Shichida 65-Day Math programme?

Someone mentioned the Shichida 65-day Math Programme in the Little Math end survey.

Can someone who knows this elaborate on what this is exactly?

YippEE good question… Ill karma anyone who answers this :slight_smile: :yes:

I do not have personal experience but I searched on the internet today and found something.
SGparenting page with forum -
(I registered - I am not sure if you have to to read threads)

There is Shichida method discussion and Doman metod discussion (and much more)

For example here you can find something about his Math program (and many more questions from parents with answers).

Objective: 65-day math program enables your child to be capable of lightning rapid maths calculation.
Description: The program consists of 2 cycles of 65 days each to be repeated twice. So a total of 260 (65X2X2) days required.
First cylce introduces dots 1-50 whilst second cycle introduces dots 51-100.
Typically, in each cycle you introduce

  • the individual dot cards,
  • followed by addition,
  • then subtraction,
  • then multiplication,
  • then division,
  • then multitudinous calculations eg. 34+8-20, (2-1)x3, (75-50)x2-10,
  • then associate the number to the respective dot cards
  • then image calculation e.g. get child to convert dots into numbers and vice versa, play “which one is 58-23?” and show 2 cards for child to choose.
    His program laying out what to do on Day 1, 2, …, 65.

Materials used: Dot cards (1-100)
SM school sells “dot” cards at their bookstore. Their cards consist of pics. like veges and others. Every 10 cards have the same pics. e.g. brinjals for 10 cards then change of pic. They have 3 types of “dot” cards - random “dots”, random “dots” with number, non-random “dots”.

The 65 days maths program’s 4 cycles goes like this:-

Cycle 1 : Dot cards (1-50) Follow program Day 1 - 65
Note that Day 1-9 and 55-58 of cycle 1 is shown in column entitled “1st cycle”
On day 66, begin
Cycle 2 : Dot cards (51-100) Follow program Day 1 - 65.
Note that Day 1-9, 55-58 of cycle 2 is shown in column entitled “2nd Cycle”
On day 131, begin
Cycle 3 : a repeat of cycle 1
On day 196, begin
Cycle 4 : a repeat of cycle 2

Day 55-58 is when you show the number that is associated with the respective dot cards. e.g. dot card with 1 dot is associated with number 1.
Day 59 to 65 is the testing phase. The program describes different ways of testing your child.

Hi all, I need help in understanding the Shichida Method of Maths 65 Days Programme. Can someone help me???

ANSWER: Pls find my inputs to your questions below:

  1. Is it ok to use only dot cards to teach? If not, how to introduce picture dots or pattern dots? What is pattern dots?
    65-day program is based on dots card only. Picture / pattern cards can be shown to support the dots cards.

  2. When I teach the addition, for eg. 1+1=2, do I show only the “2” dot card? Or do I need to show “1” “1” and “2”?
    Just show “2” dots.

  3. When do I need to introduce “+”, “-”, “/”, “x” and “=”?
    No need.

  4. The list doesn’t seems to include “0”. Any idea when to introduce “0”?
    No idea. I showed my dd “0” after 65-day program.

  5. How many times do I need to show the dot cards everyday? How many times do I need to show the problem sum each day? How many problem sum do I need to show my child each day?
    10 formulea, once to 3 times a day.

  6. Is it true that Shichida Method doesn’t believe in repetition?
    Shichida actually mentioned kids love repetition in his book “Babies are genius”.

I am wondering which method is more effective? For 1+1=2, showing 1 then 1 then 2 or just showing the aswer 2?
Especially for the first cycle, when yr kid has not been able to relate the number you are saying with the dots, flashing 2 only makes me hesitate.

Answer: When I first started the equation with my boy, I performed the followings:

  1. Flash 1, say 1
  2. While taking another card from the back, say +
  3. Flash 3, say 3
  4. While taking another card from the back, say =
  5. Flash 4, say 4
    However, when my boy becomes more mobile and has shorter attention span, I changed to the following method:
  6. Say 1 + 1 =
  7. Flash the card 2 and say 2

And here is one more interesting article I found about Shichida Method in general.

Shichida Method - What’s it All About?

Dr Shichida in case you didn’t know, is the guru of right brain education in Japan, often in the press in the late 1990s and early 2000s, though the press seems to have tired of him since there hasn’t been anything new from his quarters lately. Anyway, I sent my two kids to a Shichida Academy a few years ago for a couple of terms out of curiosity. And below are some of the things I learnt:

Some of the practices and goals that characterize the Shichida Method founded by Dr Shichida Makoto of the Shichida Academy are:

– visual imaging: images are flashed at speed of half a second, to bring out the right-brained speed recall. This is done many times throughout every sessions. Subject-matter varies considerably (they say content doesn’t matter as much as development of the ability)

– memorization of stories – practice is done on 100 picture cue cards shown as story is read. The stories are quite ridiculous and difficult to memorize and change over the weeks. But kids learn to memorize at first 10, then 20, then 30 and up to 1,000 cards. By two terms, 90 per cent recall is aimed at. Kids can recall which picture falls in which square, or by word cue, or in any manner of recall. This appears to be very effective, I’ve seen most kids excel at this over time. This trains the kids to associate words with images in their heads, and eventually they see pictures instead of words in their heads and can achieve perfect recall of books they’ve read.

– memorization of numbers – the kids practice memorization of a thousand images linked to numbers. Eventually they will be able to recall any number combination using image-association.
– speed-reading and speed-listening is done every lesson
– memorization of several hundred mandala patterns, Dr Shichida says there is a finite number of shapes that make up everything in nature and the universe, once the child has seen every combination, he can spot and recall all the patterns in science and nature. This seems to be rather fascinating as well. The children are flashed in a few seconds and must recall all the colors in the pattern flashed.

– Kids are flashed different shapes and color patterns on a grid or in a
random picture and must reproduce them in a blank format. Sometimes they are asked to reproduce a line drawing of an animal or even a complicated maze. These are again amazing activities with great results. My two year old started with 3 patterns and colors to progressively difficult combinations and can do them. My 6 year old has to contend with 20 or more at a flash, and has improved tremendously on this skill.

– Mathematical calculation skills – there is an intricate 65 day math course that you must do with your kid – it is repeated about three times to achieve speed-calculation skills.

– There are many spatial puzzles to be solved in a very short space of time during each session. These are very challenging. They are reinforced through the worksheets taken home. My two-year old has 30-day worksheets as well as my 6 yr old. The worksheets are very varied, from mazes, to puzzles, to logic exercises, to math. They work on skills incrementally as well.

– Others: Speed listening, speed-reading; perfect pitch skills training; the basic sounds of many foreign languages are taught in songs, proverbs, flashcards during the sessions as well. These will not help the child master any language but will give the child an ear for most world languages should he or she choose to pick it up later. Language activities are also often incorporated – riddles, tongue-twisters, excellent selection of poetry.

– For my 6 yr old, one science experiment is demonstrated every now and then.

– Exercise of Imagination (this seems to be a key component and is never compromised upon, every lesson starts with this. Apparently, exercising the imagination is a trigger to activating the right-brain’s abilities.

– One very unconventional activity is the ESP (guessing) game that is also never compromised upon. Even 2 year olds get into the habit of doing these games very well. Dr Shichida’s premise is that everything in the universe boils down to some form of wave energy, so energy-wave reading is a key skill that all students are expected to perfect. The lessons, following the imagery/imagination exercises, incorporate ESP activities. I can tell you that many a parent starts out a skeptic and is quite converted at the end of the course. For the past three lessons, all the students in my son’s class (including my son) achieved perfect scores in guessing matching cards in a set of 4’s (and my son has quite astounded me at home as well). My then two year old for the most part takes to the ESP games like a duck to water (the 2 year olds don’t work with cards though).

There are a number of techniques which Dr Shichida uses to “train” parents (during the compulsory parent seminars) that are designed to show parents how to achieve the optimum beta waves and relaxed states that are necessary for concentration and best memory recall results - he tells parents who scold intimidate or abuse their children they must change their negative ways and teaches them how to affirm and lavish praise on their kids, and much more.

Neurosurgeons have endorsed his school, and there are also those who have debunked it. Is his school unique? I’m not sure, certainly components here and there (like IQ tests) and tuning into brainwave frequencies may be found elsewhere; and there are speed-reading courses (but those courses discernibly different); there are also right-brained art courses that teach observation but perhaps the most unique element is the SPEED-element - ie. instant and perfect recall, speedy math calculation, speed listening and recall, speedy puzzle-solving. My son was constantly frustrated in the first two terms because he likes to take his time about things.

I thought the course at the time was worth the money I paid because it worked on his great weakness – dallying and daydreaming. It taught him to work on and complete tasks in nearly always a minute. It also taught him to improve his listening skills since instructions are nearly always never repeated (although some guidance and assistance may be given to an individual).

