Poetic Knowledge - Classical Education discussion

Just want to announce that a few Brillkids moms are going to be getting together to discuss the book Poetic Knowledge - The Recovery of Education found here http://www.amazon.com/Poetic-Knowledge-Education-James-Taylor/dp/0791435865/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1377458803&sr=1-1&keywords=poetic+knowledge

If you would like to join us you are more than welcome. Our first discussion will be held the week of September 16th. Final date and time will be determined by the group needs.

How do you know if this is something you want to participate in:

Do you wonder what Classical Education is and what it means to classically educate a child?

Have you wondered if there is a purpose for education beyond getting a good job?

Do you want to know what “getting an education” looks like?

Do all the methods of homeschooling confuse you? How do you pick the right one?

This is a disclaimer: This book is written from a distinctly Christian point of view. That doesn’t mean someone who is not a Christian cannot benefit from it as the book draws from Plato. Socrates, and others but, you need to know that going in. Also, this is a fairly academic book. It is not dry, but it can be hard slogging sometimes. I first read this book 5 or 6 years ago. As I am about to start my homeschooling years over, I thought I’d read it again. This time, maybe discuss it with friends who are just starting out as well. It is much easier to think about this stuff at the beginning than to realize you made some mistakes that must be undone later.

If you are interested, just post here and I will keep you informed.

I’m in. I’m starting homeschooling my oldest (he’s enrolled in an umbrella school, we’re officially starting this year) and really want to understand about what is out there regarding homeschooling, types of approaches etc.
Classical Education sounds good to me, would love to know more about it.


Sounds interesting.
Please define your methods of discussion. I am interested but not willing to get up at 3 am for a webinar. :slight_smile: lol

count me in too sonya , i find it easier for me to read a book with friends than on my own xxx

ok have to get the book down to gambia first :frowning: wish they have it on kindle or audio

Manda, I have considered this problem. I think for whomever can make it we will do it on skype. And then I will create a yahoo group and post hte skype discussion and whoever would like to read and comment further can.

Sonya, very inetersting. Would like to join as well.

I do not own the book, but read some select chapters and reviews and very very much agree with the approach from what I’ve seen. I would be very happy to participate.

Here is a link to purchase an ebook. http://books.google.com/books?id=_5418OyH8IYC

Would it be beneficial to be a part of the discussion if I haven’t read the book? I am familiar with classical education as I have been following The Well Trained Mind. I love the subject, so I would like to participate. Please let me know.


The book is very meaty. My plan is to read a chapter and think about for 2 weeks and then come together to discuss it. It takes me awhile to mull things over and when things are dense with information, I have to read a paragraph or two, think about it and then come back. So I need two weeks in between meeting times. You don’t need to read the whole book before hand, but you should buy it and then read it along with us.


Okay. Thank you for this. Please keep me posted. I have already learned many things from you on this forum, so I am interested to participate and learn more. We are actually writing with the progym method this year and I love it. Thanks for that!!

Krista - Hey thanks for the ebook link. I didn’t know it was even available in ebook format. This is great! The price isn’t too bad either.

I think I will opt for that option. Then I get it immediately with no shipping fees. I tried to find it free online to read, but it was not working out. I like free books, borrowed books and cheap books, but sometimes you just have to spend the money. :slight_smile:

Awesome. Can you group chat on Skype? Never tried that.
I looked through the blurb and amazon reviews. This does look like heavy reading! Oh well it would be just plain lazy of me to dip out just because of that! lol set a poor example :tongue: I have quite a good background knowledge of classical education so I am hoping that makes the book more digestible for me. Of course since I haven’t read it yet I have no idea…
I think a slower ( over days) conversation would be beneficial. We seem to come up with good points when we have time to mull on it.
Oh this could be my very first book club! :biggrin:

Good morning, Everybody
Just bought this book (no shipping costs :slight_smile: ). If somebody needs, I could also scan chapters, as soon as I get the book

I’d like to be involved! I would probably need to participate in a written discussion rather than Skype though.
Either yahoo group or Facebook page?

Jane_dmitrova that sounds awesome! I’d be happy to contribute or perhaps exchange for some other resources that we could share with you?

Oh, Lee, Skype does not allow many calls. At least videos calls it will not. I am not sure, but maybe Sonya refered to written messages only?
As instant messaging you can have many participants. And this would be a way to save and post the discussion as Sonya mentioned. Transcribing is not a good solution. So I think she meant instant messaging in a group discussion.


As far as I know it is possible to create a group in skype and add people (as many as you want). It is possible to write messages to each other and also to call “the group” (i.e. everybody who is listed in this group).If it would be too many people then the quality of sound would not be very good, but up to 10 people - no problem at all.

Sonya, what is your plan for this discussion? Just an idea from me - we could also have 1-2-3 “speakers” for each chapter (like presenting the chapter, their opinion, questions and so on). And then everybody could write messages (and we could save them and post to others who could not join) and if somebody wants to talk to group as well (besides “speakers” for the day), she could call to the group.

WE use Skype for video conferencing a lot, the host needs to have business account, everyone else will be able to join in, regardless which account type you own. Hope it helps. I probably would not be able to join at this time, due to extremely busy schedule. But I would be very happy to read/listen to updates and discussions, whatever you would have available! Great idea.

I love Skype, but I think a google hangout might be better, and then it can be easily posted to YouTube to share with others who couldn’t make the meeting. You can have lots of people on a google hangout.