Pregnant and without energy

Hi everyone…
I am pregnant for 10 weeks and would like advice from you.
I’m completament without energy, I feel very tired, sleep, and this is starting to disturb me, because I have two kids that need my attention. I have no brake of that.
I do not drink coffee for almost 3 years, only occasionally, and usually decaff (once every two months).
I do not know what to do, I stopped teaching my kids because I’m so tired, the body weighs on me.
Does someone know what can I do for change my energy???

Make sure you eat well, not only feed your kids well. Make sure you get a little exercise, like a short walk everyday. Get some help from the family and friends to babysit or entertain your other two while you rest for a bit. After the 12 week mark, make sure you check your iron levels checked by your Dr
Hope that helps a bit!

I’m taking prenatal every day (the one I take is very good, is the same I took when I was pregnant of my other kids).
I feel hungry all day long, so I eat a lot (all day), good bread (whole grain), turkey breast, yogurt, fruits (a lot), beans and everything… I already got up 4 pounds since I got pregnant.
my body hurts (I have a good mattress), I sleep all night, I walk like 5 min. and I feel like I’m going down…I get so tierd…

Hi! One thing that gave me a boost of energy during my pregnancy is exercise! I’ve read somewhere that it could boost mental function of the fetus too, due to the varied movement, good blood-flow/ circulation, and high oxygen levels you get from exercise. It also releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones. When you don’t feel like doing it, JUST DO IT and you’ll feel so much better for the rest of the day.

Thanks arnie2009, thanks nadia0801, I will exercise more, then I let you know if that help me.

i would say rest and sleep. Its important to have sufficient rest. But of course, having said that, i know its difficult with kids around. So if possible, get rest when they are schooling or having nap. Have them understand that you need to rest and if they have any minor problem,ask the caregiver to handle them first.After your rest, talk to them about their issues again.

My advice is to enjoy sleep while you can, because in the last mths you will never be able to get comfortable enough to get a good night sleep . Keep eating well and taking your iron and folate (if that’s what your doc has given you) and maybe talk to your doc about any other pregnancy supplement you can take to help. At this stage your baby is taking all the goodness from you as its growing, so make sure you are getting enough and that will help with your energy.
exercise increases your body’s oxygen intake, fuelling every cell in your body. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming or exhausting – the best fitness regimes for pregnancy are gentle, like walking or yoga. It’s better to snack on carbohydrates like fruit, cereal or wholewheat sandwiches, which release energy slowly over a longer period, keeping you going. ‘If you eat little and often, you’ll avoid peaks and troughs in your blood sugar levels, and have more energy :slight_smile:

All the best, and congratulations!!! :slight_smile:

I was exhausted when I was first pregnant. I could sleep for 10 hours and still be tired when I woke up. It passed as my pregnancy progressed. I recommend sleeping if you are tired. It means your body needs it.

Hi L and J

I thought I was alone!! :unsure: I’m 9 1/2 weeks and feel precisely the same!! I’ve grown to feel bad about me not teaching my 2 year old too!! :confused:
I’m on Iron supplements as I’m permanently iron deficient, but I’m still very tired & the best of all my 2 year old has started to wake up at before 6am - and she used to sleep until 8 or 9!!
I’m not eating well, but that’s because food makes me nauseous.

I hope for my sake and yours, that this tiredness will pass very soon!! :yes:


Congratulations on your pregnancies L & J and Stellajo.
One of the symptoms of the first trimester is tiredness. I’m sure that you are incredibly busy looking after two children who are demanding of your attention. It’s so physical looking after children - picking toddlers up, changing them, getting them in and out of their cots/carseats/prams etc.
My women’s health physiotherapist reminded me that in the olden days women lay around doing very little during confinement - where as now we expect we can carry on doing our normal daily activities at 100%. Take it easy and I’m sure that your energy levels and the nausea will improve during the second trimester. Take care!

PS Stellajo have you tried ginger supplements or magnetic bracelets for your nausea as natural remedies? I’ve heard they work in some people - hopefully it’ll help your appetite, and I hope your 2 year old starts sleeping in soon.

Try blueberries for nausea. Native Americans used them, and they are supposed to help!

If I could I would sleep all day, I go to bed early (also wake up early) I’m sleeping between 7 and 9 hours per night, and during the day when my children are asleep, sometimes you also sleep, and if I’m so sleepy, even if they are not, I put them to sleep, so I can relax a little, but it is not enough.

I do not feel sick, but food that I have always liked that now gives me no desire to eat, mostly sweet things.
I’m taking pre natal, that contains 100% iron and 125% of folic acid.
Yes, I do feel bad for not be teaching my children. but I feel worse than not getting to play with them for feeling tired
Hope you feel better fast, and the same desire for me lol :biggrin: lol

hope from the bottom of my heart that you’re right, because it did not feel anything when I was pregnant my children (I could teach, play and incluseve load up on my girl who is my other baby was born).


I was talking to my mother-in-law and my doctor about it, morning sickness
My doctor said the best are small (very small) portions of food every 1 to 2 hours, and look for things that your stomach can accept.
and my mother-in-law said if you have nauseous, the best one is put ice in your mouth, that help, especially after you eat.

I hope that help you.

Have a nice day

I did not know that blueberries was good for nausea … Good to know, if I know of someone that needs, I’ll recommend.


thanks, I will try

Oh, me too. Currently 11 weeks pregnant. I seem to need a nap about an hour after waking up. The energy required to dress and eat breakfast is too much! I have a 2 1/2 year old and it is tough to meet her needs all day long. I have been trying to put a few books and toys by my bed so I can half doze for a few minutes through out the day and know my daughter is content and safe playing in my room.

I have been eating ginger to help with the nausea. It does seem to help. I didn’t know about blueberries, I will try them as well. I hope the worst of the tiredness and nausea is over soon.

I have put most of the teaching for my dd on hold for the last month - I just don’t have the energy to sustain it. I am hoping to resume after the summer. I’m trying not to feel too guilty about it, I just can’t do it all right now.

I have been doing a bootcamp for exercise and do feel better shortly after the class. However, I also find myself extra tired the next day. Perhaps a little less exercise but more frequently better suits pregnancy, I might change things around.

Growing life turns out to be very hard work!

Thanks for all the advice you guys are giving us tired pregnant ladies :biggrin:


You know I was feeling very guilty about my house being messy and not teach my children, but give a doman mama told me not to worry and relax, then reread the book to teach your baby to read and it helped me to released very much psychological. He says that sometimes you need to take a break, and that is very important that we be well to teach. I started walking again, I’m starting with 10 minutes per day 3MPH (before I walked 30 minutes at 4mph with racing every 5 minutes lasting 1 minute each). Also returned to the coffee, but I take one quarter of what I took up three years ago, and only in the morning. I do not feel sleepy, but I still feel tired. I hope not for long.