Playlist 1 part b… (Loren, if you make copies you might be asked to supply people in your country with copies…)… to save on postage…and so Jakim doesnt get worn out!
I have done Playlist 2, divided into 4 sections as there is so much, so if anyone wants to volunteer to do a section, let me know…but I’d need an email address to send the list to as I cant fit a section into a brillkids mail…too many characters…
I’ve included a wide variety of things to keep kids interested, including subliminal messages (with on-screen words)to aid concentration, memory, maths and reading ability, increased IQ and that sort of thing. I put in counting to ten in quite a few languages, and recogition of the alphabet in greek, hebrew, arabic, russian, mandarin, hiragana etc.
May I please have the URL’s for all of Playlist 2??? Thanks!!! I’m going to try to put the DVD’s together myself - thanks for all of your hard work finding the best links! You are doing the hardest part!!!
Will send the list as soon as I can get over some technical hitches with my email…I hope someone will volunteer their help if I do a playlist 3!! (New things get added to youtube all the time). I have received Playlist one off Jakim and it has turned out brilliantly…fits on 4 DVDs, great sound and clarity…far better than watching via Youtube. She will get everyone elses to them once her Paypal account is up and running so you can pay the postage and dvd costs.
Hi, I’ve emailed the playlists, using one persons address in the to box, and a few addresses in the cc box…checked my sent mail and only the to box recipient shows up, so let me know if you get my playlists or I’ll have to do it again. I had tried to forward them on after sending to Jakim but that just erased the playlists!
I’ve mailed them again. And it also looks like all the trailer at the beginning doesnt seem to be on my dvds either…it’s just all the interesting part of the clip! Telling time, diameter, radius of a circle, what is pi, directions (North, left etc), chemical elements, fractions songs etc…there’s lots for learning, and all interspersed with abcs and 123s, and karaoke clips… this one has the F word in it for Idaho and spells Oregon wrong. It is a shame too because it is a good video otherwise. Hope you didn’t already put in your dvd.
You may want to add this to your list.
Oops. Yes it is probably on the ones Jakim sent me. Didnt notice an f word but I thought I saw crapology or something when watching it…oops again. I think a flag for madagascar was spelled missing the middle of the word…I tried to be careful, but as the clips are so fuzzy on my comp, and the songs are so fast, I missed those issues until I saw it written on the big screen.
hi, can i have a copy too?? my email address is
i m from malaysia.
you guys really done a good job. lol a busy mom like me really got no time on this.
Hi Nikita,
Can i have a playlist copy too? My email add:
Do it mean i can directly burn into a dvd from those playlist? thanks in advance!!
nikita not sure how this is going but would love to have those dvds too . my internet connection is very slow and now i am even having problem with real player my email address is