POLL: How did you deliver your baby? Vaginal or Cesarean?

Mine was combined. My first twin was born vaginally, and my second twin was born via cesarean.
I had emergency C-section because the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck.

I had a wonderful vaginal birth!! I would definitely choose the delivery over being pregnant any day.

Funny that Maddy just blogged on this very topic!


I delivered all four of my kiddos vaginally. They were big too! :blink:

mine was a Cesarean… that was the only option I had. there was excess of umbilical fluid so vaginal was not possible…

Sheeberi, wow, I imagine it was frightening to go from a vaginal delivery to being, I assume, rushed in for a C-section! Thankfully it seems to have turned out well!!! I’m hoping you had already had an epidural so that you were already set for the C-section? Or were they able to give you one quickly?

My experience was pretty wild as well. My doctor’s were not sure that I could even get pregnant, due to severe endometriosis (I had already had one ovary and fallopian tube removed because I had an endometrioma the size of a baby’s head!). We were blessed though and got pregnant in our third month of trying!
From then on it was a roller coaster. The doctor who had treated my endometriosis said that IF I was able to get pregnant I would be at high risk for ectopic pregnancy. So even though I was pregnant we were still waiting in fear until we could find out if I had a healthy pregnancy, trying hard to rely on the Lord. It was very tense… not feeling that you could just jump for joy the way you see people on pregnancy test commercials doing… just waiting and praying. Then we got the news that it was not an ectopic pregnancy! But at the same time, I started spotting and my doctor was concerned about miscarriage. I was treated with hormones and put on a restricted activity level. About the same time our risk for miscarriage went down I started getting sick… each and every day… multiple times a day. And like so many other babies… my daughter found a way to seemingly curl her toes around my ribs and jab at them with her little feet (she still jabs her feet so hard but now it hits my husband too and that somehow makes me feel better! ha!)!!! And I swear her arms were outstretched pressing both sides for more room! Not to seem ungrateful, but this up and down of terror and excitement was not what I imagined when I thought about creating life with my husband!!! Then my blood-pressure was moderately high. My original doctor was already talking about putting me on medication and inducing me at the earliest possible time and I was less than three months pregnant! We were so scarred! I have always preferred a more natural approach and this was my personal nightmare! I had dreamed for years of an unmedicated water birth With having endometriosis, when my cramps were at their high points, a warm bath was the only thing that could ever soothe me… no amount of meds helped! And now a water birth was looking more and more like a just a dream. I tried to change doctors/hospitals but I was denied. We continued to pray.
A couple of weeks later a referral from our insurance company arrived in our mailbox for the exact women’s clinic I wanted to go to! We were delighted and thanked the Lord! People came from miles around to have water births there! This emotional ride seemed to be smoothing out… although I was still sick all the time! It was just a few months of reprieve though. As my pregnancy neared its end I was showing no signs of going into labor naturally and my blood pressure was rising. My midwife placed me on blood pressure meds in effort to hold off inducing me. But as my blood pressure started to show signs of negatively affecting my organs, she gave me the news… If I did not go into labor naturally within the next week she would induce-- and that meant no water birth. She said that in her estimation I would NOT go into labor naturally before then. We were so broken hearted. My mom was staying with my husband and me by then, I cried to her as I listed off all the reasons I did not want to be induced and why a water birth was so important to us! She said that things had been set up against me from the beginning of this… even doctors thought it was unlikely I would get pregnant, and my other doctor thought that I would already have had to be induced weeks earlier, now I was facing another challenge. She reminded me that in the Bible God most often chooses the underdog, the one that no one believes can succeed. She reminded me of a story in the Bible where the Israelites were going to war against an army much larger than they… and what was God’s master plan? He told their leader to loose a ton of their men… God made their army seemingly even more vulnerable. But God said that He did this so that no one could say it was by their might but everyone would know when they won the war that it was God who had gone before them!!! So we all prayed, prayed that God would simply be setting up the odds against me so that He could show His might! But I’ve gotta admit I was terrified. I kept having to give over my worries to the Lord, again and again. The morning after my due date, and just three days before my scheduled induction my husband and I went swimming. When we came home I noticed that I had dropped! Seeing as he had the day off, we decided to—uuhumm—make the most of our last bit of uninterrupted time! Then, about 11am I started having contractions… around 4:45pm my contractions started getting more intense… I had been taking showers throughout the day but had read that water can slow down labor if you get in too soon and speed up labor after 8 cm. So I decided to forgo the shower and do some of my prenatal yoga. And at 5 o’clock as I was doing pelvic circles my water popped like a balloon! The hospital said I should come right in… I delayed as long as possible…. Taking one more shower before leaving. I was banging on the roof of the car and screaming the whole ride to the hospital! We got arrived around 6pm. And I was like a wild woman—according to my mother! I wanted to be on the toilet (that position felt most comfortable and I really felt like I had to go)… when the very anxious nurse got me out of the bathroom and put me in a bed I could not lay still. I was had back labor and was up on all fours on top of the bed. The nurse came in and told me (according to my mother… by this time I was in my own little world and did not really see the people around me) that she had good news and bad… my labor was going to be quick but incredibly intense. Although my blood pressure was rising the nurses did not chart it, knowing that the baby was coming quickly and that it was best for me at the time to just let nature take it’s course. I was in the water by 7pm. And, oh, I can still remember what an incredible difference it made! But no time to rest… this baby was moving! Intense is the only way I can describe it… I moaned and groaned quite loudly, my mom told me later that a group of nurses were gathered outside my door watching! She said she heard one of them saying that she could not believe this was my first birthing experience! Aside from the midwife reaching into the water to turn my daughter’s shoulders, I delivered my baby at 8:07pm—with the support of my husband and my mom! I was able to pull her out of my body and up onto my chest! It was the most amazing experience of my life. I nursed her there in the water. And she did not cry until they took her out of the warm water! I know that all the wisdom of medical science was against this happening! And yet it did! God did indeed show His might that night! It was such a rocky journey, but how He blessed us!

