I was hoping that if I could make a tutorial explaining the process, there would be other parents willing to form a group with me to make similar videos. We could collaborate on what subjects we would include so as to not overlap and share all of our videos. The more of us interested, the more videos we have for our little ones!
Okay, so for all of us who are interested in participating, here is (based on the original forum posted video and TW’s free preview video, here are the categories I came up with and what I though I might do for each:
Art – Works of Vincent Van Gogh
Science – Minerals
Culture – Canada (Location on map, flag, national symbols, national landmarks, provinces, provincial flags)
Perfect Pitch - C (in whole note, half notes, and quarter notes)
Vocabulary - North American Birds, Fruits, Arctic Animals, opposites (tall/short. short/long, wide/narrow, big/small, thick/thin)
Math – Dots to ten, skip counting by twos to ten
Phonics - “at†family words
Whole Words – first 20 from dolch words
Poetry – The Caterpillar by Christina G Rosetti
Music – Musical instruments (different set from what was shown in Annisis’ video), rhythm (ta, ta, teetee, ta), Composer portraits (Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Mozart, Bizet)
World Language - Colours, shapes, farm animals, children’s toys (I am not fluent in any other language – I will do French if nobody else wants it. If not, I can choose another and get a friend to record)
Eye Tracking
Geography – South American Countries
Some questions for the group:
Would you like to include the soothing background music present in the original TW videos?
Would you like to include the “affirmations” TW has at the beginning and end of their lessons?
Would you each like to choose a world language and stick to that one through each video you make?
For rhythms, would you like to do the “real” names (whole, half, quarter, eighth, etc) or the common elementary names (too-oo, ta, tee-tee, ticka-ticka, etc)?
Are there any other categories that I am forgetting that you might like to add?
Would you like to have one person do all of the voice-over for consistency, or each do our own?
So, if everyone could choose what they might like to do for each category and answer the questions following, we can get moving right along:
Art –
Science –
Culture –
Perfect Pitch -
Vocabulary -
Math –
Phonics -
Whole Words –
Poetry –
Music –
World Language -
Eye Tracking
Geography –
History -
Some questions for the group:
Would you like to include the soothing background music present in the original TW videos?
Would you like to include the “affirmations” TW has at the beginning and end of their lessons?
Would you each like to choose a world language and stick to that one through each video you make?
For rhythms, would you like to do the “real” names (whole, half, quarter, eighth, etc) or the common elementary names (too-oo, ta, tee-tee, ticka-ticka, etc)?
Are there any other categories that I am forgetting that you might like to add?
Would you like to have one person do all of the voice-over for consistency, or each do our own?
This sounds great and I would love to be a part of it, but I’m really not very good at computer stuff. But if it really is simple enough and you still could use another person, I would like to help.
Art – Works by Picasso (How many works? Just 10?)
Science – Cloud Classification
Culture – Mexico
World Religion - Hinduism
Perfect Pitch – C#
Vocabulary – Prepositions, small smaller smallest, big bigger biggest, tall-tallest, short-shortest
Math – review dots to ten, continue to 15, count by 3’s to 15
Phonics – words ending in –ad, Montessori basic phonograms (ai, ie, oa, ue, ar, er, or, oo, ou, oy, ch, th, qu, wh, sh, ph) plus one word example per
Whole Words – Second 20 Dolch words
Poetry – “The Moon†by Mother Goose
Music – clapping simple rhythms as percussion
World Language – I can try some more Spanish… to be honest… I’m not fluent or anything
Eye Tracking – circular movement
Geography – North American Countries (are we just doing locations?)
History – Prez of US 2 (continued from my first video)
Does that sound ok? Anything else we’re looking for?
That sounds great! For geography, I think it makes the most sense to do just the locations.
For art, I think it will be very difficult to choose 10, but that seems reasonable.
As for the phonics families, that was EXACTLY my plan!!
I didn’t choose my History or World Religion sections. I will take: