Quantum Speed Reading - Right Brain Reading

I’ve been reading a book called “Quantum Speed Reading” by Yumiko Tobitani. She was a teacher at the Shichida Academy in Japan and discovered this ability by accident when she asked the children in her class to quickly flip through books (like fanning the pages of a book so you aren’t really opening the book up fully). One child reported that words and pictures came out of the book and he understood the whole story. Then she got the children to do the activity with English books (the children cannot read English and they are in Grade 2 if I remember correctly) and another child “read” the story of The Old Man and the Sea by Hemmingway. He had never before heard of the story and the book he flipped through had no pictures.

From there, she continued to do other activities with the children and discovered that the children could absorb information from the books through wave energy emitted from the books (the theory behind is it based on Quantum Mechanics - how everything is made up of particles and waves which is why we are all connected or something to that effect).

Teaching her children to Quantum Speed Read helped them develop all their other Right Brain functions which got me really interested how it works. I was hoping that they would teach this in Heguru but when I enquired, they said they don’t. They have no idea when or if they will introduce the QSR program here. Currently, it is only done in Japan which leads me to believe it is difficult to teach if not done properly.

I know all of this sounds incredible and pretty unbelievable but lets save the skepticism and arguments about whether this is all true or not. I’m interested to hear from others who know about or have heard about QSR or something similar. There is a blind-fold reading program which I have heard about as well, which I believe is the same thing because they talk a lot about Mid-Brain Activation and right brain.

have u attended shichida workshop?

No. Do they talk about it there?

Hi Shen Li,

It is funny to see you here again, as I just send a email to your website directly about qsr. As I mentioned in the email, I learnt the skill directly from the original developer Ms. Tobitani. She has left Shichida Child Academy last year after Dr. Shichida pass away on 22.4.09. I am not sure if SCA still taught qsr currently(they used to, but not all 400 center in Japan).
My Mentor Ms. Tobitani train 8 teachers(from Italy, Germany, Israel, Japan, Hong Kong). We all would like to spread this skills all around the world.

You can watch a exclusive video footage from my website www.quantumkidz.com(most text is in chinese) and visit our international facebook page “quantum speed reading” (sorry not much info there right now, I will update it in next month, too busy teaching kids in HK haha)

pm me if need further info.

thanks for sharing the passion in qsr:)

Hello Swong,

When did you send me that email? I don’t recall receiving any email about QSR. Could you please resend the email to me? I really would like to talk to you more about QSR as I am very interested to find out more. It is fantastic to know that you worked directly with Ms Tobitani - how inspiring :slight_smile:

I’m afraid I cannot read chinese so cannot understand much on your website. Perhaps you could share more with me? I will PM you.

Thank you!

Please do share here too, this stuff is fascinating! The human brain will never cease to amaze me.

Thanks everyone for sharing the same passion!

I just back from work! Since I have to teach whole day during this weekend. I will share more with everyone early next week!
Have a great weekend!

I just write a few things at the time being. After-Image Training and ESP training is very important at early stage, as imagination is the foundation of QSR, as some of you may know that ESP ability is 5 senses of our right brain, it helps the reader to absorb the quantum energy from the content of the book(although some may people find it hard to believe).

Of coz breathing and meditation is a MUST as it helps to tune our brain wave into alpha then theta wave.

Have a Great Weekend everyone!

Would love to hear more on QSR!
Especially on preparing a young child to use it.

Hi Everyone,

I am back for good after a busy week of teaching and research work. I know some of you would like to buy the book “quantum speed reading”. I am sorry to say that the English Version is out of print. It cost nearly $500 usd in amazon.com marketplace for the used one. I am not sure if local bookstore still carry it but definitely not in Hong Kong.

Anyway, back to where we left off last time, the basic training of QSR is the breathing exercise (get into a suitable brainwave-alpha wave) and meditation to start off the daily routine exercise. Mother can add auto-suggestion at the end of the meditation such as “you are doing very good at qsr exercise, you can memorize the entire mandala pattern and color effortlessly…or any other positive affirmation.” I will talk about affirmation more next time.

After Image Exercise is a MUST at early stage of the training, I am sure if any parent has attend Shichida’s Training will know what I am going to say.

There are Four Stage of After-Image Card Training:

  1. Reverse Color(usually happen if age after 6)
  2. Original Color(same as the card, blue dot with orange background, for those who don’t know what i am talking about please raise your hand here, I can put up a sample attachment if needed)
  3. Children start to visualize different shapes e.g star, heart, polygon…etc.
  4. Freestyle Imagination/visualize(parent can encourage your children to draw out what he/she seen after the exercise)

Besides of improving the concentration and creativity of the children, the most important thing is to stimulate the power of the ability of inner vision which is crucial to QSR Core Training afterwards.

For whose who doesn’t know what is after-image card training or how to do it please leave your message here and I will reply it here.

That’s all for today. We talk more next time.


Hi Swong,

Just one question:

What age do you recommend starting all this with a child? Because my oldest son is nearly 4 and he doesn’t like doing the after-image cards. He doesn’t want to look because he says it’s boring. He does Mandala in class but doesn’t like doing it because he says he can’t remember the colours (he doesn’t even bother paying attention to the screen when they show the Mandala).