I would enjoy hearing more about all of your birth stories! Especially those of you who have delivered more than once… what were the diffeneces?!

my son was a week late and we indused! i was in labor for two days, the doctor tried to use that sucktion cup on my sons head. then i had to have an emergancy c-section. cause apparently my sons head is to darn big! lol!

Me too, though they were not big :slight_smile: Second was easiest, fourth had to be speeded up as I was 10cm for 2 hrs and nothing happening past that. My dr said the 4th either flies out or needs help as your womb is tired…

my experience from pregnancy to the delivery was really great!i don’t mind doing it again! :wink: i thank GOD for this!

i had a vaginal delivery WITHOUT epidurial!

the moment i learned i was pregnant, started to do researches on whats happening to my body, to my baby, what are the things to expct during pregnant and during the delivery, i have came acrossed an e-book “birth naturally” which totally caught my attention. it was all about giving birth the natura way without any medical intervention, according to the book, and i quote, “a person in a comma state would be able to deliver the baby what more when u r in your full sense”,with this the author was trying to suggest that delivery should flow down naturally.

i dwelt in understanding the effects of having epidurial during delivery on the baby and i was totally scared. according to the author, there is fear only bec u dont know what will happen, and when u are afraid, te body become tensed thus making ur tissues and muscle to contract therefore making the delivery painful.the perfect condition should be relaxed and calm in order to have the delivery flow down smoothly.he encourages rehearsing the scene in the mind over and over.

my ob-gyne had given me a date of 3rd march, but i delivered on the 7th instead. i went to see my ob on the 6th asking her if i am still good and made sure that my son is well. i was having cramps but it was very minimal almost like gas so i did not paid any attention. the hospital would not admit if there is no pain.

after getting a reassurance that im ok and that my son is good as well, ob did mentioned that delivery date is either ±1week so i was relaxed. i wanted to go out since its the weekned but both hubby n mum refuse since i can deliver anytime now. we all stayed home and bored ourselves with tv and playstation!i had a tea infusion that night (after 9months, finally a taste of caffine)and went to bed, i am telling you it was the best sleep ever since the last trimester of my pregnancy (trips to the bathroom was a disaster),then at 5am of 7th, i went to the bathroom to pee, and found a blood spotting on my underwear. under a very calm and relaxed tone, i went to my husband and whispered that “i think its time for us to go the hospital”,because its the wee hours of the day, he wasn’t sure what i said and asked me again, then when it finally sinked into him, he jumped from the bed, and starting to panic,mother came and ask whats happening,there was no pain(was expecting major contracting pains)so we decided to wait till the daylight comes to go to the hospital.

