Poetic Knowledge - Classical Education discussion

I am open to whatever anyone wants to do. Depending on the time of day, my house can be very loud. I am willing to get up at 4am and stay up pretty late for this as well. I like the idea of taking turns moderating/leading the discussion. So, I will take whatever suggestions anyone has. I will checkout google hangout. I like skype because the typed discussion can be copy and pasted into something else.

Sounds really interesting! Can I join in?


I prefer this book on paper, will receive it next week from here http://www.bookdepository.com/Poetic-Knowledge-James-Taylor/9780791435861, almost same price as the epub.

Hello Sonya,

Any updates on where we are with scheduling something? I have the book and began the first chapter last night. I want to make sure I am ready when you are. Please let me know.


I need a written chat. I honestly don’t have the quiet time available to do anything else. But I can read through anything in a noisy gym, kindergarten or My house! ( which is often noisier than the kindergarten!) but don’t let that stop you doing what ever you want most. I am sure someone can post a summary of the best ideas here for me :biggrin:

Dear Ladies,

I am in the process of helping launch the new Soft Mozart Academy. It will tie me up for much of this week. I would like to start next week with the study. I have looked at our options. I think the easiet way to do this is actually in this forum. We are from such different locations and time zones that it is almost impossible to set and day and time. We can run the discussion on here. It gives more people a chance to participate even those who end up joining the conversation much later.

I will place the first post on Monday in a new thread. I am certainly game for someone else to lead the conversation for Chapter 2 a couple weeks later. Actually if you want to sign up for a chapter please post here which chapter you would like.

The other option is the move the discussion to a yahoo group. I am also willing to do that.

That is fine. I will get busy reading and wait for your post.

Im very interested to. Happy to contribute on a written forum

Sounds great right here is a lovely safe place :smiley:
Don’t rush the softmozart stuff. Make sure its perfect before you take on this monster project lol


lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol :tongue:

I am interested too, how can I contribute?

Hi, Ashley!

Anyone interested would need to have the book and read it then share thoughts here. We’re still at the second chapter, as you can see lol

Honestly, I prefer translating the text in Romanian while reading. The book is already difficult to understand. Plus, reading in English, my second language, makes it even harder :slight_smile: That is why I’ve stopped commenting here for a while.


Gosh I forgot, I have been so busy at work. Next week I am free to read again. I shall devour some more :slight_smile: