question about Doman math dots sessions

Skylark, I also skip sessions from time to time. I usually do two sessions a day (very occasionally three), but sometimes I only do one - and sometimes none (especially at weekends). I think it is fine. I am the same with Little Reader, and always have been.

As I said in an earlier post, Shichida’s rigidity - not allowing you to skip a single session without having to start the program all over again - is what put me off his method the most.

Thank you Maddy, this is encouraging. I think someone mentioned also that in GD book, he tells also that it is not hard and fast rule to follow, just doing it to the best of your ability.

Just curious, when you only was able to do one session of Math Dots in a day, would you still try to do another one or two that you have not done, the next day. Or do you proceed to the next set arrangement ( retire two cards, add two cards) the next day?

OK, now as we are about to start equasions… ( I am delaying the onset of equasions till 50, so I have a little time to figure it out myself :smiley: ), I have a question:

From what I understood, Doman suggests we do not use symbols like +, =, -, etc

It is pretty simple to do if you got paper cards ( which I hope I would have some time soon to use for problem solving :yes: ), but if I am using LM, is it possible to “programm” the action, like “plus”, so the voice says it, but would not show the actual sign. Anyone who did it, can you give me advice?

Is there a principal difference in using or not using these symbols. Those who read the books, please advise! I can see that one reason of not using symbols in paper flash cards, would be to make it go faster and to flow ( it is easier to flash 3 cards then 5!) However, it also makes sense that may be child is making more progress if the symbols are not shown, but just said, since child does not “have to have” symbol written in order to associate it with the action… Just wondering. Of course in LM, it is easy to use symbols, but would it make more difficult for child later?

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

In display settings, on the top right side, there is a box that you can check that says do not display math symbols if showing icons.

Why wouldn’t you want to use the symbols??? Are the symbols confusing or do they slow the child down in performing the operation?

Thank you, Nikki! Great!

So the voice would state the operation while the symbol is not shown, right?

Doman says not to use them. I have never read his books, but I would guess that it is because they would be confusing when you are trying to show dots, and they would take extra time when you are supposed to be rapid flashing.

Yep, Skylark.

Thank you! Then I am set for the equasions :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Equasions here we come!

Nikki, appreciate, speedy reply! K to you!

hi – I’m kind of new to this… my twin girls recently turned 5 months and I have been showing them word cards 3 times a day (5 words per session) based on the doman method since last month. I try to make the sessions exciting with my voice and by showing them related pictures (as quickly as possible, I must work on this because I tend to get disorganized while finding the right pics!) but my girls don’t exactly jump out of their seats… sometimes they seem uninterested and look away.

anyways, my question is about math. I downloaded the dot cards both front and back. when I show the cards to the girls, so I say the numbers out loud while I show the dots to them? I can’t afford little math so I just need some guidance…is there a simplified version of the program since I’m dealing with two babies at once! what exactly is the goal – to teach them the sounds of the numbers? I’m obviously lost. I searched for more info on the website but could not find details. please help! thank you so much.

I think, whether with cards or with LM the principle is the same. By showing the Dot Cards and saying the number, you are helping your babies to associate numbers with the quantity they see ( since they see the full quantity right away, and do not need to count the dots, like we adults do), see, – the dots are true quantity, so your babies will know what “2” or “15” mean, when you say the number and show true quantity.

I think it does not matter whether it is one baby or two or even more.

I’ve seen others doing math dots cards with 3-4 babies at the same time. Just keep it simple, joyful and short.

And dont be discouraged, because even when we think the babies do not pay too much attention, they actually do.

Congratulations on your twins, I am sure you are doing a great job!

Another question I have…

When showing the first set of additions, do they have to be under 20 ( so this way we are starting with smaller numbers), or it is Ok for them to be anything up to a number that my girl learned.

The reason I am asking is that I waited till I reached quantity 40 before I started equasions.

So what would you suggest, – doing first equasions with numbers under 20 or working under the 40 right away?

I would imagine that it would not matter, since baby sees any quantity as a whole, and not “counting the dots” so to say… But since I do not have GD book, I was wondering if there is anything about that in there, or if you had any experiences that would be helpful for me to know.

Thank you so much!

Oh, and another question, do we do completely different equasions every time, or is there a time and place for repeating some of them?