i went back to bed, i was cramping but its really something like during when my period starts to come which was totally bearable. i did not pay attention to the contractions timing bec i did not know that i am actually in labor. woke up in the morning of the 7th march at 8am, went to pee and again saw small blood spot, took shower and prepare myself to go the hospital.
this part is really funny, i was gettig ready to go the hospital, i mean getting ready - putting on make up and put on a pretty preggy dress!my husband came inside and saw what i am doing, he said to me, we r going to the hospital and u r going to deliver why r u putting on make up still? i just said, i dont want to look ugly on the pictures later on! :laugh: lol

went to the hospital, went straight to the ob section and informed them that i might be in labor now, stillthe contractions was very minimal. they put me in a pre-labor room so that sop’s can be done.when thenurse came, i was lil irritated bec she was carrying a shringe and i was very clear i do not want any drug even the dextrose drops but need to be under the drops.she wanted to see any allergic reaction to antibiotics and given me to clear my stomach.

passed stool and made back to the bed, then felt that i needed to pass another stool but the nurse said she will get the ob. then she made a physicall check and said that i am fully dilated already and the feeling i am having is the baby actually pressing down already so they put me in the delivery room already and the the ob was coaching me now on how i should do the pushing and breathing. my husband was speaking to the nurse outside and asking if i am being cut ceasarian already since he can not hear me shouting nor crying :wink: the nurse just said that this section is for normal delivery and the left section is for c-section.
the ob said that i need to push long in order not to hurt the baby, if i push i dont need to hold it back bec this can hurt the baby.and i have to think that i did not pass stool for couple days and now is the time. :wink:

because i was mentally prepared, i was not scared and i was calm and relaxed, the delivery flow down so smoothly.

i made a long push (no screaming required), ob said that she can see the head of the baby already so i was even motivated to prolong the push thinking that i might hurt my baby if i withdraw it back, then i push once more and there i saw an eggplant color in the hands of my doctor. but he was not crying yet so i ask whats wrong with my baby, then my son made a small squeak sound and immediately he was taken by the pedia to check his vitals and heard a very loud cry!that was the happiest time of my life :slight_smile: he was brought in my arms and it was the most wonderful feeling i ever had in my life!!!i cant stop thanking GOD!

after everything was done, i was having subway sandwich and a pepsi on top of the delivery table and my son cuddled in a soft blankie in my arms!

I had a emergency c-section with my daughter, doctor said her head was to big for my size!!
It is a long story, I was 14 hours on labor and then took me to surgery and they doctors FORGOT to give anestesia…soooo …it was a surgery without anestesia.
But the positive thing I have a beautiful baby girl. :slight_smile:

Sheeberi, this is an interesting topic! My delivery wasn’t as wild as yours though. I don’t think I can undergo such an ordeal. That’s actually a package deal. lol Well anyway, I had such a wonderful pregnancy. I don’t know why I deserve so many good things in my life. I never experience sickness through my pregnancy. I was pretty normal. I was still able to work till the last day of my pregnancy. To answer your topic, I had C-section. My doctor want’s me to have the c-section because I was too “small” canal. I have 60 percent chance of having c-section anyway. My only remorse is, I didn’t even experience the whole delivery thing such breaking of water, labor and stuff. Everyone think I should be grateful, but somehow theres a missing part of the whole experience for me…

Here is my birth story:
I was expecting a vaginal delivery, since my OB and perinatologist said that everything was normal both me and my baby, but due to some circumstances I ended up having an emergency c-section. My due date was supposed to be on the 3rd of August but i didn’t give birth yet. Then I had a prenatal check-up on the 7th and had an IE with dilation of 3 cm. My doctor said it was alright, and that I may have labor and delivery in a day or 2-3 days after. But when I stood up from the examination table, there was heavy bleeding, which the OB said wasn’t normal, it was just supposed to be some spotting (from the IE). So from the clinic I was brought straight to the hospital for admission & had fetal monitor attached. After an hour I was then assured that everything was normal, both my baby and me, and that I was just ;to wait for the dilation & contraction to progress, so having a c-section didn’t enter my mind. Very early morning the next day, my bag of water broke already & the dilation was 6cm, i also had an epidural because the labor pains were getting worse already. A few hours after, I was having fever & dilation was at 8 cm. That was when the complication started, the doctor said that the fever might be due to an infection, an that it’s not good for the baby. My doctor said that we’ll give it a few hours for the fever to wane & the dilation to progress to 10 cm. if not then i was going to have c-section. But 5 hrs. after nothing happened, i was still on 8 cm. and I still have a slight fever. As much as I wanted to have a normal vaginal delivery, I had no choice but to have a c-section rather than risk for the baby’s health. That’s how I ended up having a c-section, but thank God my baby was a healthy 8.2 lb. baby girl born on 8.8.08 :slight_smile:

Ha, ha!!! jsmonton… I had a roast beef sandwich on the table as they as they were stitching up my tear! I think it was the best roat beef of my life! :slight_smile:


I had all 4 vaginally, but with epidurals. Or else I wouldve asked for caesarians. Dont like pain…I’m a wimp!

