Parents--are you right or left brain dominant?

We talk about it a lot here–right and left brain. Young children and babies are naturally right brain dominant until the age of 4-6. If the right brain is nurtured, it can remain dominant. This is from the Tweedlewink manual: Young children naturally live and breathe in the right brain “zone.” Our ability to reach them in that state, allows us to understand how they think and feel. When children feel understood, they feel safe. They feel loved at a very deep level. When your right brain pathway is open and active, you are able to be more childlike, more playful, more loving
and kind.

Here is a little quiz that will let you know which part of your brain is dominant.
When you’re done with the quiz you can read more about the characteristics of both sides of the brain. It’s pretty interesting stuff :yes:

How did you score?
I am left brain dominant 11 to 7.

Great stuff.

I am more right brained 10 to 8.

Haha, I just found out that I am right-brained, 12-6.

This is good to know… at least I now know that I’m not wholly harebrained. lol lol lol

I am right brain dominant too. 12 to 6.

Wow. That’s really great guys. Most adults tend to be more left brained. You should really be able to connect with your young children.

I scored 9 to 9, but the test still said I was left-brain dominant :slight_smile:

The link to Visual Hemispheric Dominance is quite fun too! ( The effect of the circles battling each other to be on top is really amazing :smiley:

Shuki, that test is giving me a headache! lol

Reminds me of those ‘magic’ hidden 3D objects pictures, you also have to cross your eyes to see the hidden object.

This is also a supposed right-left brain test:

Supposedly, if you’re more left-brained, you will see it rotating clockwise, and counter-clockwise if more right-brained.

But some don’t seem to think so:

I see it clockwise, but after a while, I could force myself to see it go the other way. It’s a great illusion!

Haha yes eventually my eyes started hurting but I wanted to keep going anyway!

I see the girl spinning anti-clockwise, it just goes to show… These tests are very inconclusive! :slight_smile:

i don’t get it :unsure:
why do we want to be right brain dominant?
i thought the whole idea was the two sides working together?
any way i am going to take the quiz thanks for posting it

Yes, you do want the two sides to work together, but the more right brain dominant that you are, the more you should be able to connect with a young child on an emotional level. Please see my original post above.

right brain 15 to 3
i don’t know if that is a good thing though as i has had a lot of trouble with those things in school and at work
i wish i was more left brain :wub:

I first saw her rotating clockwise then when i was scrolling back up i saw her anti-clockwise !!! I can’t make myself change the way she rotates though no matter how hard i focus…weird :slight_smile: I must be equal then??? in nikki’s test I got 10 to 8 right brain … :slight_smile: very interesting :slight_smile:

I don’t get the spinning woman thing. She is rotating clockwise, how are people seeing it the other way? I’m confused! :wacko:

I’m with you, Elizabeth. I don’t see her rotating the opposite way. I’m curious, did you take the other test? Are you right or left brained?

11 to 7 right brain dominant here, however I can only see the woman spinning clockways.
I find this confusing too!

Oh dear - and here I was thinking what could be wrong with me because I can only see the woman spinning counter clockwise! :wacko:

These tests are fun, although they do make me a bit cross eyed after looking at them so hard. lol

I got 8 left and 10 right. I’m not so sure exactly how accurate I was at testing though because some of the questions I didn’t know exactly which to pick, like the question “would you prefer to express your feelings through drawings or writing?” I said writing but I am also really good with drawing, and a lot of times I actually like to use both. :slight_smile:

But, obviously, it’s not the most scientific thing but it was fun and interesting, I think I’m “left-brained” in a lot of things (like I’m really organized and such) but right-brained in a lot of things too. Thanks for sharing this :yes:

This is very interesting. I looked at the woman several times before & could only see her turning clockwise. I showed this to my husband just now & all of a sudden she went the other way!

DH is 12 to 6 right brain & saw the woman going counter clockwise only.

You responded as a right brained person to 16 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 2 questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your right brain the most.

Not sure if that is a good thing, I think it has to do with the dyslexia I have more then anything else

I got 7 right and 11 left. Says I’m more left-brained. Saw the woman spinning counter-clockiwse…Hmmmm