New On-line Information Center For the Doman Method Programs

I second that one. I have always wanted to attend the How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence Course but never could because of finances, nursing babies and distance. Although I have read everything I could find from the Domans, I would love to know how to teach my children foreign languages, music and more that I can’t find information on. A course online would be great. I have often thought they should film their course and offer it to parents online. I am sure it isn’t as great as being there in person but not everyone can make it.

Hi there.

I believe that the kits should be more comprehensive than the steps for one book, “Enough Inigo Enough”. When attempting to create the 5 steps, it is time consuming and comes down to precision in planning. I got stuck at the 3rd step and did not continue. I started with the kit and set it up in a schedule via excel (that i can email you if you would please give me an email address). The Doman Kit should be generic for all 5 steps and complete for 3 - 5 books that are included. Parents can add words if they like to personalize it.

  • Ayesha

To be honest I am not impressed with the website. I feel that the general purpose of the non- profit institute is to promote Glen Domans ideas…

I feel that the course information, the books, and the website are all redundant. I was a member of the past institute forum… where I paid a yearly premimum for very limited resourses and learning materials…

any mother/ father that agrees to the the philosophy will do the program… I find the institute spends too much time trying to recrute new members and repeately pushing the same lectures… The inter exchanges of learning materials are very slim…and there is no need for it. Digitally the copies can be reposted… after 55 years the return on investment has to have been accomplished from some of the information packages…

It doesnt seem like much to some people however from start to finish what we have spent on learning materials, books, videos, courses, learning materials with the IHAP has totaled close to 8000.00 dolars… We are a middle class family. That is a lot of money for us. Quite honestly I found the lectures to be a repeat of the books… While I never completed the graduate program for it would have set us back another 4000.00 and its too much for us. I did spend a lot on the learning packages and found them often to be vague for the price of them and often dated.

I find that the institutes doesnt take into consideration many of the methods out there and is black and white when it comes to the core beliefs… some things such as the size of the fashcards for encyclopedic knowledge and the insistance that we should be using the reccommended size was silly… we have trouble storing them and to date after making 1000 flashcards found it was easier to do them on the computer and print them off. Not once did the institute offer any scientific fact to back up the reccommended size… however if you are insistance on the topic they will say the idea is to have fun…

While I am a inspired by Doman and admire and respect the man I feel the IHAP is dated, redundant, and expensive for the information that is given. I always feel like something is being pushed onto me from the IHAP and I feel that way after seeing the website also.

Just my 2 cents.

i totally agree. you are not the first person who has said this… i think they are living in the past. they are GREAT in the beginning… but not very good at continuing. i believe that we are all grateful to him for his work and the opportunities he has provided for many families, but time to get with it! it’s 2010… are you really telling me to make flashcards? really?? :biggrin:

anyway, there is a program in australia i just found called visual primer

i bring it up because the australian arm of the doman institute there is adapting this method and is doing well. thought you might want to check it out. the website isn’t exactly clear, so i would email the creator, jo mamone. he is a nice guy and will answer your questions. i would also ask for a discount. the math program is particularly fabulous… but he quite a few orders to get it down to an affordable price. if anyone is interested, i would contact him and let him know of your interest.

karma to you mandi!!
the doc :clown:

Thank you ladies for this important feedback.

The Doman Advantage website ( is just a start to bring the Doman method closer to modern parents. I totally understand all your concerns and I am really looking for them in fact :slight_smile:

The Institutes are open to innovate on what they have now but do start innovation we need to reach out to parents who are outside the Institutes. I tried to design the website in the modern feel and did my best to combine the set of articles that could be beneficial to parents who want to teach their babies to read (even if they decide not to buy the program).

Now I know that we need to work hard on providing much more advance information so moms like you can also find this website useful.

Thank you again and I waiting for more comments :slight_smile:

Hi Ewa,

I agree that online workshops and courses will be very popular, especially for those ones no living in USA and do not have any institute near home.

I, as a lot of parents in this forum, have all the books already and we will be interested in find additional information in the website. In my case, I would love to find information how to teach foreign languages. I tried to find more information in the website and I noticed that the link is not workig: about’s-first-foreign-language/

Please keep us informed if the site will offer new information.


Well as parent who have already educated ourselves about Domans Methods, this website may be a little elementry at the moment. I have teamed with Ewa up to do a review of there product with my daycare babies and my son. I think from what I see this would be a great product for parent who are new to this method and I would hope that over time they introduce more advance programs. But it’s the whole ox before the wagon thing, you have to start off with the basics and work your way to the more advance stuff. I think this puts us as the parents of Doman children to suggest what we might be interested it, and hopefully Ewa and her team can come up with something to help us out. I would love to attend a few of the seminars via internet. This would be valuable stuff along with stuff from the Evan Thomas institute.

Wow! I just got my kit in the mail and it looks great! It is such a head start for me to be able to use this with my daycare babies! I haven’t watch the video yet, but as soon as I do I will let you know how it is.