I had all six babies vaginally. I had 3 home births, 1 birthing center birth, and two clinic births. I was living in Belize at the time. There is no hospital on our island. You have your baby at the clinic and you leave three hours later. The best birthing experiences I had were with midwifes. My first two births were at home with the doctor, this was before he had a clinic to deliver babies. I found the midwife much more agreeable to allowing me to be comfortable, without having to lie flat on my back. All of my births were unmedicated.

I used to be a big advocate of home births until my sister lost her baby at birth during a home birth. This has drastically changed my attitude. I still like noninvasive births, but I believe in being close to medical help if necessary. Seconds can change the outcome during birth. It usually goes right, but you never forget when it goes wrong. My nephew would be 8 years old today had he been born in a hospital.

all four vaginal & although all my births are on the wild side, I’m so thankful i had them naturally
I love my babies to pieces & wouldn’t trade them for the world, but i’ll be very honest - i enjoy births a lot more when i’m on the receiving end (i assisted many births as part of my ministry) :D,
i thnk a lot depends on teh doctor - for me, i have to have good communications & understanding with my doctor
i’m dreaming of water birth. with my #4 i spent some time in the water during labor at home, but the hospitals in China didn;t have water births at the time. I usually have back labor & the relief from water is beyond words! I just moved & haven’t found a doctor yet, but water or not - only vaginal birth!
Thank you, Tornado, for your story - WOW! God bless you for keeping on believing, i really admire your faith & perseverance! You are truly blessed!

Here is something interesting I learned with my 6th birth. I also have bad back labor. The doctor injected water into my lower back. It was plain water. She said it helps ease back labor. I didn’t believe it, but it really worked. It wore off after a bit, but it really took the edge off.

Vaginal water birth! It was my first one ( even though I assisted at births before). It was an amaizing experience. Actual labor was pretty long, hard work, but not unbearable.

When people heard that I was planning on natural (no medication/intervention) birth, I got variety of comments, mainly along the lines “you would not be able to bear the pain”, “you just dont know what you are talking about, when it will come you will have to take painkillers”, “its impossible”, “most first time mothers HAVE to have episiotomy”, etc. Apart from many other reasons why I wanted to have all natural birth, I also had an important one, – I am highly allergic, and having any medication might bring on life-threatening condition. ( I almost died in the hospital after miscarriage, because of the meds). Of course most people who commented did not know that.

All that to say, I took my preparation for labor seriously. We re-took Natural Childbirth Classes ( I have studied before in order to assist others, but this time we wanted to have a refresher and really apply ourselves :smiley: )

I had to move countries just weeks before the birth. So we did not have midwife till 11 days before I went into labor. It was a bit scary, as we thought I might go into labor earlier. But God was in control, I carried my baby till 42 weeks, we found excellent midwife, who supported our every wish.

And… desire of my heart, – I had a water birth. Most of my labor we walked and enjoyed the garden, did some relaxation, I listened to meditation music, used essential oils ( by the way, Jasmin brings on contractions while taking away some of the pain, it works great!). Then once I felt like pushing, I was given a few choices, and I definetly felt like water. There were no checking dialation, putting me on clock, pressuring. Once I felt like pushing, and got in the water, it felt very nice and ralaxing, awesome sensation and to my surprise, no pain. And 2 hours after I got in the pool there was born our baby girl. My husband caught her and helped me to nurse her right there in the pool. She was really alert. We were discharged to go home 5 hours later. No tearing, no interventions and she was 8 Lb.

Would I do it again? Definetly! Even though the actual labor was quite long and laborous :smiley: , hard, hard work, and even though I felt like giving up in transition stage ( which was unusually long in my case) I would not trade it for the faster one with interventions… And the actual birth was one of those experiences that I want to re-live!

Mine was c-section.My Doc said my birth cannel is very narrow n my sons head is a little bigger than normal.

Wow!! I can’t believe that we, on this boards, have a 40% or higher C-Section rate. That’s pretty terrible, to be honest!! :ohmy:

I had a C-section with my first–an emergency, premature C-section 6 weeks early.

Now that I’m expecting again, I’m planning a VBAC in a birth center. I don’t want to go the C-section route again, especially since I plan on having more children. If we have 8 children, imagine what it would do to my body to have 8 C-sections :ohmy: