Postcard Exchange/geograpy lessons

We too got our first beautiful postcards from australia and malaysia, thank you very much, very exciting, please keep them coming :slight_smile: We will write back of course!

Thanks for all the wonderful postcards sent, although still missing the ones from South Africa and Ukraine :frowning:
We are sending out the second round of postcards, please pm us when you’ve received them. Cheers

went to the bookstore yesterday and bought 30 postcards that represent our side of the world . I will go through my pms and check the addresses i got so far to send to . I am sorry for the delay , but it was really crazy around Easter wih lots of visitors from overseas . If anybody else like a postcards from west Africa please pm me with your address .

Oh thanks for bumping! I am quite sure I missed someone who did send me a PM. If anyone still needs or wants a postcard from Australia I have some ready to go. I also have a few from new Zealand ( go nana!) if anyone wants to cover that country. PM me if you need a second round too :slight_smile:

how much could you really write in a postcard ?? what would you say ?? well I am talkative in nature and there is so much to tell others about us so hwo to make it short ?? lol what did other put ?? oh and my daughter writes and woopee she is taken to cursive writing so nicely but she still writes big so not much could fit in if i let her write .

Oh Bella let her write it! Even if she only fits one word, the kids can figure out how to read the one word she wrote, she has achieved something that will encourage the other kids to have a go, and they all still get a picture to look at! In this ce i think the content is not as important as the action :biggrin:

got our first postcard from Australia , kids were so excited , thank you so much Mandabplus3 . i took a video of my tina 5 reading the postcard you sent us . thank you thank you to your three kids . love . viv

Awesome! The excitement is very cute isn’t it :slight_smile: I am very glad they liked it. I am also glad yours was legible enough for her to read lol we have been taking it in turns as to who writes on them. I do Jaykobs turn as he refused to do more than the letters in his name…" I will just do lots of Os and As mum that’ll be OK" lol
We received a beautiful Arabian horse postcard just this morning, I can’t wait til school is over to show this one to my girls! Awesome job on the Arabic name writing, this is bound to be a hit. Thanks lol

Fantastic idea! My 3 kids and I would love to be involved. We live in Nebraska (USA).

ok friends , i apologize my postcards took so long , i already got from 3 families thank you so much . I posted mine today , first round , it took long because my six years old wanted to write them . i will be sending more to the same addresses , but at least i know some are on their way :slight_smile:

Thanks for this great idea. We would like to join too.
We live in San Jose, California.

This is such a great idea. My LO isn’t even born yet but I have been facinated by early learning. I would be interested in exchanging postcards in a few years. I hope you’ll be willing to revisit this idea when my LO is old enough. I live in Western Australia.

Pm me when they are old enough :slight_smile: but this card only comes from the other side of Oz! Welcome to the brillkids family :slight_smile:

Hi there!

Thanks to everybody who sent us postcards! Unfortunately I have already bought 3 more motifs (x 8!) as I thought that we would keep sending postcards for a while, but it looks like for many people it was only meant to be a one-off.
So by bumping this topic up, I hope that there are other BK parents who will pm me if they are interested in a “kind of prolonged” penship with somebody from Central Europe (I suggest sth. like 1 postcard every season = 4 a year if that´s ok with you). If you think you can manage this, please pm today!

…and please also pm me if I haven´t replied to you earlier: As I already had 10 people to write to, I thought I couldn´t take on any more and gave your address to a friend to reply. But if you are interested in exchanging at least 4 postcards a year, let me know and I will definitely write to you this time, sorry.

Tanikit and Skylark: never received your postcards by the way :frowning:


PD: If you pm me, please mention the names and ages of your children so that I can adapt the text of the postcards! Cheers

:blush: I am so embarrassed from all of you and my little one who sat and wrote her postcards by hand , to just find out dad forgot completely to post them . Poor dad he is overworked so we cannot blame him . so really now your cards will be sent on monday . earlylearning17 you didn’t get mine too , but to compensate on the delay i am sending each 3 postcards written and signed by my six years old Tina . thank you for your lovely postcard .
one suggestion how to use those postcards i got online : i did buy montessori felt wall hanging map but this shows only continents , and i would love more detalied map , i have a big paper one hanging on the wall , but when i saw this cloth map of the world panel on ebay and amazon , i wanted it straight away , for younger kids you can make it as a quilt , for older kids you can back it with cork board hang it on the wall and pin your postcards , family and friend photos from around the world in corresponding places . and the nice thing about it , it only cost 6 $ . i hope by telling you about this one , you will forgive me the delay in sending your postcards .
love you all

I didn´t mention you bella, because I had hope that your postcard was still on the way whereas it has already been three months now with the other two cards that never arrived…Thanks for posting them now, bella, better late than never, no problem!

Hi, I’m finally ready to join in this postcard exchange, if anyone is still interested lol We are in the Republic of Panama, central america… I can’t guarantee that the mail system will actually work but I promise to at least post them… if they never arrive you can change it into a social studies lesson on what happens when an entire country is completely undisciplined (& corrupt & …) :slight_smile:

Please pm me with your address, & I guess the child’s age & name would help me know what might interest them.

Have a nice day,

Confession, everyone!!! :blush: :blush: :blush:

As we were traveling literally across the world, we took close to two weeks to prepare the postcards to the ones who’e sent us the addresses. It tooks us a while, as we did it together – me, E (3 yo) and A (1.5 yo) :yes: We had pretty tight schedule and as we were leaving Ukraine to our next country – we left the postcards with grandparents to send :nowink: and I just learned that they misplaced them in whole confusion of our departure and so on.

So-o-o PLEASE FORGIVE US and I am making sure that they will be send, but it will take a week to do it, and then the post time :ohmy:

I did not realize it was the case and now feel terrible!!! But happy I understand what actually happened and now close to the solution :slight_smile:

Thank you for understanding!!!

Oh Skylark same happened here , it is ok , I wrote all the postcards with my kids and gave them to papa to post because post office is in city close to his office far from were we live . A month later I asked him about the postcards , and he forgot completely about them . I felt so bad . We did send them at the end but a bit late . I hope friends who received our postcards would let me know please .