
I hope those who have done flashing or LR would kindly comment on the results so far … by stating what age is their baby, when they started or for how long, what they did, and what did they observed about their baby. This is so that every member could hopefully use this as a reference, so that others could more or less know what to expect from their child as they practice Right mind programs or early teaching programs as time passess. Please be generous with your contribution. I want to learn too.

Thank You.

Since i started the topic i shall post first hope its the first of many … i also list what i think are possible mistakes i make, mainly introducing it too early … or maybe not …

My child a girl is 1yr 3m soon, she started flash card from 2mth using black white cards and started math and english at 3m old, started mandarin (sanjizing & dizigui) and music at 6mth. Did jap at 8mth, YBCR at 10m, and complete whole flash card range by 12mths. At 13m started memory magic, english only word reinforcement with pictures, keyboard music. Currently, EK in both english and chinese occasionally showing YBCR and started wink to read this month with a dvd reader program.

I stopped other language and rushing up on english only except chinese EK. Notice that she blabbering alot and not quite sure which language to use. 4 language used before 1st yr to help her gain native language ability or at least to learn how to differentiate the tones etc. After 1yr or actually after 9mths that ability reduces. SO now stick to english and lesser mandarin. She is able to point and say table chair etc … she points to her nose, eyes etc when you say the word. But when you show her the word she doesn’t seem to show she understands. Unlike what you see in YBCR DVD, or what KL’s daughter did, not sure its because signing is required to be taught first so that you could sign with her the word then to say the word auditorily, now my daughter needs to hear the word to perform the action. Word with picture behind, she seems more interested in the picture, not sure if its becase i started it too early.

Previously when i ask her which is or which word says “…” she was occasionally able to point to the right answer sometimes i say 50-50. Statistically speaking that is about right, so it does not prove she knows significantly. Now she just points to both answer when i asked her. :confused: I am not sure if i started the picture and word too early, which i suspect. She is still not able to pronounce like maddy’s baby, maybe because of the multi language earlier on. GD says babies with multi language speaks later by 6 mth.

Currently, she points and says that or this asking me to say the name of the things she wants to know sometimes repeatedly. I will give her instructions like take this to mama, or time to change clothes, or we’re going out, she knows what to do, like when going out she automatically comes to us to wait get changed and put on shoes very cooperative. Or we tell her time to bath, she would take off her clothes (not succesfully of course just alot of action). First child, so not sure if its because of right brain or its normal in every child at 12m.

Sounds like you are doing a good job. My child is 18 months old and does not speak as clearly or say as many words as Maddy’s baby - children learn to speak at different ages and some are not even talking by two years of age - usually those that speak later tend to take a shorter time to use sentences. With my daughter if I want to know if she knows something I ask her to give me the word that says (or point to it) and even if she is shown 8 words at once to choose from she almost always gets it right - poor child has to actually search for the right word then and you can see that she is scanning each word.

I started with my daughter at 12 months of age with reading flashcards and Little Reader. She has also done some Maths, but not enough to make much of a difference. I did find that at about 14 months if I asked her to pick the correct word then she would just hand both words to me so I left it for a good while before trying again. I try not to “test - or even give problem solving opportunities” too often.

Babies learning to read do go through phases much like you would expect with other milestones - maybe they eat the books you try to read to them, maybe they are only interested in tunring pages, maybe they are more interested in how a flashcard feels and tastes then in what it says. You just have to keep going through these phases - they are taking it all in but their bodies are developing so fast too.

Hi Thx Tanikit. Yes its quite an enduring process … hence why i hope those with lots of experience to come in and give their tots and expiriences too… as i am also learning and really we don’t know quite what to expect while we are doing … it would be good to have a ruler or something like that that tells us the development phrase we could expect … as in GD’s “how smart is your baby” book, whereby he states roughly the development stage but … not on what we could expect if we did this or that …

If we know what to expect and we did see signs of such improvements or signs … then we know we are on the right path … now all we can do is keep going like a ship on a very foggy day finding our path …

Hi tanikit, i have read some of your posting they are very insightful and full of experiences. Could you kindly give us more details here? Your siblings story and your own children’s story as well. Please please it would make such wonderful reading and guide for us juniors … say one post per individual and their outcomes etc??