Shichida Method falls under the category of brain-based learning or pedagogical methods that have become quite popular in recent decades among reform-minded educators in many parts of the world. Dr Shichida’s theory of right brain wiring approximates those offered by Dr Howard Gardner, Thomas Armstrong, Dr Colin Rose, western educators who are said to be spearheading educational reform in those countries under the umbrella of Multiple Intelligences. But in spirit as well as in practice, Glen Doman, is considered closest to Dr Shichida (although this is vehemently denied by Shichida practitioners).

Dr Shichida is himself careful to distinguish his methods from those of other educators. The big difference between his methods and those of the other educators, says Dr Shichida, is that his method is far more intensive and speed-related. What is revolutionary is Dr Shichida’s belief that any child can be trained to focus and look at any thing in half a second, and that the child can also be trained to perfectly call that info input and stored in the brain. Dr Shichida has also clarified that anything that isn’t flashed at the speed of half-a- second won’t build or stimulate instant recall ability nor will it produce the desired hard-wiring of the right brain circuit. According to Shichida school authorities, the Kumon school once approached Dr Shichida to have the cramschool endorsed as a right-brained outfit which Dr Shichida refused downright saying that the constant repetitions and “at your own pace” worksheets were clearly at odds with his concepts of wiring and hard-wiring the right brain for speed and learning.

With Dr Shichida, he is also not primarily concerned with the repetition of content as with the repetition of his methods ad techniques. However his schools are always careful to emphasize to parents that the child’s progress is tied to the parent and the home environment, but that if his methods are properly applied, the sky is the limit as to what the whole-hearted and home-nurtured child can absorb and learn.

The main goals of his teaching in school is to deliver a child who will know how to relax, exercise stress-relieving techniques, self-control and concentration, harness the fantastic right-brain’s capabilities to achieve remarkable learning and retention powers. So classes always start in the same way with breathing or other relaxation techniques, exercises with imaging and photo memory, speed reading, and activating right brained visual-retention capability. The other half of the lesson is devoted to other stuff like speed-reading, wave-reading, perfect pitch, learning of foreign language sound patterns, puzzle-solving and lots of IQ and mathematical problem-solving.

No real systematic content (facts and info) such as the major disciplines of learning (science, history) is ever taught, although all the “memory” skills work each work is not mindless memorization but incorporated encyclopedic facts and data, so the child in a few years would have “input” quite a lot of info and data from visual maps of Spain, Africa, faces of Isaac Newton, Chemistry symbols, astronomy, to trivia such famous landscapes like Eiffel Tower. Oh and the auditory listening exercises take place in several languages other than the mainstream one. Since kids are expected to read (or be read) about three books daily and to do homework sheets, you can imagine, the kids generally get to acquire rather encyclopedic knowledge.

I sometimes think the Jennifer Gardner spy-character of ALIAS drama series fame had a Shichida method training in childhood, – in a nut-shell, Shichida academy is a “spy-training-style” school that is designed develop nimble brains in kids - only there isn’t any spying except maybe in Dr Shichida’s sixth dimension. Again Dr Shichida is known to champion humanism and vows that his ultimate goal is to raise compassionate and well-rounded human beings who achieve excellence in all areas.

Dr Shichida himself has impressive credentials having done decades of research work and has received awards from the World Science Council for his revolutionary methods in math calculation. His method was developed prior to all of the other right brain proponents, except perhaps for Glen Doman. His research carried out on his schools and the students has its own backup statistics and enough years to track students. Apparently, the school claims that the figures for students who complete their course (which is very high in Japan compared to elsewhere), show that an exceptionally high proportion of the Shichida graduates end up as high achievers in top public and private schools in Japan and make it to the top-tier universities as well.

Track record notwithstanding, the efficacy of the program or of the method is not foolproof. Success depends on how young the child is when the child starts with the program and how diligent the parent is (and Japanese mothers are more diligent since they pay more? and also spend more time with their children) in following through with the techniques (we didn’t). I personally know one parent who started the method on her 9 month-old child, and her child now 2 years old, can answer multiplication questions at one look, by picking out the correct answers out of two cards.

OK I hear you ask, is Dr Shichida’s Japan’s maverick educator or gimmicky guru, it’s hard to say. He’s got great press and TV followings every now and then. But his method will never be mainstream: while the right brain techniques are fairly impressive, from the mystical mandala training to the meditation and intuition training sessions that are designed to help each child see the “truth, virtue, and beauty of our primal selves” as well as conduct self-healing – downright pragmatists and skeptics find some of his guru-like techniques hard to swallow.

