety Type (Picture Dots) to be flashed 10 cards each time in sequence to offer a system of picture dots.
b. Organized Type (Pattern Dots) to be flashed daily. 10 cards each time in sequence.”
Does this mean you only need to do one session per day (with plain dots), but if you want you can do up to three sessions per day, with session two and three using picture dots and pattern dots respectively?
What can picture dots include? Are they just shapes or actual pictures, too? (Like what?)
Pattern dots - is that the same as grid alignment in Little Math?
the picture dots i see during the Shichida sessions includes fish, cars etc… but when they show a set, all cards are same, either fish or car. In other Japan flashcard DVD i ve seen, they show different shape, style, type of cats. Eg… showing 10 different position or species of cats if teaching the quantity 10. As for shichida, all 10 cats would be the same position/type or style. Sorry, cant help u in the sessions.
One can be sure that in 65 days the information sticks in the brain.
I have researched that if you use both side of the brain you will see amazing results and if the child is well rounded that the child will shine.
What I mean is : mazes, puzzles, eye exercise, memory games, reading alot doing alot of work book doing alot of activities
music lessons, are just a few things that we can do and the result is remarkable but if we do it for 65 days than it is sort of a habbit.
Just remember expose your child to every thing aand they will florish just stay calm and happy at all the time and no harsh punishment because it gives a negative message to the brain and automatically it stops learning.
So dance and teach math it works!
The Variety Type dot card is the type that the “DOT” is arrange in a picture form and not a “picture icon replacing the dot” and for the Organize Type, it is the same as the grid alignment in LM using the “DOT”. From what I knew, shichida only using dot card and there isn’t any other shape like square or diamond or etc… They only change the way how the place the dot either organise them into a picture form or in a grid form. Hope that’s help.
When I flash the answers of the equations, am I supposed to flash it fast ie 1 second per card? I read somewhere that the answer is supposed to be held individually instead of 1 stack of cards.
For the page 2 of the scanned scheule, what are the notes on the left-hand side - they are unreadable when I printed it. And I feel like I am missing some vital information.
The print out was given by the teacher and my original copy from the teacher was also unclear. I think if you read the instruction on page 1 on the left panel, it’s almost include all the information that you need to know. Besides that, if you have any doubt, try to read through the 65 days programme discussion post by other parents especially on page 1 by pupisek, she had provided a very informative summary about shichida programme. Thanks you.
This is great information about the Shichida math program. Thank you to all who have posted. Does anyone have any more information that can be used by parents at home to teach other aspects of the Shichida program? I have not been able to find any Shichida classes in the United States - does anyone know if there are any?