sharing our home-made learning dvds

Hi Nikita,
Thank you for all your work in regards to putting the playlists together…and your conversing and planning with Loren and Jakem. I know that it benefits you to do it personally but it is so nice of you to share them with us all.

You said that list 3 is almost done. When I scrolled up on this thread I only found List 1A and 1B. Did I miss list 2 or are you considering 1B as the second list? Also, we (in a PM) spoke about videos that had a Christian theme. Do you plan to share this list as well?

Thank you,

The thread only has playlist 1. To get playlist 2 you have to PM your email address, and I’ll send it. I’ll do the link suggested earlier so people can get it off gmail with a password. Playlist 3 is nearly done, then I’ll do a solely christian one. Playlist 2 has quite a bit of christian content, and playlist 3 has some too.

Hi Nikita,

Could I have a copy of the DVD too. My e-mail address is from Singapore.

Thanks for all the hard work. Thank you.

Apologies, what’s PM?

I’m interested in the videos too. Am I supposed to provide an email? If so, that’s Also I’m trying to create worksheets for my three-years old. Anyone interested in sharing, pls email me at above. If interest is there, I can create a generic account where we can load and share materials.


Hello Nikita,

I have been having trouble getting on this forum lately. Can you please send me the playlists as well? Especially the ones with a Christian theme.

Thanks a bunch!


You need to PM me your email address!!! lol

I would love to get these 3 dvds also, PLEASE :slight_smile:

thank you

Hi, I can send you playlists, but not dvds, as it apparently is illegal to download the youtube clips, and especially illegal to burn them to dvd. Sad, but true. Anyone know how many kbs the youtube clips use each time you look at them? I always seem to run out of my 12 Gb a month before my month is up. Playlist 3 is finalised…sending it off to those who requested the others. The Christian one hasnt been done yet, it will be done concurrently with playlist 4.

Nikita, Sorry, I ment playlist. Thank you for your effort !

Hi all
Just a piece of advice: I wouldn’t advise to leave your email on a forum (especially when one does not need to be registered to read posts) Spammers run robots to collect them and you might be inundated with unwanted mail. :unsure:

Spambots. KL or lappy mentioned them a year ago or so, but you’re the first to bring it up again! Just PM me. And dont forget to give me your email address when you send a message, otherwise I spend a lot of time replying asking for the email address!
Playlist 3 is out…did I mention that?

may I have a copy too? Thanks a lot! :smiley:

my email is :

Thank you very much! :biggrin:

i just want to make something very clear. i only sent one person the dvds and no money was involved. as i dont even have a paypal account. if it wasnt illegal i would send everybody who needed a copy without thinking about it. i am a single mother so i cant do anything that could put me in jail. am posting this because some people can be very mean.

What’s going on jakim? Have people sent you nasty PMs? If so, then that sux!! Whoever it is or whoever they are need(s) to GET A LIFE!!!

Having bought a camcorder, I’ve decided to make my own clips, with the help of my kids and friends/relatives, to aid learning, and put them on Youtube for all to utilise freely. No copyright on my part! I’ll basically be teaching reading and EK via teaching reading. They’ll start of shockingly bad no doubt whilst we learn what to do.
I’m sure while I homeschool any children these projects can be part of the curriculum. Any ideas on what I could class these clips under, for education registration subject descriptions.
Obviously ART…photography of some sort. Media. Information Technology/ computer studies…has to go on a computer and on the web…
Playlist 4 and Christian Playlist are nearly finished. It’s been relaxing looking at all these clips!

I’ve found a channel on youtube, ‘chinesefamily’s channel’
would anyone who’s a chinese speaker have a look and tell me if the quality is good? :unsure:
(nikita, i haven’t had the courage to go through all your links so i don’t know if you mentionned those clips-i have a 56kb internet connection…)

Quick look at the clips…I think they are Playlist 2 material. Maybe list 3. Will have another look before releasing list 4.

I found these series of videos with both the composer’s picture and an excerpt of one composition playing in the background while the composer’s name, year born-died, and title of the composition is scrolling up. Am not sure if you’ve already included these to your list. I wanted to share these since my 31/2 yr old watched each one very intently:

Great Classical Composers
(8 videos in all with viewing time averaging 10 minutes each)


I didn’t put the whole link in since I have already tried to upload these into the video gallery several times but without success. I hope you also find these beneficial for your children as it was with mine.

Thank you. I have now added them to Playlist 4. To be released any day, will forward on to all who have my last lots. Full of music, art and craft, science and languages…so as to help kids be able to discern between different languages. I can now tell between Spanish and Portuguese, and between japanese and Chinese. That’s quite an accomplishment for me. An of course, some alphabets etc.