But what of your kids - I hear you asking the question – no my two kids didn’t graduate into Shichida spy-kids - they don’t have perfect recall nor anything even close to it - sad to say they’re Shichida Academy drop outs. As a family we didn’t follow through with the method. Though the classes were fun, I tired soon of the tediousness of the daily intensive practice sessions at home (although they are brief) - there were just too many flash cards without meaningful content for me. But I did gain many insights on right brain techniques from the parent seminars and from watching the presenter-teachers during the classes - many of which we still use at home when homeschooling and learning stuff that do mean something to us. However when you consider that my son has pretty near-perfect auditory recall when listening to readings or music while my daughter who is five now is quite a whizz at all sorts of visual or hands-on puzzles and tangrams and beats me hands down at solving every puzzle ever shoved at her – maybe something stuck.

Copyright. Aileen Kawagoe

Thanks pupisek for that very informative reply.

It is sad that we don’t have Shichida centers here in the Philippines.
Hope they will put up online training/course to teach parents all of these
and hope their materials can be bought online and not only be available to those
who are enrolled to their class. :frowning:


I found out that LM doesn’t allow me to input ( ) in the formula, so it is not possible to use LM for the shichida 65days programme. Hopefully the brillkids team will do some change in LM to enable the input of ( ).


Thanks for the great info, Martina!!

Agnesdecham, if you’re referring to where it said:

  • then multitudinous calculations eg. 34+8-20, (2-1)x3, (75-50)x2-10,

then you can do exactly that with Little Math!

I think the above is written with the brackets because if not, you might think that you should do the multiplication first. If you look at the whole list, you will see that at that stage, the programme hasn’t even introduced numerals yet, so what is happening then is still the flashing of dot cards, so there’s no concept of flashing brackets!

If you use Little Math to flash the dots, you would do exactly the above. For example the second equation: You flash 2 (then flash or say “-”), then 1 (then flash or say “x”), then 3, exactly what the above equation requires.

Hi Pupisek,
Can u please pm me where u find this article? My son will be attending the class in apr I would like to find out more informations as well.

Hi KL,
It will be nice if LM able to set to the 65days programme, as I heard not easy to success as the sorting of the cards takes a long time and some parents give up in the end. But w LM I am sure we can do wonders w it. If I am able to obtain a copy of the 65days programme in future may be u can add it into the LM!

I have ordered the books from shichida japan … and much more from taiwan …

Shichida himself admitted that he followed GD on the math except he improvished on it into a 65d program … of course not to misunderstand 65d and your baby is a genius … it simply means introduce him to first 50 dots and what it is, also adding + - / x etc … the next 65d is to intro 51-100. the 3rd 65d is to intro the numerals 1-50 and the 4th 65d is numeral 51-100. Shichida works mainly on flashing quickly and a multitude of diagrams and pics etc … to help activate your so called right brain.

I did not use his method but instead i use GD methods… if you cannot use Shichida method due to time, resource constrain etc you may not have the so called same result, and worst you may end up fustrated and may break the important rule of teaching…relax and having fun …

I took my time doing maths dot with my child and is already doing numerals equation … and my child enjoys just as much and answering them correctly … choose a pace suitable for your child … previously i gone too fast and too much … she got fed up and purposefully answered wrongly … so i relaxed took it fun, and less testing … and she starts to enjoy it and is very happy to answer them correctly … (when i say take my time i don’t mean doing it slowly, i mean i don’t follow 65d to finish certain set, now i do when she and i are happy and want to learn, and i find we actually cover more and faster than thr 65d thing, but of course the begining is a bit harder)

I think key is understand your resources, energy, ability, and also to understand your child’s tempament and make a module suitable for your child … without forgetting the basic rule or 1 second or less per card, prepare well ahead, and enjoy …

ps for a 1 yr old to do 3-4 step multi equation is not too bad already … speed would come with time …

anyway shichida’s kids success stories are shown on website … but they are success stories what about the non succesful ones or average joes? and most of the videos i saw well the child are like 4-5yr olds … unlike what they said for 2yr old etc …

pps … not everybody is born a math genius …, observe your child and see where their talent lies … and cultivate it …

Hi trinity papa,
what is your opions of :as I am starting to do the GD maths and my son will be attending the class in Apr. Do I con w the GD method or switch to 65d as I don’t know how soon they will start this 65d programme.
Actually I must said a million thanks to Pro Shichida, it’s through him that I learn about GD method as he mentioned it greatly in some of his Chinese books. And I search like mad woman for few months for GD materials- as it is written in Chinese and I can’t type chinese in computer to do a search! N not aware he has Eng bks till recently.
And at that time I was thinking how nice if I am able to get hold of all these…
Actually we as parents only want our children to be happy and sail through their life, we don’t need them to be genius. And I only want to provide my son with a head start as I really struggle in school.

Hope this will help parents interested in the Shichida 65 day Maths programme:

I’ve just started my children on Shichida’s 65 day maths programme… the concept of flashing maths cards is similiar to that of GD maths with the exception that for equation cards: eg. “1+1=2”, only the 2-dot card is flashed and each card is held separately, unlike the conventional method when we hold a stack of cards in our hands and flash them at high speed.

The formulae in the 65 day programme is also fixed - I asked at the Parents’ Seminar if we can make up our own equations and was told not (as there is a reason for sequencing the equations in a specific way).

At the 60th day - the child is asked to replace the dots with the number - which can only be done with children above the age of 2 years.

I was told to expect results only after 4 sets of 65 day programme…

anyway, I’m also playing Shichida addition and multiplication CDs to my kids - amazing but they can shout me the answer without counting their fingers!

Hopefully, with the combination of both the 65 day and maths CDs methodologies - can develop speed calculation in my daughter and hopefully, my son (who is younger and shows some interest in what we are doing with my girl).

All the best!

Hi luckymommy,

There are only a few places doing shichida, and given you read chinese … your either in taiwan, malaysia or singapore. And because most of the book are wrtitten in traditional chinese my best bet is your in malaysia??

If you have already signed up for the course, sooner or later they may request that you get their maths card set and they will likely ask you to do with your child at home … , if you don’t do it but followed GD instead … they will say the results may not be as food because …dah dah dah … under suhc conditions since you have the privelleged of allowing yoru child to attend class … i want to too but they don’t have it in this country …so just stick with what you paid for … in any case the purpose of math flashing is not so you want your child to be a genus but rather to be familiar with math … and when they attend school they are not so afraid … if they have speed calculation … that’s a bonus …

another way of looking… whatever method you choose … alot depends on your personal effort as parents to teach as much, and as joyfully as possible…, but don’t forget play time which normally makes 70-80% of wake time. excluding feeding of course.

PS preparing the maths equation can sometimes be a killer itself … on top of rearranging the maths dot card … each session

I am in Singapore, I can read both traditional and simplified Chinese w ease. But the thing is that the method is not stated clearly in the books unlike GD books. That is why I decide to take up the class.
ya I think will take in your advise, since money is spent should make full use of it. will see how e 65d programme works for my son.

Hi EJEZmom,
Can check w u what is the cards that I need to buy for e 65d programme so that can source 2nd early :slight_smile: And fr what age onwards they will start the 65d programme? my son is 7mth old now.

Hi luckymommy,

not many singaporeans know how to read traditional chinese … i for one can’t … but my wife from hong kong can … unfortunately in HK they don’t have shichida classess …

I went to the toa payoh branch and … quite snobbishly … asked to pay but they would not reply much to the qns …except to say it’s all in the dvd … which your made to see … so i contact the japanese side … and wow how and what they conduct in japan is quite different from what and how they conduct in singapore … from talking to other parents and from web … all i can say the results maybe different … afterall in japan its classes are a daily affair …

in any case would like to hear and know more from you when your baby starts his classess …

Hi KL,

Why I mentioned about the () is because from the parents class that was held by Shichida, they told that it’s important to mention the open bracket and close bracket but LM doesn’t have this function. Hopefully the group can overcome this problem and make the programme more flexible to have the () input and have the bracket being pronounce out. Hopefully this will make my point clear.

p/s: anyway, I had created the 65 days programme and will uploaded it into the library.


I also fr Hong Kong, that is why I can read both. Right now u r stationed in HK?

That is the problem if it is not run by the same management!
I went to the Toa payoh branch, e admin staff r very polite. I don’t know why many people commented them of bad service. They even asked me have any questions to ask them.

Mother company will always be the best. All I can say is that there is no problem w Shichida method, it’s only how they run it. I hear alot of minus pts regarding the school in S’pore but I still enroll my son in as I believe in Pro Shichida. I am sure he doesn’t know all these problems in S’pore.

Sure I will keep everybody updated!

Dear Luckymommy 1307,

Shichida has the dots sets for sale at their Tensai shop - it’s much cheaper than the GD ones. You can also choose to make your own flashcards - I think Little Maths is quite useful in this aspect.

Since your child is under age of 3, you can do the shorter-version of thr 65 day programme, ie no need to ask child to image (visualise) dots to numbers. ie, just do day 1 to 58 and rest for 1 month before starting the cycle again.

I think Agnescharm has uploaded the 65 day programme.

All the best!

Hi Ejezmom,
thks for ur info.

Hello everyone, I will post today a pps that I did compiling some of the mandara cards that were available at shichida forum - for anyone interested.
