question about Doman math dots sessions

I am new to Doman math and do not have the books, but I read through the threads and got some great information, thank you everyone!

I also downloaded Anji’s presets and schedule (, which is great! But I have a question to you, who have experience with the method and read the books.

In one of the posts, giving an outline of Doman’s method, it was mentioned that there should be 6 sessions, 5 numbers each ( when you introduce the quantities), in this schedule is 10 numbers per session, should I divide each session in two and show the sets separately ( how far apart ( 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 30 minutes) should that be?), should I just show set of 10 cards 3 times a day, or set of 10 cards 6 times a day?

And another question, in the pre-sets numbers come randomly, do I show them randomly or do I show the numbers in order at some point and then later show the same numbers randomly?

Thank you so much, in advance!

I show her sets of 10 dots. I’ve just started though and I haven’t read the book. I flash them on the computer.

You have 2 set (1-5) and (6-10). Each set show 3 times (for 6 sessions) a day for 5 days … then on the 6th day remove 1 and 2, and add 11 and 12. Seperate it into 2 sets again … (3-7) and (8-12) for flashing them first time do it in order. 1st session 3-7 (in order), wait 15 mins min, 2nd session flash 8-12 (in order), 3rd session 3-7 (random), 4th session 8-12 (random), if you don’t have time you can do 4 sessions, if you have time you can do 5th and 6th session. Change 3 and 4 for 13 and 14 on 7th day, show in order each 1st and 2nd session, random thereafter.

Good luck…

Thank you, Trinity Papa! Really helpful and down to the point, appreciate it. I would re-do the files according to this.

So according to the same schedule I mentioned in my original post, it says, that on the day 17 we start equasions. Is that correct? And if so what are the rules about equasions, is it also a few times a day the same ones in addition to introducing the numbers? IN the above mentioned schedule, there are 10 additions for instance on the day 17, would I also do them 5, wait 15 minutes and another 5? Would I also do numbers in the same session?

Thank you!

Sorry … didn’t see schedule … as i complete my maths for trin last yr … 17 days … i think that is follow SM maths and not GD … they are same in theory but different in execution …

The method i mention is from GD. Accordng to them, they say can do 2 step equation after finishing quantity 20. But i complete quantity 50 before i do the addition equation. As you have to do 3 equation (addition) per session, again 3 session a day. Total 9 equations in a day. The 10th equation is suppose to be a game or which is equation, but you only do that after doing addition for 2 weeks. And then you do the equation. Actually after 2 weeks addition, you do 2 weeks subtraction, and on … when you complete division, you do 2 more weeks of mixed equation meaning in 1 session you do 3 different equation, that is addition in 1 equation, subtraction in the 2nd and division or multiplication in the 3rd. You can, if you like, do problem solving equation after the 3rd equation.

Therefore if your doing the full schedule it will go on to as much as 9 sessions dot + 3 session equations for a total of 12, that’s a lot of cards to handle … if i had LM it would have been perfect … no need to tear up my hair … if i have nay left that is … lol

Thank you again for your explanation, karma to you!

I am getting really close to understanding and putting together my schedule. I REALLY glad I’ve got LM!

I did not understand about 12 sessions. Wouldn’t it make 9 actually ( I guess not just a child learns math, but parents does as well :smiley: ). I mean 6 sessions of continuing to introduce dots ( quantities) of 3 double sessions of 5 numbers each; and then 3 sessions of 3 equasions each… That makes 9. Did I missed something?

Thank you so much.

oops sorry 6 + 3 = 9 sessions … was thinking ahead of myself … 9 session in total and then i add the equations again … sorry about that

each sessions is about 15 mins apart at least …

but for me … after doing for a few mths and she got the hang of it … i just do it continuously … that is sometimes 1 min break inbetween sessions … and i will do the 2 dot session and then the 1 session equations … and then the next math session would be like a few hours later … overall it still seems to work …

i think the idea be it SM or GD, is to show often but not so much as to overkill … stick to 10 dots a day … and the no. of equations … if he she is sick or teething slow down or stop … and as long as we are doing consistently i found they actually understand it …

we do problem solving or testing … once a week and she answers correctly for 5 step combination equations … we have completed her program when she was around 14mths and we are still doing maths but 3 equations a day to maintain the flow, just right now i am wondering how to teach her beyond 100 … and the relevant equations too … another headache … because we have to know the equations and aanswer test them before hand and then teach them … or rather show them to confirm what the little one’s thinking is correct …

How young was Trinity, when you started? Evangeline is 3.5 months, but she is really concentrating and LOVES the dots, I have to discipline myself to not do it agan and again… On the other hand, just wondering if it is not too young, since it will be difficult to “test” her just yet :smiley:

Once I’ve done all the days up to 100 dots, equasions, then I just continue with equasions, right? It is still way ahead of me, but just wondering. Do I repeat the program from the beginnign at any point? Review of sorts?

Also, from what I understand I do simple equasions with one action at first 2 weeks each. Then, are there any rules for combination equasions? Like you mentioned 5 steps ones, what was your progression towards that, any records you can share?

Thank you for your precise and to the point answers, Trinity Papa.

So, are you planning to go beyound 100? Do you know of others who have experience with that, benefits?

I will be definetly interested in your experiences with that. Keep us all posted.

You also mentioned that you started adding equasions after you reached 50, I am leaning towards that as well… Do you have any tips, guidlines on making equasions? I heard conflicting information about the guidlines for equasions, so just wondering…

Really admire you doing it all with flashcards, before LM, wow!

Trin started her math dots at 3m, it took 5m to complete the entire dots n dot equations. We did have 1 or 2 one week break in between due to overseas trip … 3.5m is also right to start … yes its quite an enduring process … wondering what the h*ck … if she really understands what i am doing … but there is something to take note … once she starts to crawl or walk which is around 7-8mth they will start to run away from the cards, or totally ignore the cards and minding their own business … looking here and there but notthe cards … hmm but your using LM, probably you won’t have that problem like me … nevertheless, you can try speeding up the process by replacing 3 cards instead of the recommended 2. But i would say do it only if she shows keen interest … as you know she is intently looking at the cards and therefore is absorbing … i only changed 3 cards after 50 as i suppose she is getting used to the idea … also i did ask her which is 19, when i hold up 2 cards. She show she understand by looking at the correct dot card. I think you can do that with LM. But i am sure she is learning.

yes after completing the dots, have to do (2-step equation) 2 weeks each of +, -, x, /, followed by another 2 week of mixed equation, as in in one day of 9 equations there are +, -, x, /. And then (3-step equation) 2 weeks each of +, -, x, /. And then an extra 2 weeks for simple mixed equations, and an extra 2 weeks of mixed equations that is in 1 equation there are 2 operators. Advice was to avoid mixing x with / initially. Abit confusing initially, also because of the brodmas thingy, … but i think that isn’t important yet, because i found out since i am reading to her, it doesn’t matter, as she calculates the answer step by step through the equation, so it does not matter which operator comes first. However if its written its a diferent matter.

This why you don’t have to redo the dots because you will be showing her tonnes of it repeatedly for the nexst 5-6 mths … and she will have plenty of opportunity to view them again and again.

Since you have LM, i think someone have uploaded the euqations module… all you have to do is download it and use it … it should be much easier than my method … as i only have one set of maths dots with numerals written behind, i have to carefully construct the equations so that they don’t collide with each other that is the numbers cannot repeat itself in a day, since i organise them the night before …, i have to carefully go thru each equations, and initially, for me upto 3 step equations i flash the entire 7 cards per equation 4 dots cards and 3 operators. Imagine 36 dot cards the operators must be shuffled each time when i complete one equation …, and that is excluding the PS equations. Its so good to have LM. If i have another one LM isthe way to go by that time i will be asking you how you did yours … :slight_smile:

When do you start introducing the numerals and symbols?

That is so neat to get all these tips from you! Also encouraging to hear how Trinity is able to solve the equasions now, after doing the course. In fact I was hoping to hear from someone who started with their kid around the same age as I, so I can compare of sorts.

It did give me motivation. Of course I knew the fact that she takes it all in, etc. But having someone who just walked the road and is a bit ahead :smiley: is really really neat.

Well, that was really helpful, and I am sure once I start getting more into the program, I might (will!) have more questions. And, yes, TrinityPapa, I definetly will be sharing my LM tips and tricks :wink: as I go along

Just wondering now, if I need to have flashcards on paper as well for “testing” her a bit later on in the program… Or if anyone has an experience how to do it with LM.

I am creating my pre-sets for her math dots for every day now (with retiring numbers, sessions in order, random sessions, etc.), just to make it easier for me to have it all together and not needing to prepare those every day for the next day ( also so my husband can show her the dots when he is with her). Just wondering once I will do those, would it be helpful if I would post these presents for others, or not really? Since there are already a few different schedules available. :unsure:

GD maths says step 3 introduce symbol, <, >, = and not equal, as well as sequencing after doing all the maths equation to show pattern …

After that i rest for 1 week and then i show dot relate to numerals … that is step 4 …
step 5 is to show numerals with equations …