Regarding the book Quantum Speed Reading - I have called all the local bookstores before I bought it and nobody had it on hand. I managed to find my copy on eBay so it’s worthwhile checking eBay from time to time to see if anyone is selling their copy.



the early the better for infant education. you can star from the very first day, we started teaching E when she was about 4month and she always show grate interest and many of the know people who started later get those difficulties.

start choosing a good category where your child would show the best interest, like vehicles birds or animals and increase categories. you may find you child loosing interest on flash card but you can go for sideshows, here you can find may of the sideshows on free download section

is it similar to shichida method?

swong, can you please explain more about after-image card training. What is after-image training, what age to start, etc.

I visited your website but couldn’t understand what it is all about :wacko: . Do you have any plans to put the site in English.

Hello Swong,

I read a lot of Schida materials, and now my son just enrolled Shchida class in HK but no QSR elements and the entry age is up to 4 only. I got another son aged 7, do you have any centre and tutor referred to me. Can you send the information to my personal email chanhoifan@yahoo.com at the same time. Thanks


Hi arvi,

Happy New Year to you. Sorry for late reply, as my colleague and I are busy preparing overseas quantum speed reading training program for kids and adult lately. Let’s talk about after image training. It is the one of the most important training in shichida methods as well as quantum speed reading as the big difference between traditional speed reading and qsr is that the reader no matter kids and adult are watching images/movies while flipping the book at very high speed so that they can understand the content of the book at quantum energy level and one of the reason why quantum speed reader can do that is because they can see and create images and movies by exercising their imagination and visualization while they are closing their eyes in a relax state of mind. After image training is the foundation training to equip the reader such ability. As you may have read some books by Dr. Shichida, it all starts with a orange card with a blue circle in the middle. One need to starr at it for 30 seconds, then close your eye and enjoy the after image as long as you could. There are four different stages of after image training. First stage, reverse color, some may see the circle in orange color and the background color in blue(usually adult). Second stage, original color, the after image is the same as the original card(most children below age six can do that without any training). Third stage, change the circle into other shape e.g triangle, heart, diamond,stars…etc by focusing and imagination while closing your eyes after 30 secs. Fourth stage, freedom imagination, you can see anything you want especially including yourself in the images. In Japan, children are asked to picture/imagine themselves learning very happy in school, getting good grades, playing with Mom happily…they can even heal sickness by exercising their imagination/visualization. This training can start at age 1.
I hope the above brief explanation can help you. We are re-ramping our website now, and we are planning to create a English page too, hopefully we can get it done in Q1. At the time being, I can email english info to you directly.

Actually, it all starts with a obeservation of a child flipping a book in a shichida classroom by my mentor Mrs.Tobitani(Ex-Research and Development Director of Shichida Child Academy many years ago. Then Mrs. Tobitani developed this skill together with the shichida dot card program, high speed mathematics program during her career in SCA. So you can say it share the foundation principal of shichida right brain training but it orientation and aim is to activiate the interbrain(the reptile brain) and pineal gland to unleash the full power of human mind and consciousness.

Hi Shen-Li,

Sorry for late reply. I see you have done at great job in posting QSR info on your blog. Thanks for spreading this skill on internet. As for your question, QSR usually start at 4 years old. If your son doesn’t like to do after-image card, you might like to try the artifical light training with him, as far as my experience tell me, kids just love this. By the way, what after-image card you have on hand, just the orange-blue one which shichida school usually do or do you have any others? In regards of the Mandala training, if anyone who can’t remember the color correctly, it may have to do with the photographic memory ability and concentrate. My student who can hold the after image for over 4 mins have better performance in Mandala Memorization. Of coz, self confidence is the key to any kind of learning, no matter children and adult like us tends to do things which we perform well, you can encourage him by telling him he is doing great no matter the current result is. You may also consider visualize he is doing great in any right brain training by yourself or visualize a positive outome together before starting any training. Auto-suggestion is a powerful ingredient also. My mentor always remind teacher or parents that in order to unleash full potential of interbrain, Love is the most powerful element, we have to inspire and nurture our children to embrace themselves to love themselves and enjoy the things they do, then their abilities will blossom. After all, right brain education is a soul-based/consciousness education. Hope to discuss with you more in the future.

Hi Swong,

Thanks for your reply. I’ll try the artificial light training then. I have the orange card and I also have a series of cards and a DVD by Right Brain Kids.

Yes, I feel that imaging practice has really helped me with the Mandala patterns. When I practice imaging, I find that I can see the afterimage of the mandala pattern more easily which makes it easier to draw the pattern and colour it in. My son doesn’t like to do Mandala in class so sometimes I end up doing it for him.

Although I have not been very successful with my son and these exercises, I found it has worked for me. That’s what made me really believe in it. Since Tobitani says it works better in children, I can only imagine how my son would do if I could just get him to do the training. I am still hopeful as he is only four and my younger is 1. If it can work for me, I know it will work even better for them.

I would love to talk to you more about this, too.

Thanks for your advice!


Hello Swong and others
NO the QSR book is not out of print - I can send you any number of copies - only $20 a copy + postage - please contact me at

Dear swong,
my son 2yrs 7months.I want to train him qsr,where I can get the material for qsr as I stay in bangalore,India.