POLL: GD method - success or failure

1 - does your child read/ displays good math abilities because of GD method?
2 - what age your child was starting to learn to read / to recognize quantity, to solve math problems?
3 - in what period after starting any achievements appeared?
4 - what kind of achievements?
4 - do you follow GD’s advice strictly?
and please write everything else you think is important/interesting!

Thank you!

PS. I’ve put this topic in the wrong forum section (math instead of reading). I take an interest both in reading and math so I’ve decided to join them together.
So let it be (if moderators won’t remove it. If so, may it be put in General discussion then?)

  1. Not really, but because of similar methods inspired by Doman
  2. 22 months, if you mean the time when he began to sound out words
  3. Uhhh…throughout his childhood so far, as is the case with every normal child
  4. From 22 months through the next six months or so he rose to the 1st grade level in reading
  5. No
    Don’t have time to write everything else. :biggrin:

thanks, DadDude!
Actually I read some your topics about your son. You both are great!

so, nobody else can brag about their achievements???
it’s rather strange for the site where people teach their children wih GD’s method :wink: :wacko:

Sorry…I’ve been trying LR with my son and he hates it. He actually cries and wiggles off my lap. We haven’t done anything regarding math other than playtime counting for months now.

Thanks at all!

Dear Anastasia,

1 - does your child read/ displays good math abilities because of GD method? >> I use LR and LM, which I think is adapated methods of Glenn Doman. He is now 10mo. He can recognize almost all the words he learnt. He is able to do additions and substrations - he has understood the concept. No multiplication yet, he has started learning multi/divi.

2 - what age your child was starting to learn to read / to recognize quantity, to solve math problems? >> 5 mo for reading words (not sentences yet) and quantity perception. and 8mo for equations.

3 - in what period after starting any achievements appeared? >> few days after the flash card approach, recognizing words and quantity happened. Few days after starting with Math, he was able to do the math that was taught to him. I always “tested” him with sums that is not shown to him. He did well. He is now learning multiplication.

4 - what kind of achievements? >> as above.

5 - do you follow GD’s advice strictly? >> not really.

But I try to keep him happy always. I let him play a lot. I let him do anything he feels like, even if breaking things around the house. I take him out often. I go to exhibitions or fairs - any like science or trade. He loves to go out. Every day we sit in front of trees or plants, we have a lot of them in our house, he touches and LOVES nature.

He LOVES to socialize already. He mingles with all age groups. And I must say he loves any material shown to him, LR LM, any videos, flash cards or anything…

He loves his dad a lot and his dad keeps him so happy. I should say we are lucky to have Arjun as our son. And Arjun to have such lovely daddy. I think family ambience is MOST important that encourages him to learn.

We havent started him with EK cards yet.

Mirra–how do you know he is able to do the additions and subtractions? What does he do, exactly? I don’t mean to be skeptical, I’m just curious.

Good job, by the way!

Hi DadDude,

I have dot cards from 1 to 50.

I show him card 22 and 25 - then ask him which is “45 minus 23 equals” - then he picks up 22 card.

If I ask him 42 plus 7 equals - show him 49 and 46 - he picks up 49.

He doesnt know multiplication yet.

I dont test him too much. I read Wennie’s post that testing might activate left brain faster than it should be.

I must say he is more excited to touch the card than do math.

Great job!

I’m just curious… My guys hadn’t show such great results as we had lessons last 9 months (including about 2-2.5 months of breaks alltogether)! I layed special stress on my oldest son teaching, but we’ve got NOTHING.
I thought I was not a perfect teacher.
So I’d know how many people got any results.
Sure we can see lots of enthusiastic reviews here and there on sites selling educational materials. But I’d know what have I done wrong, why can’t teach my sons like that.
I had a great tug not to give up and go on…
So I need many success stories for encouragement!:slight_smile:
…and failure stories to allow mistakes…

Thanks for the reply. OK, now the question I’m really interested in: have you drilled him with particular equations in advance? E.g., have you done 42 plus 7 many times before? Would he get the right answer if you did a brand new equation, like 23 plus 4?

Just once would I ask him the sum. I never repeat any equation. Every time it is random. Yes he gets right answer every time for every new equation. I havent tested him if the answer is over 50. BEcause I dont have cards.


Thanks DadDude.

In Doman’s book How to Teach Your Baby Math he does not have you drill the same sums over and over. You do an equation only once and always keep mixing it up. It is supposed to help your child to understand math without memorizing facts. It is all very intriguing. I did some math with my babies but not enough to ever test them. I think the whole idea is awesome and wish I had been able to do a full fledged math program to see if it really works. From what I have read the math is the least successful of the Doman programs. It is really impressive to see a baby do instant math. You might want to think about it for any future children. :slight_smile:

  1. She reads only her name and has shown no recognition of math.But, after I show the words or dots for 4-5 days she will not look anymore. If I put out new ones, she is glued.
  2. We started the program at 11 months. She is 23 months now.
  3. I’ve not seen a difference.
  4. We do traditional reading, math, and bits. We are starting books and POI. We did the physical program for a few months but not anymore.

Although, she is not reading or doing instant math I believe doing the program has increase her general knowledge of things (bits) and her concentration. We are building connections for the future. When she does start reading, things will be easier because she will already have seen the words. Math will eventually click and there will be true understanding and not just rote memory of facts.
I am not looking for a “miracle” or to make my baby a genius. I just want to maximize her potential. My baby enjoys learning and will do it in marathon sessions. What more could I ask?

1 - does your child read/ displays good math abilities because of GD method?
I don’t know if it is because of the Doman method as we started supplementing with phonics at age 2 but he is 3.5 now and reads at a first grade level. Doman math was not successful for us as he even now only instantly recognizes quantities up to four. He is working on counting to 100 though and can do math with numbers up to 20 with the aid of manipulatives.
2 - what age your child was starting to learn to read / to recognize quantity, to solve math problems?
Recognize words consistently and read them at age 18 months.
3 - in what period after starting any achievements appeared?
Hard to say, when he satarted recognizing them.
4 - what kind of achievements?
Mainly just the reading, and being very verbal. I think he is about average in math. He is very mechanical and loves taking things apart with his screwdriver and putting them back together.
4 - do you follow GD’s advice strictly?
We did until about 1 year with the words, the dots were a little hit or miss because they were hard to make and he kept peeling off the dots, then I wasn’t sure is the cards had the right number of dots on them and didn’t want to use them if they were wrong…We also did EK and he was able to identify alot of paintings/songs. Since age two we’ve added in lots of other things like workbooks, phonics…But I am VERY happy with his reading.
and please write everything else you think is important/interesting!

I have read in one of right brain educators website I dont remember which - that even if child doesnt show any results, doesnt look like grasping anything or doesnt show results when you test, still the method would work… one day when the child turns 5 or so, you will SURELY see results. That magic will happen. It is just that child doesnt display what he learnt…but that doesnt mean child doesnt know.

Mirra, your kid shows amazing results!
I think you’d go on and not stop at 50 dots. He’ll surprize you much more further.

Thanks, Shadah!

Thanks, linzy!

I wish so lol
But it’s rather difficult to do smth with no results you can see…
Especially you know there MUST be those…

I really tried to do the full-fledged GD math program with my daughter, beginning when she was just 6 months old. I’m not sure where I went wrong, but so far it looks like it was somewhat of a failure. She is now 5 and not able to see large numbers on sight. But I haven’t given up hope - we’ve been doing LM which captures her attention much more, but still I feel like this particular child is resistant to these methods. I am still trying to figure out what will work for her - not giving up hope!

Also, I started GD with my son when he was 4 months old. We switched over to LM when he was about a year. He loves it, but he’s a totally different personality.