Our 1500 book challenge!!

Here is a blog that lists a bunch of summer reading programs in the US. You can sign up for them and get free stuff for reading all those books. http://freebies4mom.com/2010/05/13/summer-reading-free-books-for-kids/

My 2 yr old son gets excited over books so I def. couldn’t read to him right before bed! lol, but I do read to him after dinner on the potty before he takes a bath and goes to sleep for the night. Congrats Daddude on son #2, your such wonderful parents already to Henry!!

Thanks to Raising Ethan and mom2ross. We did loads of reading when potty training. :wink:

This post made me think how important it is to read books to kids. I have triplets and haven’t read any books to them and they are already 2 yrs now. Many times I have tried showing them books but they used to play with it, chew and tear the pages and they will not show interest reading the book. So whatever the books I have for my kids, I kept it safe in a closet. :frowning:

Now, I am thinking I haven’t given the opportunity for my kids to read a book. I don’t know how and where to start and manage all three at the same time while reading. I have already wasted so much of time and I am sure I want to start reading books to my kids.

Can someone suggest on good starter books for 2 yr old that catches their attention and interest to books.


Wow! 3 two year olds. It would be very difficult to manage reading to them.
Have you tried reading to them while they are in their highchairs eating, in the bath. Maybe it would be more managable to read to one while your husband keeps the others occupied.
When my son was two I made books on PowerPoint for him as he would rip books out of my hands too.
Best of luck!

i can see how difficult it is to read to the three at the same time, but better start now than never.
I start with ‘Good night moon’ and the three books ‘Brown bear brown bear what do you see’ , Panda Bear… and Polar Bear…
if you get them in hard cover better.

Thanks Waterdreamer and 2010BEBES for your suggestions, I will try this. All their books are hard cover books, but they manage to tear them too. lol .

You have motivated me. I am also going to read 1500 books to my girls over the next year, starting today. Thanks for the idea!

Thats so great laughingwater! Really it’s only 4.10 books a day, but it gets hard when you miss a day or two to catch up. Like my son has gone fishing with my dad this weekend. I sent them some books but I know they will be too busy. But even still, it suppose to be fun and it really is. My son actually insisted we read the other night even though it was very late because we had babysat a friends kids. Against my better judgement I read him two stories, well 1 and a half because he fell asleep during the second story. It was amazing, I mean there only little for a short time and to have my five year old fall alseep to my voice all cuddled up to me was a memory that will stay with me when he’s old and married with his own children. The whole point of this is to build relationships, make memories and foster the lce of reading.

Waterdreamer, you have just expressed what I was having difficulty in putting into words, When reading to your baby or later kid (or grandchild) your are ‘Building a relationship’ and that is THE most important thing. Time passes so fast, they are little only for a short time and they will remember those precious moments for life.

Wow, everyone does so many things! When I mention infant education to my family they look at me like I’m crazy. I’ve been trying to get them to believe me about this since I was 12 or 13.

I’ll guess I will have to wait for my own kids someday to see whether I’m right or not.

Mom2Bee, you are not alone in this. I and many others have been in the same situation so we just have to see to whom can we mention this. Only few persons believe as us tha babys can read. Lucky we found this froum with people that think the same as us and gives us many important suggestions about programs, products schedules etc etc.
How are you related to kids, are you a teacher or you tried some of this concepts with nephews.?

Just thought I’d update this thread I started last year.
Well the official 1500 book challenge came to a scream halt yesterday. Some how the list with nearly 700 books was deleted off my iphone. I attempted to get the back-up off my computer, but it didn’t work :frowning:

As disappointing as this is, I know we would have never made it to our goal, but it was sure fun trying. Since we were not counting books we reread I know we would have been quite close to 1500 because for a good chuck of the year we have been focusing on teaching Wesley to read. Meaning we would often reread books several times.

Overall it kept me accountable for how much time I was spending reading with Wesley. As well it helped me explore the kids section at the library and find a bunch of great series I may have never thought to try.

In June when Wesley turns 6 burst out crying, I am going to create a Bristol board graph with 1500 squares, for ever book we read together, he reads to me, or I read to him, we will put a sticker. I won’t worry about how many times we read that particular book. I mean reading is reading. Also I have even been thinking of expanding this to allow his tutors to put stickers on there as well if they read a book to him, or he reads a book to them.

Since we are talking about reading, I am so impressed how it is really just clicking for Wesley. I know he may not be one of the BrillKids babies or YBCR kids that started reading at 12months. But considering that he is speech delayed and he reads better then most kids his age, my heart feels like it grows 5 sizes every time he reads to me.

Hello Waterdreamer. Thanks for the update. I have often wondered how your challenge was going. It think it is fantastic that you started and shared this challenge with us. Reading is such a wonderful activity to share with our children. Rereading books is also so beneficial because they learn something new each time you read to them.

Being able to read is a huge milestone for anyone. It does not matter if your son is a baby or 5 years old. When they can read we know they have crossed over to a very important place that can take them to very important places. My youngest is 4. I have been working with her since she was a baby on and off due to my work schedule and crazy busy life with 6 kids :wacko: . She did not read as a baby, like my child before her, but I read to her tons. I realized that whether or not she could read as a baby was not what mattered but that she loved to read and she does. About 6 months ago things clicked and she reads better and better every day. I, like you, am swelling with excitement. I am so happy she can join this world of the literate. I also love that when I am reading to her she insists on reading to me. I love that she is reading words out loud while we watch a movie or the television. None of this is forced, she volunteers it because she is excited to be reading.

So, in conclusion, we are all so proud of you and Wesley. We feel like we know you because you share so much of your life here. Thanks so much for keeping us updated with your progress. Sending you both a big computer hug!

Thank-you Krista! Your so sweet.
Wesley, my daycare children and I feel like we know you too, since we see you everyday on TV :slight_smile:


You may not have quite reached your goal, but I think you’ve made an awesome effort!

We have also tried to do the 1500 books and have likely read 1500, but with repeats. I’m not great at keeping track, but because we read so any as part of our reading program I’m quite sure we have done at least that many. Our personal collection is huge, but we live too far from the library to make it convenient to get there often. at least we read a fairly wide variety though.

Woo hoo! Good for everyone who reads to their kids. I would still love a list of favorite books from everyone. I love to read and am on an eternal search for new favorites. As it is , I have far too many. One time I took my youngest to the library and she saw a favorite book of ours and she hugged it. I was so pleased that books are her friends.

That’s so cute Krista - I can just see her hugging the book!

I agree…cheers for that!
Reading is such a valuable habit will be there for the rest of their lifes.