Using flash card has its limitations because you don’t have 2 or 3 or 4 sets of the dots for you to do the equations with almost unlimited combinations … just have to keep it below 100. Because that is what we limited to teach them … the problem about 5 step equation is … when you read the equation say 10 + 20 (=30) x 3 (=90) (here onwards must be careful not to exceed 100) - 42 (=48) / 6 = 8 … i suspect baby’s think in phrase … they will do it this way 10 + 20 = 30 x 3 = 90 - 42 = 48 / 6 = 8 … in phrase or step … whereas if its written we do the x first then division and then + and - … following bodmas rules … not sure if they still use that rule now … but in any case its straight forward maths using mental calculations … that’s why i think we still have to teach them maths all over again later when they start to write and count … due to certain rules …

anyway for 3 step equation i still use flash card, but 4 step onwards i don’t show the equation just the answer … the purpose is to get her familarise with the operators …, even when i do numerals … actually numerals is kind of repeat of dots equation …

Nevertheless, i think its straight forward simple maths, and just getting them used to the idea that there is such a thing as maths …

my next step is how to teach beyond 100, which is easy but how? as in what method to use, white board and marker? she will want to grab the marker and then draw on the wall … headache… chalk board?? breathing too much of those powder causes cancer …, paper lamination?? … there are tonnes of numbers how many digits are we going to do ?? And then there is fractions and negative number equations … so calculus, algebra etc will be later … as algebra she needs to know her a, b, c first …

the other thing about knowing maths early … you have to consistently teach her or do it with her … too long a rest and you worry she lose that ability …

Ok, here is another question… So we have two sets of 5 numbers for each session, which we show with little intervals. Then we supposed to “On the sixth day and later add 2 new cards daily and put away 2 old cards daily. This is how you retire cards: Every day remove the two lowest numbers…”

But then I have a question, that I have not thought of before, – do I retire the lowest number from each set? Or two lowest numbers from the 10 numbers of that day. Or it does not matter?

I guess not having a book, it takes me a little bit of pasting together all the bits of knowledge I can find on the forums :slight_smile: Which I am thankful for

Thank you

Just realised that this was an answer to my question…

I am feeling inclined to do that. Reasons? I feel that starting at 3.5 months I want to give her more chances to learn numbers before equasions will start, also there are more possibilities for equasions with that many numbers. And… it will give me a chance to learn how to create equasions with Little Math :blush:

So what are your thoughts on that? Is there any reason, that I HAVE TO start equasions after 20? Or it does not matter that much?

TrinityPapa, what were your particular reasons for doing it this way?

Thank you!!

Hi I think it does not matter that much … the idea of showing it at 20 was that continuous showing of dot cards may result in boredom for the child … especially for one highly mobile and active individual … so by showing the addition equation the idea is to tell them that hey there is more than just static dots … its dynamic … by combining it with the following operators … and young kids or toddlers would go wow …

For babies as young as 3m, showing uptil 50 doesn’t take a mth … and they are only 4mth or 5 or 6mth and they aren’t exactly mobile yet … so when they see you performing or presenting something to them they feel wow something interesting … better than the ceiling all the time … (just kidding) …

But it also, like you said, give me precious time to practice and also to do up all the equations … i depended on no one to come up the structure and and the equations based on the limitations i have on my 1 set of cards… with LM its a different type of limitation … not as restrictive as my dot card method …

I think you can print out the dot cards … then you can ask her PS … or flash equation on LM and then hold up two cards to do PS.

Good luck.

for a 2 years old chidl should i start with dots or number directly>
if dots is used i only introduce the dots and say what number its for but with out showing the number it self like this attachment ?plz i need help iam lost!!

So, here are the first batch of presets that I put together for GD math dots. I followed the advice that I got here, and suggestions from GD. Presets are done with 2 sets of cards ( 5 each), retiring two cards a day, and adding two cards a day. Doing first session of the day in numerical order and consequent 2 sessions in random order. Hope it will make it easier for others to have these presets. And I will continue posting materials that we will be using as we go.

This is the link to the presets, ready to use! Day 1 - Day 11.

Hi Ketty, … wow 2 yrs old … i am not so sure … i think a doman mum did it for his 2.5 yrs old … i think you can search her name to get her topics … to get her website …

For me personally, i would teach dots, and some equations, and then try to move on quickly to numerals … an dusing numerals o teach more equations … as i think the ultimate aim is to teach them quantity and numerals recognition … that is linking dots to numerals (as in how we pronounce them and how we write them) … One he knows that we write 1 means 1 dot and 5 means five dots … its easier for them … that reminds to teach her maths in chinese and japs …

Great work sky … your so fast into it …

I am hoping Lm would subsequently have a scheduled program later on when they upgrade if so i will use it when i have the next one …

From what I understand, there is no problem if I have to take a break in showing the cards for a day or two. I just continue from where we left off. Is that correct? Or would that make it difficult for the child? Is consistency a secret of the method, or as long as we progressing, we are doing good?

It is not that I am planning to be inconsistent, but because of my husbands and mine work, we travel and are out a lot. We are trying to be faithful with her learning, but for example last couple of days we had to skip the Math Dots sessions because we travelled and did not have computer with us…

Anyone has comments on that?