Thank you again for your hard work in compiling these resources.
I have a question for you. This is NOT A CHALLENGE. I respect you and what you are doing for us, but I sincerely want to know how you filter through the different language videos to determine what to include and what not to.
I like to know what I’m showing my son but I only speak one language and understand a bit from two others…Chinese or Japanese are neither of the two. I watched a few of the videos in the previous lists and there’s one of a group of girls dancing around singing. I’m sure I can trust you, but if you don’t know the language either, how do you know if it is appropriate? I’m curious as to what they’re saying - how do I find that out? I don’t want to just delete these from my playlists, but I do want to be responsible and “feed” my son information that I know will be good for him.
Again, this is not meant as a challenge to you, rather as a plea for insight
Kizudo…I want my kids to learn quite a number of languages, and to recognise the writing of as many different countries as possible. That they can recognise hebrew, Greek, arabic etc alphabets and Japanese and Chinese characters. I’m concentrating on the languages I want my kids to learn, but including a wider variety so they can hear different languages, so as to discern the differnces between them, and to also be less likly to have an accent if they learn that language in the future.
The dancing Chinese and Japanese girls…dont have a clue what they are saying. I think those sort of countries are less likly to be swearing etc than we westerners…they’re more respectful and less criminally inclined, so less likly to be crass, rude and crude. The choice of dancing girls is that I want my kids to get into dancing, (and singing) so to be exposed to a clip of a language and dancing routines, with lots of colour and singing, kills a few birds with one stone. And if they are saying anything bad, it would be many years before my kids or myself realised that. Mind you, Most of what I know (and most people I know) in other languages is swear words. Strange phenomenon that. I put them on between drier clips, to get some physical exercise going on. To keep interest and concentration up. For enjoyable entertaining education.
I had a look at the link you posted below and found that everyone should be able to understand what’s going on in the short clip. There is the English translation below everything they said in Chinese. The content should not be a problem as you could understand it easily by reading the English translation.
geek_dad I’ll need you to pm me your email address. Havent set up a gmail account yet, my comp is going too slow. Used up all my months Gbs. In 2 weeks.
HI Nikita,
I am a mother from HK. After reading all your sharing, I am very interested in home-made learning dvds because I really want my baby boy to have a good environment to learn. I just wonder if I can have those links from you. If yes, my email address is
Thanks a lot! :biggrin:
I chance upon this thread and will love to get the list as well if you don’t mind. It will be very useful for my two boys. My email is
Keep checking your spam boxes as am sending out all playlists so far. Youtube uses a lot of downloading, just to let you know. It’s very draining and gets me through my download limit very fast. Playlist 5 is recently begun. Contains users…readeez, muneclips (spanish), sid the science kid and NovaScienceNow (PBS Kids), and poetryanimations (which are poems spoken by animations of the faces of the famous poets. Some are only a minute long). aguatacuperche (spanish multiplication tables…unless it’s portuguese…looks spanish to me). Hoping to get more poetry and literature in this one.
Christian playlist nearly finished.
Lenny, Nicole isn’t selling them. She’s compiling an educational video selection playlist. These videos are mostly found in youtube. There are a lot of these videos and she’s creating a list of the most educational ones