Hope this helps… here is one of of 4 documents… so you can maintain a daily math program.
Hope this helps some parents out
Kind Regards,
Hope this helps… here is one of of 4 documents… so you can maintain a daily math program.
Hope this helps some parents out
Kind Regards,
Part 2
Dear Mandi,
I loveee schedules because they simplify my life! Is this for the Doman Math? or Shichida Math?
Doman maths.
I was told this was Shichida Math and from the downloads available I would say it matches… but I didnt take the shichida course so can not confirm 100 percent
Dear Mandi & Everyone,
Excellent! Please let us know when the parts 3 & 4 of the schedule are uploaded!
I am almost finished setting up the Doman reading program for my girls and will begin math next.
Ayesha :yes:
Dear Mandi,
I am beginning the math schedule tomorrow. Since you attended IAHP Course and I am assuming you read the Doman Math book - is the program/schedule the same as Shichida? If not, how are they different? Alike?
I am still reading the Math book and have not read any of Dr. Shichidas books.
Thank you.
P.S. I loveee LM!!! Thank you Brill Kids Team!
thank you so much for posting this schedule. This is the most difficult part and it makes any program more efficient. This is a great help for people like me who have a tough time starting with new learning technique, karma points for this!
Dear Saniso,
Your welcome. Linzy posted in another thread that the schedule is for Shichida math and that it is a faster pace than Doman method.
Linzy posted: “No Shichida math is different in it’s progression than doman math. It progresses a lot faster than doman with numbers being seen for only one or two days, however you then go on to repeat the who sequence 3 times.”
So, now I am unsure how to utilize/adjust this great Shichida math schedule for the Doman math method.
Dear Mandi & Everyone,
Please find attached a Doman math schedule that I downloaded from a Chinese website, www.happyfamilynet.com , and translated a few of the tabs into English.
Is this the Doman method? I am still reading through the Doman math book.
Thank you.
Just FYI if anyone is interested in chinese from this website www.happyfamilynet.com IT IS ALL TRADITIONAL CHINESE - NOT CHINESE MANDARIN !!
just be aware in case you want to download chinese pps.
everyone have a great wekend!
got to go.
Thanks Mandi! This simplifies my life. It truly helps.
Karma to you!
thanks Mandi- I think I’m going to use this template for the words program too!
Hi everyone
The schedule looks great but I think need some modifications. Here are what I noticed:
And it makes sense. Consider this (one equation in the schedule part 1)
100 - 50 / 10 = 5
We should do 50 /10 = 5 first then take it off from 100, the result would be 95.
For all who have not read Doman math book, the method could be summarised like this:
Quantity (will use the word number here): introduce in sets of 5, 2 sets per day, shown 3 times a day for 5 days, so each number will be seen 15 times. After the 1st 5 days, starting retiring 1 number from each set and introducing 1 new number to each set. Repeat this retirement/new number everyday onwards. Start with 1 and continue to 100, then introduce 0.
Equations: starts when the child has a recognition of 1 to 20. Use only numbers the child has learnt. Start with simple 2 step equation such as 1 + 7 = 8. Start with addition, followed by subtraction, then multiplication, then division; each type for 2 weeks. Everyweek you can increase the numbers you can use to make equations by all the new numbers your child has learnt.
Introduce equations in sets of 3, 3 sessions per day, each equation shown only once. That means 9 different equations per day or 126 different equations for 2 weeks. Avoid patterns at this stage. For the signs (+,-, x, don’t show them, only saying them.
Zero comes in at the same time as division equations.
After division, introduce problem solving. Always give the child a choice of 2 possible answers, don’t ask the child to say the answer. Introduce 1 problem solving at end of equation session (3 equations + 1 problem solving for each session). You now can stop introducing numbers.
Same time with problem solving, equation session can be composed of a variety of equations, e.g. an addition equation, a subtraction equation, and a division equation in 1 session. Also you only need to show the answer quantity while still saying the whole equation, e.g. “one plus seven equals eight” but show only “eight”. Time for this step is not specified.
Introduce three step equations, each equation in 1 type such as addition only or division only. This can be carried on for a few weeks (exact number of weeks not stated).
Begin to use equations which combine addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. Note: don’t mix these two basic operations: addition/subtraction with multiplication/division. That comes after learning both the rule about the order of operations and the reasons behind it. This step is for a few weeks. Introduce patterns at the same time, such as:
40 + 15 - 30 = 25
40 + 15 - 20 = 35
40 + 15 - 10 = 45
Introducing 4 step equations using same principles. However from time to time show unrelated equations as well as those ones with a pattern.
Now you can go in any directions you like, e.g:
a. sequences
b. greater than and less than
c. equalities and inequalities
d. number personality
e. fractions
f. simple algebra
Dear Hafam & Everyone,
The math schedule that Mandi attached is for the Schichida method and is slightly different than the Doman method.
Thank you so much! This is soooo helpful! Karma to you!
Dear Ayesha
I know Mandi said it’s Shichida method. However it’s still valid that we should take into account the rule of operations (multiplication/division before addition/subtractions). I know that I’m not going to teach my baby 100 - 50 /10 = 5.
By the way does anybody know Schichida’s argument around that?
Hafam- thank you for your helpful breakdown of the Doman math approach :). I’m reading about the Shichida method, and it bears some resemblance to the Singapore Math program, which I have worked with. Singapore Math, like Shichida and Doman, focuses more seeing numbers in space, as dots, groups, etc, and builds on the operations (addition, subtraction, etc) as conceptual number stories. Singapore math is very good about grouping numbers, like base 10, to help students process equations in a more simplified manner (ie. 36 + 23 is really 36+ 20 + 3 or 30+20+6+3). I really like the introduction of numbers in the Doman approach, as it seems I was the other end as an educator, trying to re-introduce number concepts to students that had never really understood what numbers and operations represent. The learning process is much smoother for students that can conceptualize what word problems really are- real world number stories, since often times as a tutor I had to teach them how to “read” math problems and identify key words and phrases that indicated what operations were needed. However, more complex math became next to impossible for some because they lacked the foundation of problem-solving experience. The “equation sessions” sound like a great way to start from an early age!
Dear Everyone,
How can I adapt the Shichida math schedule that Mandi uploaded to the Doman method, please? And how do I use the adapted schedule with LM? Or how do I set up the following sets/schedules from Doman Mom in LM? > http://worldsbesteducation.org/math.aspx
I am confused! I feel as though I need to set up categories with the corresponding cards for Day 1 Set 1, Day 1 Set 2, Day 2 Set 1, Day 2 Set 2, etc., and then set up daily categories for the equations of addition, subtraction, etc. How do I do this, please?
P.S. Shuki did give instructions for making a category/set of red dots with 1 - 5 here that I have try to follow: