Our 1500 book challenge!!

So just over a week ago my son and I started a book challenge. On his birthday we started to make a list on my iPhone of all the books we read. Our goal is to read 1500 books by his 6th birthday, if not sooner. The only rule is it has to be 1500 different books, double reads don’t count. Basically we move his books from one full shelf to an empty one so he can see how many of his own books he’s read, and this week we are going to put a poster on his wall to keep track on there too! In this short time I found that seeing I have a goal in mind I’m making more time for us to read and the more we do this together the better he sits.
And since it’s garage sale season, I’m also going around building our personnal library too!
Just thought Id share our idea :). Best wishes

fantastic idea!!!1

That is a good idea.

Thank-you :slight_smile:
So far so good, I just hope I can keep up the steam. I also found a few books I’ve been meaning to read, so hopefully if he sees me reading more too that will help him want to read. Just like a few people suggested to me :slight_smile:

yeah waterdreamer, :yes: :yes:
It is an excellent idea to set this goal and go for it.
I remember when my youngest son was in grade school they set a goal of reading 100 different books during the 2 month summer vacation. Sometimes it was difficult but normally he made it.
How much had he read so far?

Great idea! I’m going to try this too!

This is gr8 idea !

You are reading it together or Your son can read it by himself?

– Kreena !

You know there are various “bookshelf” sites & applications to help you keep track of the books. Amazon has one but there’s also a “freer” one, I forget what it’s called but it’s a prominent site…

So, is that like 3-4 books a day? Or more?

DadDude please post it if you find it again.
We will appreciate it.

Were at almost 50 books since the 9th

It’s 4.10 books a day. We try for 5 or more just Incase we had we have a bad week or something.

We read together. He reads words he knows and I help him along sometimes. Other times I just read to him

I love it! I’ll have to try this when my son is a little older.

How inspiring! Thanks for sharing your great idea with all of us, waterdreamer. :smiley: I’m going to do this with my 16 month old…even though we are not reading 1500 books. It is always good to read with our kids. =-)

Hi All,

My daughters are 16 moth old. I just started reading board books to them recently.
(limited collection, just 12 books). However they want to hold the book themselves
and twist it or dance/ runaway with it.

Can anyone tell me how you are reading book to baby/babies? When did you started?

Again bed time reading : My daughters wants to play before bedtime. So if I am
reading a book to them, they through away the book from my hand and ask me to play
with them like picaboo/crawling race etc. Any tips on how to make them listen to me.

Thanks in advance.

– Kreena

I gather that some people start reading books right at birth, and others wait. We waited until he was something like 4-6 months old. Don’t know if we’ll be waiting with son #2. I doubt it.

We didn’t start reading at bedtime until shortly before his third birthday. We could have started earlier, I guess, but I do think that reading books at bed can make it harder for little ones to go to sleep. I mean, if they’re not on a definite schedule, and they’re sleepy, they should go to sleep, not read. But when they’re old enough to be on a fairly definite schedule, then reading at bedtime makes some more sense.

I’d like to know what others think on these questions myself.

The one we use is called Goodreads. I love it because I can put books on different “shelves” to help categorize them better. It’s a great site. You can become “friends” with other people on goodreads and see what they are reading, reviews they have posted, and share your own reviews. http://www.goodreads.com/

I like the idea of reading from the beggining. Even as other threads suggest, reading while in the womb.
I bought him a book for Christmas before he was born (he is from January). It was his first book and really enjoy the music.
Here he is:

We start reading very early and when he was 16 month he sing the music turning the pages. It was a hard book so it won’t break.
You can see him at that time:

He had to keep a schedule because he has mammy and daddy’s house. When sleeping at daddy’s, we read at bed time books with CD like ‘Goodnight Moon’, ‘Is your mama a Llama’ mainly to get sure of the right pronunciation. After I read, we left the CD going (story and music). That way he went to sleep. It work very good for him.
It is so funny that i bought a German book on Noah’s Arch during a trip to Europe and he ‘tells’ me the story as if he were reading. I am waiting for him or for me to learn German to see if the story is correct. lol lol

yes I should have started reading them earlier.

Thanks 2010BEBES and DadDude for the reply

– Kreena

we first started looking at picture books at around 7 months
but she wasn’t really interested and i felt that her physical program was much more important at that age
at around 1.8 years old we started again and this time she loved books
she does go though stages when she doesn’t want to read
during those times i don’t even ofter to read to her
i just keep reading to myself all the time and soon she is begging to read stories again

DadDude, it sounds like there’s another baby on the way for you, congrats!