Thank you very much in advance.

Yes i know of stories of success and failure. I know of a neighbour whose child (4) is wearing very thick glasses. The mother says it was due to early reading… as she started flash card very early … but she didn’t go into detail like did she use too small a card etc … so … not quite sure what went wrong.

Also GD, shichida etc even titzer, they will only cite success stories but never the cons … or non-successful stories, but then again success is different for different people. So the idea here is to read and its outcome later in life. Then this is IQ, and there are also the EQ, MQ etc etc. which we will also need to work on.

There are certain mistakes that i make… initially i wasn’t sure about signing, becoz my girl was able to blabble alot from 4mths+, and i tot she would learn to speak very quickly, … if she learn signing she might go into signing more than trying to speak … how wrong i was … i did some research on my own only lately … meaning this week … and this is my own opinion …

  1. I tot by teaching her words and she being able to pick things up for me was communication. But it isn’t … becoz she couldn’t tell us what she wants …, its more of a one way comm… i mean simple sound like mumm mumm is for hungry, or rubbing tummy means she wants to go …, but for others …??

  2. Maddy and others have shown, and like the research i read (many references etc) says that because you are teaching signs for everyday living stuff, you keep repeating the words to them while teaching and repeating them day in day out, very soon when signing, they will learn to speak those phrases too since they have been signing and listening to you signing to them hundreds of time … like eating, more, water etc … looks like constant repetition helps …

  3. Never to late to learn. Yeah did regret not teaching earlier, so never too late to start, i just started signing with her on yesterday and she is doing eat, water and more now … so the later they are the faster they learn … surprise surprise … also i saw “my baby can talk - first signs” they say auditory and motor skills are better at 10 mth and they recommend teaching from 10mths …

  4. Yes babies wants to comm with you, but they can’t vocal it yet so signing helps to lessen tantrums, but there are other ways to reduce tantrums too… look for Happiest toddler on the block … by Harvey Karp, alternatively you can try, like me, alternative means … by sensing …

thanks so much for the update! very cool

Hi,Trinity Papa
you’ve asked me to write about my experiences while teaching.As you know my oldest son is12 years old and I used Doman metod when he was a baby. There was no special programs on the market and I had to make a lot of flash cards,picture facts and other aids on my own.At least mathdots I got from a friend .My son enjoyed it very much and by the time he was 2 could read.My 10 year old was a very different story .He would not sit still so instead of giving up I did things with both boys together.As long as the older one didin’t mind ,while the younger one played around us.I knew he was learning when on purpose I would ask -What’s this- he would rush from wherever he was with almost always the right answer.Ha!My 9 year old girl loved singing (I always sang to my babies a lot) and she liked learning to read as long as I included a song every few words she read by the time she was 2.5.My 6 year old girl didin’t like words at all,and she didn’t like math dots.So I told lots of stories and showed her tons of picture facts.Only later I learned that she is dyslexic and whole words didin’t make sense to her.She did great by learning phonics with lots of repetition.I would cover the story with a paper and show her one letter a the time ,we would also make alphabet out of playdoh and until now she makes playdoh images that come to her when we get to a word she can’t remember right.She is great at math and she learned to read when she was4.5.My 3 year old learned to read when he was 2.5 but he always had to have encyclopedic knowledge sets in between reading .Both him and his baby sister finished YBCR ( I must say it made life alot easier for me).His sister now 2 started to read sentences quite well(Thanks to Brillkids )By the way all the kids did alot of swimming and gymnastics while still small and older boys still go for gymnastics classes. Older kids go for piano classes.And girls do Ballet.(boy it’s almost Einsteins riddle,Sorry)Kids are also learning new langues .But I could not do it all at one time .I guess flexibility is the key.Do few things ,but do them well and as time passes add on according to your childs interests and your personal goals.And enjoy what you are doing with them and they will have fun and learn.

hi Aneta, you have so long experience… I need advice:
my little boy 2 doesn’t recognise all words from BK…or he’s talking every time “pantera” when he is looking on diffrent words…or “panda” (some word which he likes)
my fall is that I’m not regular enough or some problem with reading correctly?

Hi Aneta, thanks for your sharing!

Your extensive experience is very encouraging. May I ask if you are homeschooling your kids or send them to public school now? If they are in public school, how your older ones do in the class? I just wonder how the regular school can handle the kids they started reading at 2 years old. Can the school provide enough challenge for them to keep them interested in all subjects? Thanks again for your sharing!

Thank you aneta for sharing, karma to you …

yes, how are your children doing in school now?? what else do you do to motivate them further, or do they develop their own motivation to do more and better … as some has mentioned advanced kids tends to sometimes takes things easy because they are already ahead of the pack …

and finally how do you manage with so many kids and still have the time to teach them flash cards … wow …

My I feel really humbled,I’m just a mom that
wants best for her kids.
There is so many great parents on the forum with lots of experience.
To your question Ed I don’t think your little one has a readding problem but probably more sistematic aproach even when it means less will do better.
About kids-- I homeschool them ,so they can’t really compare themselves to the kids in public schools.WE can study topics as long as kids are challenged by them, they can carry on if something gets they attention and as soon as they can they learn to research on they own.We try to go out a lot and visit not only museums but also workshops weaving, clay etc. Older boys helped in local printing company where they were learning about design and working with photos.My six year old loves animals so we go to the farm were she can help feeding and caring for sick animals.Yes, there is so much to do and kids make it so exciting that I 'm enjoying every minute.Plus ,both me and my husband are full time missionaries which means more travel and more things to see and observe .
I do’t say it’s easy but I would not change it for anything.

God bless you, Aneta! Being full time missionaries, homeschooling may be the only and best choice for your kids! I can see how well you can balance out on their academic, social and spiritual developments. Great sharing…karma to you!

Thankyou for sharing aneta. Your story is a huge help to me and you have inspired me to keep going and going and going.

Trinity Papa, is that a photo of your baby girl? She is sooooo cute!! Just beautiful.

My daughter just turned 13 months old and I just started doing flash cards, LR and YBCR with her a couple of months ago and she seems to react the same way your daughter does. She doesn’t show she understands the words. Although she watch and clap at the dvds and LR.

Although she does point to a lot of things and blab as if she asking me what it is, so I am always explaining. But she doesn’t yet tell me what they are.

Anyway, I know how you feel. It can be a little frustrating when you can’t tell if they are learning or not.


Thank everyone here for the progress updates. I am just starting out and I am excited to hear about all of your children.

What about Math

I still have not seen a toddler do math, I just hear…

Do anyone ever came across a video with a toddler doing simple math, like addition and subtraction???

hi everyone,
I have 4 kids. I think I’ll write a post a day about experiences while teaching them. :slight_smile:
With 1st one who is 10 now I heard that I could teach her to read when she was one. I got two large sheets of paper, wrote Mommy and Daddy in red, showed it 3 times daily for 5 days, asked which one is which, and finished my experiment as she didn’t know :frowning: Half a year after I got into making picture facts (bits?) of a new country we moved to and showing her a lot of books with animals, etc. She was continuously exposed to 3 languages (and a couple more for a few months at a time as we traveled a lot) but had only spoken a few words by the time she was two. At that point I dropped one language and she spoke fluently withing 2 months. She liked coloring, knob puzzles and other activities. She finally learned to read at 3y.o. with Peter and Jane series reading simple kids’ comics to herself for 30 min to an hour by 4 (when she stopped napping). (I remember being confused with choosing whole word or phonics approach (both work together). She always understood her father (as he kept up with language 2) but answered in English until she was 6-7. She is home schooled in both languages and doing fine. I’ve started her 3rd language classes again since last September and I am not expecting quick results this time around. :slight_smile:
Feel free to comment :wink:

Sorry lost this post somewhere need to search it out … thank you everybody for the update … Hi Nikolett what about the rest of your child?

i understand about the multi language part i too want to mention something later …

yes lucy that is my girl … she is 15 mth + now …

A few updates, i started teaching her sign language over hm 3 weeks now … or was it 2?? anyway she started showing lots of sign especially after watching the your baby can talk dvd … like when she wants me to carry her and instead of making a fuaay noise i ask her to say please or sign please and she did it, she even learn thank you from just watching the disc 3 times a week … well she only watched it twice before she signed it … and as she signed shoes she said shoes … and when we were at the shoe shop picking up a sandal for her over the weekend … she signed shoes and kept saying shoes … well signing does help …

There has been alot of qns about multi language … i will use this results forum to write about the research i did and personal experiences in my own lifetime and what i notice … hmm why here? because so that i could gather all the knowledge in one place … so that i could refer to it again next time when i have a second one …

First off, the subject should be your baby can read. Teaching multi-language spoken is different from reading, its also called illetracy … my grandparents can speak 3 different dialects or subgroup of chinese which can be very different to those who know but sounds the same to those not familiar, like i couldn’t tell apart a french and a amernian speaking. But my grandmother couldn’t read or write … that was due to proverty and war. I hear alot of forumers talking about teaching and using what language to teach the child to speak, that is teaching how to speak in different language and not teaching baby to read … In a little city state where 4 languages are spoken by many race, the children in such an environment grows up speaking a mix of all the language as long as it suits what they are trying to express. That is if the sentence in english is too long or complex to express and a easier alternate language can express that same meaning in 1 word, they tend to use it, as such we have what you call broken english. A mix of english and many other languages sometimes 3 or more in one sentence.

This is for the spoken language.
Its good to teach multiple language and babies will loose that native ability after 1yr old. Again as doman said native ability. You can say put an african baby in a chinese home in china and he would be speaking perfect chinese by 3… as you would with any other babies … any where else … the ability of the baby to define and tune in to that tone to so called decode the tones etcs … starts as early as birth and gradually loses its ability starting from 6mth … hence why we spoke 4 different languages from birth to 1 yr …when they lose that ability … but really its not lost … the advantage is its stored somewhere in the hard disk of theirs …

Next its best if you drop most other language and concentrate on 1 or 2 core language … until they pick it up perfectly, … then you can start introducing the other languages back again … this other languages would come back to them quite quickly and they will learn to speak it like natives …without the heavy accent …

How do you teach 2 languages?
I am now concentrating purely on english, teaching her english, but my wife speaks cantonese at home she knows we are speaking in a different language and she does not understand what we are saying because we did not say it directly to her … she understands our instructions and command in english … and she expresses herself in english … this will be up till 18mth when i will do mandarin intensively, and flashing mainly chinese cards, for the 3rd time, twice before she turn 1yr. And during this time when i am teaching i will speak in perfect mandarin only, but for daily routine it will still be in english … as such mandarin becomes a subject like maths etc …

I use to speak in a mix of multiple language from where i came, but after several yrs of education in UK, i learn to turn it on and off depending on who i am speaking to, i even pick up some old englishman and country side slang… so i think immersion should be part of the training too … as such along the way she would be brought to china, taiwan for a cultural shock and forcing her to speak mandarin only, and perhaps bringing her to US or UK where she is forced to speak english only so that peole understand her. But then would be some 5-6 yrs from now … the purpose of teaching her multiple language is so that she could be an international citizen, and one requirement of that is for her to travel there to immerse herself in that language and culture …

Also you can arrange classes which speaks purely english only and finding another class that speaks chinese only. And having a different interest group in different language. She would be forced to learn and communicate in 2 language. Its a continuous process after 1 yr old … and once she gets the hang … you can start introducing a 3rd and 4th … but it would be at the expense of other subjects like music, maths, science, social skills etc …