No one likes coffee? :)

OK, let’s start using our “Coffee Corner” more!

This place is for you to chat about everything and anything! And you don’t even have to like coffee!! lol

Since we’re on this topic, how many coffee drinkers are there? Or are you more a tea person? Or neither?

I’m not too big a coffee or tea person (I prefer good ol’ water!), but there are many coffee drinkers here at BrillKids! (aren’t there, Lappy? :tongue2: )



I like both coffee and tea.

Ha Ha. Well, I do not like coffee. I love sweet tea (I’m from the south!), but I mainly drink water.

lol… nice way to start cofee corner discussions!

I by the way love my hot sweet milk Tea. My day is not complete until i have had at least 3 cups!! Yum…

ooh, that reminds me - I LOVE “Thai ice milk tea” - dunno what it is, but something in it makes it taste really good!

BTW, one thing I forgot to say in my first post was that PLEASE FEEL FREE TO START A NEW TOPIC ABOUT ANYTHING in this Coffee Corner! Anything goes! (well, except keep it PG13 or thereabouts… :wink: )

I love many different varieties of both coffee and tea!

hmmm I don’t like coffee or tea! In fact I don’t like anything hot (except cinammon with milk and the occasional hot chocolate)…people here in Egypt and Dubai think this is very strange since tea is an all time favorite!

I’m more of a cold drinks person :wink:

Okay, okay KL, I confess… I LOVE COFFEE! lol

I think growing up in a culture than weans students and yuppies on java is to blame, and I have to admit, I am no different from anyone who likes to have a nice hot cup o’ joe in the morning.

Great topic by the way, this’ll be a great way to jumpstart our out-of-topic conversations here in the coffee corner! :biggrin:

I’m with you nohayo-
No coffee or tea for me! I will do the occasional hot chocolate. Otherwise it is water, lemonade, or diet soda pop for me. :laugh:

I love coffee but now I can’t use it now because Flavio is suckling :wink: only 2 cups at day :frowning:

this thread is kinda old… but i just wanna express myself too :slight_smile:
I’m a coffee drinker. I only stopped when I was pregnant and when I was breastfeeding my little one.
I wonder why there’s not much coffee drinker here :unsure:

I was always a weak tea drinker, and Azaria’s dad a strong coffee drinker. The moment I had her, he became a strong TEA drinker, and me…a weak Coffee drinker. But I heard coffee increases chances of miscarriage, so avoid it when trying to get pregnant and when pregnant…

I read somewhere someone wanted twins… I dont think you’re mad. ME TOO! I’ve always wanted identical twins and feel envious of people who have twins! Anyone know of any ways to increase chances of twins?? I heard on the news just a couple of days ago that DHEA helps older women increase their dwindling egg supply, so maybe it might cause fraternal twins by causing 2 eggs to be released at the same time??? Dunno, but heck, I’d give it a try!! Anyone know of any natural products that have the effect of fertility drugs like Clomid?

I drink tea at home.I like coffee too but only in coffee shop ie the little bit of bitter in taste

We are mostly tea drinkers!!! Coffee in the morning and sometimes at three in the afternoon, but mostly tea. I have a friend who literally makes a cup and puts the kettle on for the next! So, she is great to have around!!!

Neither. I drink tea every now and then , but I prefer water:)

i too don’t take coffee much but love hot tea. i take water very much

Thats good,

its ur taste, every one has his or her ontaste.

I prefer coffee to tea but I don’t feel myself a strong coffee drinker. I drink coffee from time to time, and it must always be a white coffee.

Green tea - no caffeine so I can drink it even with a nursing baby. Any other green tea drinkers?

I usually drink coffee but also enjoy tea. New topic as suggested earlier - Interesting misconceptions:

Why is it hot in summer and cold in winter?
Because the earth’s axis is tilted.

It is all about the tilt of the Earth’s axis. Many people believe that the temperature changes because the Earth is closer to the sun in summer and farther from the sun in winter. In fact, the Earth is farthest from the sun in July and is closest to the sun in January! The Earth’s movement around the sun causes the seasons, but it does not affect the temperatures during the seasons.

During the summer, the sun’s rays hit the Earth at a steep angle. The light does not spread out as much, thus increasing the amount of energy hitting any given spot. Also, the long daylight hours allow the Earth plenty of time to reach warm temperatures.

During the winter, the sun’s rays hit the Earth at a shallow angle. These rays are more spread out, which minimizes the amount of energy that hits any given spot. Also, the long nights and short days prevent the Earth from warming up. Thus, we have winter!