Poor Man's TW! Anyone interested?


There is a bit of a formula, as you can see in the rest of the thread, but annisis and I will get together this weekend to make it even more detailed and easy for people to follow. If you’d like, I can ever choose a set of topics for you. I just wanted to give people the chance to volunteer for topics that would be easiest for them to do.

I’m so glad to have you involved!

Just wondering if anyone else is still working on this? Haven’t heard anything, so I am wondering if I am the only one still working on this.


Sorry for the delay - I just got back from having a baby! We are in the process of simplifying for those who were overwhelmed and will be back with more details within the week!

It is fine… :smiley: CONGRATULATIONS on the new addition!!! I am still doing work on it I was just wondering. Congrats again! :biggrin:

Yes, we’re still working. In addition to sarahjean’s new little one, my whole family has been sick all week. :confused: So, it’s been a little crazy all around. We hope to have it all going soon. Give us another week or so and we should be in full motion!

And congrats sarahjean! Bet you’re exhausted! :biggrin:

I would love to help if someone would show me how. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I’m out. Since we’ve gotten pregnant, I barely have the energy to keep up my little guy’s education and to eat. I’m afraid I won’t be much use. Good luck!

I’m in! Would love the tutorial! I could learn how to do it now, and after our move to PA in June we’ll be able to be of some use!

I finally made a super short video! Gathering the images for the slides was a lot harder than I would have anticipated. I was worried about violating copyright laws. I would love to know what others have done to get around it.

Here is a link to it: http://memorizingthemoments.blogspot.com/2011/07/my-first-movie.html


Your video is EXCELLENT! Great job!

For slides, photos. I have variety of stock photos/pictures that I have purchased over the years for different layout projects. But of course it would have time to look through them and find what is needed, also I have some things from my husband ( who is a professional photographer). I am extremely busy right now, but in about a month, may be we can do something together, lets talk about it, I will PM you with details, Ok?

WOW! Kballent that is FABULOUS! Well done!

Thank you!

Skylark - That would be perfect!

Great video, I hope to learn how to make it one day . I would love to make videos in our native language for my daughter.