Very nice!
I just wanted to encourage those who are on the fence about additional languages.
Our kids understand and speak 5 different languages (to different degrees). I understand quite a few and my husband in fluent in 3 and understands 5.
We never managed following 1 parent-1 language approach. Our life was just too busy. And we did not have some sophisticated system of teaching the kids languages either. With 3 kids it was no feasible to follow strict schedules or language routines, even though we wanted to originally.
LR was our life saver, and we supplemented with games, videos. songs and reading in different languages
We just did what we could, and we are happy with the results
They are exposed to Spanish and English in their daily lives. We use LR in English and Mandarin. Watch videos, listen to songs and read books in Russian.
All 3 of our LOs are very early talkers ( multiple languages did not delay their speech!), in fact our baby was actively saying his first VERY CLEAR words in Russian at 6 months ( 6 separate words) and his first English words at 7 months. He is 8 months today and understand Russian and English equally well. Recognizes quite a few Mandarin characters and he was not exposed to any Spanish yet
Another myth – is that children would be confused with the languages. If that would be a common occurrence it would have most likely happen in our situation, where we did not follow OPOL approach. However both of our oldest ones would reply in the language they are approached, and if they have a hard time with saying smth in that language, they would say “Mommy how would you say that in Spanish”
I dont think they are geniuses, as there are a lot of children in this forum who are doing exact same thing and learning many different languages, because they were given an opportunity to do so. I simply want to encourage those who are just considering exposing their children to new languages. I think it is definitely worth it, and you will see many benefits. Every new language gives an access to a new culture with its treasures, and so so worth it!
My 3 year old, who was exposed to more languages from birth then his 4.5 year old sister, also has a better diction and pronunciation, which I partly attribute to training tongue and ear in many different languages and sounds.