New On-line Information Center For the Doman Method Programs

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to update everyone about the new website with articles and programs by The Institutes For The Achievement Of the Human Potential (founders of the Doman Method). For the last 1 year I worked with Janet Doman to create this website and now I am really hoping to get lots of feedback from parents on how they like the new style and approach that The Institutes For the Achievement Of the Human Potential decided to take to reach out to the parents.

You can see the website here and grab the gift from the Institutes (Doman Advantage Learning Playkit with cards and very well written e-book E-book):

I am really looking forward to find out what other parents think about what we created together with the Institutes :slight_smile:

Looking to connect with you,


P.S. I have to admit I am not a mom yet … but I really want to be very soon. For now my goal is to spread the Doman’s message to as many parents as possible. I love their programs and I am so inspired with Janet’s Doman personality and her passion for what she does. I know that there are many programs out there that teach very much same stuff but Glenn and Janet are the sole experts who actually came up with the idea and methodology for teaching babies and who spent over 50 years on research and program development.

The kit looks similar to what Brillkids does. Haven’t compared prices yet. I think BK would always be more of a deal as we get LR for computer use.
I’ll always remain a big Doman fan though. He’s the one who truly introduced the world to early reading and maths and he helped tons of brain injured children at a time when they were not being considered by most.

Thank you so much for your input :slight_smile:

Looking forward to your comments after you go though the PlayKit. There is also lots of articles and videos on the The Doman Parenting Center section of the website: Most were written by the experts from The Institutes and parents who use The Doman Advantage with their kids.

In regards to the differences between the LR Kits and Doman Advantage Kit:

Doman philosophy of early learning does not recommend putting young kids in front of the screen and instead encourages parents to focus on one-on-one interactions between parents and kids. This is why the Doman Advantage Kit includes the printable cards and several suggestions on how to create the Doman Method based learning program with a child, without leveraging computer or TV and by focusing on the proven principles developed by the Institutes.

This is the main thing that differs Doman Advantage from LR and YBCR and other programs in the market. I believe that each parent should choose what is best for them and their family :slight_smile:

I am so much looking forward to hear more opinions :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Thank you so much for sharing this info with us!
As you will find here on forum we have very high opinion about Glenn and Janet Doman methods!
I’ve read all of their wonderful " How to teach…" books and watched DVDs of the seminars!
I would love to tell how much we appreciate all that info and taktics they shared with us!

I want to tell you that the kit looks great, if you are just starting out program.
But can you tell us how useful is this kit if you are doing the program for quite some time?
The advantage of LR, that if you choose not to show it on the computer, you can print out all the flash cards and show them to your child!
The possibilities are limitless for printing out words in different categories, different languages due to users uploading the materials they created.

I think what we would love to see and would be purchasing from the institute is a new info, that you can not find in their books:
“how to teach music to a child?”
“what to do after dots?”
“how to teach the child multyple foreign languages?”
"how a mother that does not speak language can best way teach her child to speak it?’

I haven’t look through the all website, because of my limited time, but to tell you the truth I couldn’t find there new info, that were not offered by the institute before.
Please, please, do not get me wrong, the website is great, but for the people who are just starting out!
We would love to see advance materials and programs offered.

Please, tell Janet how admire and appreciate we all here the great ideas in early education!
My opinion, that for all this discoveries, Glenn Doman should have been awarded the Noble Prize!

Thank you Nadia :slight_smile:

That is a very powerful feedback!

I definitely will look into providing more advanced information on The Doman Advantage website, especially that The Institutes have a lot of knowledge to share. For now we launched the website with the 2 most popular programs but we are definitely looking to expand.

You guys on the BrillKids forum are definitely the best educated parents in terms of early education :slight_smile: and that is why I am so happy to get your feedback.

Best regards and thank you again for the great comment,


yes… i agree about needing the more advanced methods. if you search this site, you will find MANY posts asking for things beyond your books. for example, i have been flashing the dot cards since my DD was 7 mo. by 14 mo. we have been through everything. the one thing we are working on now is transitioning from dots to numerals. she is ready for algebra and more advanced things, but i have no idea how to do that. and i bought your 3 books on math for mothers… but i have to say without any guidance i found them overwhelming. i have now switched to other methods. i have over 1,000 BOE that we go through daily and are making more, but that gets old quick.
the great thing about LR and LM is that they are very easy to change and it LASTS!!! it does not teach algebra, but it does a lot, and LR is VERY flexible including adding languages. a lot of bang for your buck. cost is always a factor and something to take into consideration.
is it possible you could tell us about the advanced class you offer at the institute? i know a lot of us on this forum would love the opportunity to attend, even though we have not attended the first class. most of us have gone through the books are are ready for some new information!
the doc :clown:

Hi Ewa,

Just jumped on for two seconds and wanted you to know I’m getting a 404 error when attempting to go to this page :frowning:

You are also missing an image tile on the parenting page under the panel of experts next to ask questions and many of the links are leading me to pages with nothing but more links with a big blank centre that I’m assuming is supposed to hold the content of the page. I get the 404 error when trying to use your search engine too. Your nine myths about babies page has no content just header and footer. In case it’s a broswer compatibility issue I’m using google chrome.

Unfortunately this was the case for all the links relevant to me so I can’t comment - except to say that I am eternally grateful to the Universe for Glenn and Janet Doman and what they have enabled me to give my son. I only wish more parents knew and believed - imagine where the human race could go and how quickly it could get there if all our babies reached even half of their potential!

I totally agree with Dr Primo and NadiaD in regards to help with continuing to move forward. I think it is why so many Doman fans are here on the BK site because we need each other to keep moving forward. For those of us who have low incomes or can’t access their lectures, let alone the institute itself it is a very expensive process. However, I once wrote to IAHP and asked for their help and Glenn Doman wrote back a letter with suggestions for me - so wonderfully helpful.

Being able to pay for LR and LM by the month as well as knowing it can always be added to is an awesome feature for those of us who simply can’t afford more.

There are many people I’d like to share your new site with but I’ll wait until you’ve nutted out all the issues. :blush:

Hello Ewa,

Thanks for the update. I am another Doman fan. I absolutely love his books, videos and cassettes that I ordered some time ago. I have read almost everything I could by him and Janet. He has changed my life more than any other person I know.

I checked out the website but there were many pages that I clicked on that nothing showed up. There was also a typo on the first page I read. I think it was supposed to say than and it said that or vice versa.

Please keep all of us forum members posted as to when you get new information up and thanks again for all your wonderful work. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for spotting the problem.
The site was just launched and it seems we have a major bug in there.

I will update you when only we repair it.

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Dear ladies,

Thanks again for pointing the broken links on the site and sorry you were not able to view everything :slight_smile:
We had some temporary technical difficulties.

It got repaired and now all the links should be working fine:

I am looking for more opinions from you and I will be very grateful if you decide to pass the link to our website to other moms who could be interested in Doman Advantage.

Still looking for your honest feedback, I already learned a lot from you :slight_smile:

Thanks and regards,


Hi Ewa,

Much better and good easy to find info…

You’ve got a broken link at
You have a missing image tile next to the ask questions link from the IAHP experts (purple link box on right).
Still getting a 404 error when attempting to use your site’s search engine.

I’ll go through the rest of the site later when I have a chance and check all your links.


T-m.S :wink:

Thank you so much for helping to review it :slight_smile:

I’m a big fan of Doman’s work and have read many of his books.

However, upon first blush, the home page of the site seems overly geared towards selling the program. I like the format of the “Doman parenting center” tab MUCH better. If I just looked at the home page, I might not realize what the entire site had to offer.

Also, I’m not a big fan of try it free for 30 days then we’ll charge your credit card. Just send it back if you don’t like it. I know many people who have been “burned” with this type of program because the return process can be a pain, plus it requires paying for shipping. I’m a much bigger fan of "here’s chapter 1, for the full program, it’s just XX $.

Just my thoughts

Totally agree with Ouroboros1 on the credit card thing :blush:

Dear Ladies :slight_smile:

I love all the comments, it is helping me a lot to start and to think in longer perspective about this project.

I just now created the Facebook Fan Page for The Doman Advantage and posted the first message on the wall inviting to review our free Doman Learning Playkit:

I know that this Kit is crucial for our website to build relation with the visiting parents. I crated it with Janet Doman after researching what parents really need to head start teaching their babies. But I am sure I can make it much better.

I just confirmed and I will be able to give away one entire program for free :slight_smile: So I want to reward the best comment.

Do you think you can help me to reach more parents who would be interested in reviewing the PlayKit?

Oh, and please “like” the Doman Advantage Fun Page :slight_smile: Its is just a start but I know I can make it big.

Thanks a lot and I am reading your comments with great interest. Big lesson for me :slight_smile:


Ewa, who do you feel is your primary target audience, those familiar with Doman method or parents who have never heard of what he, his wife and IAHP have done for child development?

If it is for Doman familiar, I think it will be an easy sell, you just need to emphasize what makes THIS program different from what they have studied and done in the past.

If it is for those unfamiliar with Doman, I’m concerned that some parents may opt out because it’s “too much work” or “I don’t have that kind of time”. So I’d address those concerns before they are even raised, prominently and early. Focus on simplicity of use and benefits for the child.

I would actually love to target both groups of parents, especially that I think lots of young parents from the new generation are much more familiar of other programs. Doman Method and The Institutes were never good with getting though the advertising clutter…

Very good comment with addressing the “It’s too much of work” and “I don’t have time” objections. I actually had it in mind when putting together the Doman Learning Playkit. But I might actually adjust the landing page so it focused on dealing with these two concerns.

Thank you so much and I please, if you have time for that please review the Playkit and let me know how we can make it even better.



If at all possible, I would try to find clips from ABC, MSNBC, USA Today, etc that mention the Doman method. People trust these sources and I think that this would give you instant credibility in the eyes of those who are new to the Institute’s programs.

You’ll need 2 campaigns that may lead people to different parts of your website for “Domanites” and “non-Domanites” who will need a little more convincing. Luckily that’s easy to do, and it’s trackable.

i’m glad to see the institutes marketing their programs
but it doesn’t seem like the site has much to offer alot of the parents here on brillkids
who have already bought the books and cards
we love the institutes and are grateful for all they have given us
but what we really need is more information and more support
online workshops and courses would be very very popular
a lot of parents like myself would love to go to the institutes and attend the better baby course
but are unable to because of lack of resources and childcare
if you sold tickets to online workshops i think many parents would attend
best of luck

by the way the What Parents Say part is great
it answers that often ask question,“what happens when the kids grow up?”
i hope you continue to add stories as it is most inspiring