There has been alot of qns about multi language … i will use this results forum to write about the research i did and personal experiences in my own lifetime and what i notice … hmm why here? because so that i could gather all the knowledge in one place … so that i could refer to it again next time when i have a second one …
First off, the subject should be your baby can read. Teaching multi-language spoken is different from reading, its also called illetracy … my grandparents can speak 3 different dialects or subgroup of chinese which can be very different to those who know but sounds the same to those not familiar, like i couldn’t tell apart a french and a amernian speaking. But my grandmother couldn’t read or write … that was due to proverty and war. I hear alot of forumers talking about teaching and using what language to teach the child to speak, that is teaching how to speak in different language and not teaching baby to read … In a little city state where 4 languages are spoken by many race, the children in such an environment grows up speaking a mix of all the language as long as it suits what they are trying to express. That is if the sentence in english is too long or complex to express and a easier alternate language can express that same meaning in 1 word, they tend to use it, as such we have what you call broken english. A mix of english and many other languages sometimes 3 or more in one sentence.
This is for the spoken language.
Its good to teach multiple language and babies will loose that native ability after 1yr old. Again as doman said native ability. You can say put an african baby in a chinese home in china and he would be speaking perfect chinese by 3… as you would with any other babies … any where else … the ability of the baby to define and tune in to that tone to so called decode the tones etcs … starts as early as birth and gradually loses its ability starting from 6mth … hence why we spoke 4 different languages from birth to 1 yr …when they lose that ability … but really its not lost … the advantage is its stored somewhere in the hard disk of theirs …
Next its best if you drop most other language and concentrate on 1 or 2 core language … until they pick it up perfectly, … then you can start introducing the other languages back again … this other languages would come back to them quite quickly and they will learn to speak it like natives …without the heavy accent …
How do you teach 2 languages?
I am now concentrating purely on english, teaching her english, but my wife speaks cantonese at home she knows we are speaking in a different language and she does not understand what we are saying because we did not say it directly to her … she understands our instructions and command in english … and she expresses herself in english … this will be up till 18mth when i will do mandarin intensively, and flashing mainly chinese cards, for the 3rd time, twice before she turn 1yr. And during this time when i am teaching i will speak in perfect mandarin only, but for daily routine it will still be in english … as such mandarin becomes a subject like maths etc …
I use to speak in a mix of multiple language from where i came, but after several yrs of education in UK, i learn to turn it on and off depending on who i am speaking to, i even pick up some old englishman and country side slang… so i think immersion should be part of the training too … as such along the way she would be brought to china, taiwan for a cultural shock and forcing her to speak mandarin only, and perhaps bringing her to US or UK where she is forced to speak english only so that peole understand her. But then would be some 5-6 yrs from now … the purpose of teaching her multiple language is so that she could be an international citizen, and one requirement of that is for her to travel there to immerse herself in that language and culture …
Also you can arrange classes which speaks purely english only and finding another class that speaks chinese only. And having a different interest group in different language. She would be forced to learn and communicate in 2 language. Its a continuous process after 1 yr old … and once she gets the hang … you can start introducing a 3rd and 4th … but it would be at the expense of other subjects like music, maths, science, social skills etc …