After a bit of practice I’ve worked out a way to make her spin whichever way I want too
I look down so that I can just see her extended arm and leg in my upper peripheral vision, and then trace their movements so that to me, they appear to be going clockwise or anti-clockwise. Then I look up and there she goes! I find it difficult to switch her direction without looking away though. :happy:
I can’t either, Elizabeth. It is an optical illusion according to the article KL posted. It gives a tip that’s supposed to help you see it spin the opposite direction, but I still cannot see it.
In addition to the steps I outlined above (looking away at your spinning finger), after doing that, try to imagine the dancer spinning the way you want her to, in your mind. After you see her spinning in the desired direction in your mind, then look at the image again.
btw, re seeing the ‘magic eye’ pictures, you need to be able to cross your eyes so that you can see two of everything. The link that Shuki posted also requires this ability. (again, here is the link: )
If you can use that exercise and get good at crossing your eyes and controlling how the 2 images move (further apart and closer together), then you can start playing with those magic eye images.
right brain dominant 11 to 7 too. I can see the woman moving the other way round but only after a while and for a short time, then I see her she move clockwise again
nohayo - by all reports i’ve heard from the many optometrists and surgeons that i’ve spoken to, as well as all i’ve read online, there’s nothing to suggest, medically, that crossing yours eyes is bad for you. Nor does reading in dim light or sitting too close to the TV cause any permanent damage. They are all urban myths!
(disclaimer: this is not to say you should read in the dark or sit too close to the TV, it will still give you a mild headache for a while lol )
edit: on the topic of optical illusions, here’s one that gives you a headache WITHOUT crossing your eyes!
Yeah couldn’t do that Magic Eye thing… But I did get the lady to spin the other way, finally, for like a second. I covered half of her body (vertically) and then it worked. She is actually spinning on her left leg and the right leg is the one that is lifted in the air, but if you pretend that it is her left leg that is lifted in the air, it then appears that she is spinning counterclockwise. Don’t know if that made any sense but, yeah, I was getting so frustrated with that thing so I’m glad I finally figured it out! So crazy!
That picture that you put up, Shuki, is crazy, it looks like its spinning! Strange stuff, these optical illusions!
I am right brained 10 to 8. And I saw the lady spinning both ways. I could not see the duck, and I got a little dizzy from the blue kaleidoscope-like image.
This is some very interesting stuff and now I want my husband to take the tests.
I am right brain dominant 12-6. I am not surprised i am also left-handed
Although i am confused because I see the lady spinning both ways. Weird, I also did really well in school, so I wonder if as adults if we discipline ourselves enough we can switch between brains? What does everyone else think?