Postcard Exchange/geograpy lessons

Hi everybody :slight_smile:
Great idea :slight_smile:
If somebody is interesting to exchange with us, just let me know :slight_smile:
We are now in California but can also send from France or Poland.

We have a couple to send out, my kids are getting quite enthusiastic because Nana is overseas at the moment and we took her to the airport. Nothing like great timing to kick of some education hey!

Please include us! We’re in Malaysia - the peninsula (SE Asia). PM me if you would like a postcard from here…

The postcard exchange is a great idea! It makes foreign countries real to the child not just abstractions.
i wish this can help too :slight_smile:

We would love to exchange postcards. We live in Hawaii.

I have sent two cards out last night and I have one more to send. If you would like a postcard from my family please pm your address and you can have mine.

We would like to exchange postcards too. Is that too late? Please let me know.
We are from Wisconsin, US.

Thanks so much everybody, I am so glad people are having so much fun with this! I hope it continues to grow and our kids continue to learn from each other :yes:

I just returned from holiday and am playing catchup. I think I have emailed everyone, but if I happened to miss anyone, please know it was not intentional and send me a PM!

At least half of the postcards have already been sent and the rest will go out on Monday when the postal service resumes!

Cheers and I hope many more people will decide to take part :yes:

This is a wonderful idea! Maybe my daughter is too young to understand geography yet, but I would save the cards and use them as she gets older. This will be a great way to introduce the subject to her and learn more myself :slight_smile:

Bella, you had a great plan for your children’s geography lessons!!

If I want to do this, am I just supposed to message all the others who wanted to participate, or would it be more polite to just say that I would like to do this and wait for others to message me? :wacko:

I am from Oregon (high desert region) by the way.

Cv momma be proactive and send out some PM’s :slight_smile: and if you think it’s a bit soon for your child you could always reactivate the idea in 6 months or a year, I am sure there will still be plenty of interested people.

What a great idea for geography lessona dn for her to learn about different locations and even cultures! :slight_smile:

I can send some from Ireland! Id be happy to help out!

Another great resource for geography lessons is the CIA World Fact book website.
It is a great resource for pictures of countries, maps, flags etc. This would be a great website to check out if you receive postcards from outside your country. You would not think that the CIA would be a great source of non-biased information but it is one of the most up to date websites with basic geography information about most countries as well as great pictures of the country from its people, to its landscapes, to other cultural highlights. The country comparison feature is especially cool and useful. Hope this helps others!

wow, what a wonderful idea! I would like to join too!
I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PM me if you want me to send you a postcard :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, sorry for lack of replies! We have been traveling :yes: Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be sending our cards in the next two days! We have already gotten 2 cards and… that was a total hit and our geography lesson booster hands down!

I will write more on it, but wanted to say that it is a great idea, excellent teaching activity and that we have not forgotten about our cards :blush: , they are on their way!

I found that there is a similar activity in the web called “Postcrossing” (
It’s a project that allows anyone to receive postcards (real ones, not electronic) from random places in the world :slight_smile:

I’ve sent 10 postcards so far!

Speaking of sending things to random ‘strangers’, here’s one project by Happiness Brussels I stumbled upon a few months back. Instead of postcards, you send gifts to random strangers worldwide.

Gift a Stranger from Happiness Brussels on Vimeo.

Wonder if it’ll be interesting to start something similar right here? Just a thought :slight_smile:

Excellent idea Kerileanne99. I felt giddy with happiness just reading about it. Must be Geography. lol

My LO still a little too young to appreciate the postcards but I wouldn’t mind sending out postcards from Malaysia with greetings in Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil. Maybe I’ll get some Iban friends to put in some words too.

Hopefully someone would remember a couple of years down the line. Maybe the Brillkid gang can make it an official event :blush:

H. has received two postcards & has typed replies to Isa and Sophia (with me sitting over his shoulder). We’re also sending out three more to people who have given me addresses. As I write this, he is on the floor attempting to cut out the printed text and pasting it onto postcards. I think this is about our limit…!

I understand that! We had some that my oldest half wrote and I finished, some that my son dictated some of the words to me, some that my daughter dictated and got cranky if I didn’t write it word for word, and one that they did alone ( lol) I made them all sign their own name on each card, but decided it was taking too long to insist on more involvement.
Oh most of you will get a card rather than a post card. It was cheaper and I actually had a lot of trouble finding postcards near where I live. Very strange?
The idea is working though, we have been playing stack the countries (app, we LOVE it) and the map in the toilet is consulted regularly…with the occasional random question after a toilet break! :rolleyes:
Nana sent us a lovely book from new Zealand and a couple of blank postcards from New Zealand too! Who wants them?