POLL: GD method - success or failure

1 - does your child read/ displays good math abilities because of GD method?
Cant honestly answer that question because I have been a bad parent and started the GD method strictly only now. But I can tell you that she can read really well and is able to make up the words (new words) by just the phonics. I am utterly pleased with the results
2 - what age your child was starting to learn to read / to recognize quantity, to solve math problems?
At 8 months she was able to already able to read the numerals. Thing is - I didnt know about GD till she was close to 1 1/2 yrs old. So I started late, but she is improving now and will hopefully do well - I DONT TEST HER - thats the rule. I let her play and do whatever she wants (just as Mirra described) and take her to places and correlate what she has read / learnt to the outside world. She loves it
3 - in what period after starting any achievements appeared?
Cant say yet, though reading started almost when she was 1. Her first words were “6” and “10” and the second words were A,B,C… if that makes any sense. She still doesnt call me mommy - thgh she knows her words and letters and numbers very well… still have to do quantities… I dont expect a miracle
4 - what kind of achievements?
as above
5 - do you follow GD’s advice strictly?
I have just started… so there is still time to go.

What I do bear in mind is - to stop before she gets bored, to make learning fun for her, to remember that she needs to enjoy her childhood and NEVER NEVER NEVER to test her.


Thank you!!
actually GD says you’d test the kid not making him you do it@)
testing helps you to understand your child#s progress, to make feedback and to choose your further way to teach him

thanks anastasiya… will remember that… thgh I would like to give her time before i can begin to test her… till then, i want her to soak it all in

hi there

  1. i started the doman reading method at around 6 months. he read words like mama and abba (dad) at say 9 months. he is now 2 years and 9 mnths. reads books. he has figured out that you must start from left to right and if he misses a word he goes back to the beginning. its like his mouth cant keep up with his brain.

  2. i knew he could read when he was 9 months.

  3. achievements well i dont remember. i guess him just paying attention was an achievement.

  4. i was never strict with glen domans advice. my word card werent the same size he recomended nor was the colour. i was flexi with times.

if anyone is in the same predicament like me and has come out of it please let me know. i deeply regret not focusing on maths. i have LM and havent used it the way it was meant to be used. sa’ad is now 2 years 9 months. is there any hope for that kind of thing or not. should i just make him watch it diligently and consistently anyways and see what happens or
just leave it and try something else?

Like GD says, your child will learn reading no matter how imperfectly you teach it. You can’t mess up. I use LR. I started using YBCR at 15 months. That was wonderful. Highly recommended. After completing that program, my son seems to be able to pick up new words very easily. I don’t know, something clicked in his brain and now he learns new words easily. I never had great success with flashcards with my son. Boys are so hyperactive. Getting him to sit and do flashcards is really hard. I even put flashcards of cars in between the other flashcards. After a short time he wouldn’t even look at the cards. So I turned to multimedia. I figure, the future is all computer anyways. Thats how kids will learn more and more in school. You can go to college online now! My son is reading 300+ words I’d say. He’s also starting to read sentences, and he doesn’t even talk in sentences yet. He’s now 28 months. He started picking up words after 3-5 months on YBCR. So, my advise would be to find a way to teach you child that will captivate him or her. Try everything until you find something that works.

My son likes counting things, and we have LM, but I don’t use it for him. I think its a little late (GD says to teach dot method before 2 1/2). I’ve been using it with my daughter though. She’s 7 months and no success so far. And my son really doesn’t enjoy doing the math so I don’t push him on it. I recognize that there’s a fine line there and if you push, he will resist. So he does LR, 5-6 encyclopedic knowledge topics, starting spanish, tweedlewink, hooked on phonics. I hope this was helpful. Remember, find a way to engage him, even if you’re breaking the rules.