My mom has cancer! I need your help!!!

This is such a hard thing to write about… I am devastated… my mom has cancer, again.
I want to ask this amazing community for help finding any information for alternative methods to stop/cure cancer. Miracles happens, right?
I have been searching an internet for some time and so far what I found effective are:

Graviola/ Soursop tea- capsules and molecular hydrogen 7.2 from

Does anyone knows anything or knows anyone using it?

My mom has 49 kg now,dropped more than 10 kgs within 2 months.She can´t eat well. She only ate a banana and a plane pancake today :frowning: which are of course sweet :ohmy:

I cried my eyes out.
She is 57 and looks 47, she looks very young-too young to die. She has been fighting cancer since 2006 but this time she said she has no energy to fight. She had colon cancer, this time it is her liver - mts stage :frowning: .
I still believe we can win this!!

We overcame the refusal stage just a few days ago and now she is willing to receive some help. She refuses operation or chemo.
She drinks the graviola tea and tried 7.2 capsules. 7.2 makes her feel heavy on her stomach. Apparently that is a sign of detoxing.

I am thinking of buying the graviola fruit from England as well.

I am with her almost every day to make sure she drinks and eats something. We talk, we try to laugh - she seems to be so calm and aligned. When we talk on the phone there is no sign of illness in her voice. It makes me feel it all was a very bad dream.

I hope I wake up tomorrow and she will feel much stronger and able to eat. :yes:

Thank you all.

I’m so sorry!
My aunt is in her early 40’s and has cancer. It started as Multiple Myeloma just in her body. It wasn’t active yet and she decided to try diet and juicing to cure her cancer. Her cancer grew more and more and she wouldn’t listen to her doctor telling her to get treatment. Years later her cancer is a stage 3 and in her bones now. She has maybe two years to live without treatment. She’s finally getting chemo but because she waited so long it’s more painful. My grandma in her 70’s is taking care of her and says she screams in pain from it. Her husband has ALS and is in a wheel chair with a computer to talk for him so he can’t take care of her and they have 3 young boys. If she would have had her treatment right away she wouldn’t be in this and her cancer is one that is “incurable” but she could have lived many years with treatment if she would have had it sooner. :frowning:

Miracles do happen! I have a completely different answer depending on her beliefs. If she wants to try to cure it naturally there are many different things to try. My aunt is drinking some special water and juicing. I think she had some DVD on juicing called “Fat, sick and nearly dead”. It’s worth a try but if her cancer progresses then listen to her doctor and get treatment and don’t wait any longer!


I’m really sorry for you. Miracles happen, yes!

Unfortunately I don’t know what could help as an alternative method. But I’ll pray for your mother.

Googling I found an interesting article in Portuguese about raw food. Anyway, the article is about this book:

I hope everything gets fine for you all!

I’m very sorry to hear about your mother. You can look into the following:

  1. Papaya- healing properties and with anti-cancer properties
  2. Colostrum- cow’s pre milk to boost immunities and have lots of great properties (helps to boost immunity to prepare for the next chemotherapy)
  3. Alkaline water/ food- our body’s pH are alkaline when we eat fruits n vegetables and this pH helps us to absorbs nutrients better
  4. Avoid acidic food/water, oil and diary products
  5. Consume lots of antioxidant foods/fruits
  6. Read the enzyme factor by Hiromi Shinya

Books that you can refer to:

  1. The Green Pharmacy guide to healing foods by James A.Duke
  2. The China Study by T.Colin Campbell and Thomas M.Campbell
  3. The Enzyme Factor (diet for the future that will prevent heart disease, cure cancer, stop type 2 diabetes) by Hiromi Shinya
  4. The microbe factor & enzymes that switch on your innate immunity by Hiromi Shinya
  5. The acidic-alkaline diet for optimum health by Christopher vasey
  6. The coconut oil miracle by Bruce fife
  7. The acid alkaline food guide by Susan brown and Larry trivieri

I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope that you find the information that you need to help you.

I don’t have personal experience but I would be looking into alkalising similar to what agnes4eva posted. Particularly vegetable juices. Focus on cleansing and providing nutrients in the most easily digestible form. You would have to research the best vegetables/fruits for anti-cancer juices.

Also, alkalising/killing cancer cells by using bicarbonate of soda. See Dr Simoncini’s research.

Praying that you are feeling more hopeful today.

sorry to hear about your mom. miracle does happen.
i recently read the book Mucusless Diet Healing System by Arnold Ehret
Ehret claimed that pus- and mucus-forming foods were the cause of human disease ,chleimlose" (slime-free) foods were the key to human health and "fasting (simply eating less) is Nature’s omnipotent method of cleansing the body from the effects of wrong and too much eating.

I found some Testimony in the internet that claim that this way of living have cure them.

I just started to learn about this so i dont have any personal experience with this way of living/diet.but though you might find this information useful

you could read the book for free here

I’m sorry to hear about your mother. I echo the advice of others- an alkaline died is especially helpful. If you don’t mind my asking, what kind of cancer does she have? Because the natural processes vary based on the type.

My dad sells a special mineral bath that has cured a couple of people of cancer. One was skin cancer, I don’t know what the other was. Much of the healing wasn’t the mineral bath, but the fact that they took daily, long (1+hour), hot baths. But the mineral solution really helps the healing process. PM me if you want to know more- they’re very much a ma and pa shop without a website yet.

My husband used to be an affiliate for ASEA. It’s an expensive product and we aren’t the right people to be selling it, but it has really helped a lot of people with cancer too, it even healed a few people of aids.

I also bookmarked this site a few years ago. and

Sincerely hoping you find the miracle you are looking for.

I also meant to add positive thoughts/prayers/meditation/visualisations (whatever her belief is) etc… I believe that our minds are very powerful in helping/hindering our healing. Having positive music/affirmations playing quietly all day would be great. Also, starting and ending the day with a positive visualisation (her body fighting the cancer and growing healthy) could also be helpful. Laughter is proven to help healing as well though I know it is hard to laugh at this stage.

I believe to emotional freedom technique EFT. I cured my debilizing back pain with it. There is a lot of free information over the Internet, you should start with articles of Garry Craig. Best wishes.

basic EFT material is this manual

it looks easy but for me it was long way to go (6 months and I am still continuing) to find my emotional reasons of back pain. if you are in hurry and you want to try EFT - you should find EFT therapist (not available in my area) or psychotherapist who will help to find reasons.

Oh Lelask,
Hugs to you :ohmy:

I really don’t have any information regarding the types of things you are looking for, but I just wanted to let you know we will be thinking of you and truly hope for the best. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know…


Hi lelask

So sorry to hear. I would also recommend a raw diet or rather as little processed food as possible. Have you looked into reiki treatments? It’s definitely an alternate therapy but one I have found highly helpful over the years, it will help you & your mum with healing from the inside. You need to stay very positive for your mum and keep making her happy, be positive with her and yourself. Believe that she is cancer-free and keep doing everything with happiness and joy.

I would also recommend reading the book ‘You can heal your life’ by Louise Hay.

I wish you, mum & family lots of positivity, strength, hope and happiness.

Best Wishes

Sorry, I also forgot to add, tesla plate is another alternate energy/healing source.

Someone also recommended to me Colloidal Silver Water

Please pm me your email and I will fwd you a list of alternative treatments given to me by a dear friend from this site. Many blessings and hugs for you and your mom.

Some suggestion

  1. Fresh fruit and vegetable juicing everyday , eliminate sugar, white flour, meat, any processed foods.
  2. Fresh lemon juice with water first thing in the morning.
  3. consume good quality EFAs such as flaxseed oil everyday, you might also try the Budwig Diet

But I think you better get a naturopathic doctor or homeopathic doctor and also a holistic nutritionist, you really need professional support.
If you can afford to go to The Gerson Therapy Clinic may be great.

I hope this help.

Thank you very much for all your kind words and suggestions.

The main problem is that my mother can not drink fruit juices and eats very little. The fruit causes her feel upset, gas-filled stomach and vomiting. Loss of appetite and feeling very full after even a small meal are symptoms of liver cancer.

She enjoyed a pumpkin soup I cooked for her yesterday. I feel a huge relief.

She also tried the carrot and apple juice later today and it went all bad. I have read somewhere on the internet that to prevent the gas-filled stomach after fruit is to eat a portion of a green salad as well.

My little girl has a very bad ear infection with high fevers :frowning: I will not be able to see my mom every day now. My dad is with her but somehow I am the one who can make her eat and try things or feel and stay possitive. Well it is me and my daughter - they love each other so so much.

When I finished my social work studies I have never dreamed that my own mom will be the first person I will need to help. :frowning:

Please keep us in your thoughts. It helps a lot.
I know tomorrow is going to be better!!!

If your mom have upset stomach, try to avoid any cold foods or drinks. Not necessary to eat or drink anything hot but at least in room temperature (even salad). When you cook vegetable soups for your mom, add some ginger. You may also try to make some ginger tea for her
here is the recipe

Remember don’t serve the cold version, try the hot ginger tea and make sure you get high quality RAW honey to use in this recipe.

If her stomach issues getting better, try to reintroduce fresh fruits and vegetables juice, you can also add ginger in the juice and before you make the juice, make sure all the fruits and vegetables are in room temperature, so you may have room temperature juice to serve your mom.

I know dandelion and milk thistle are good liver tonic but i don’t know are they good for liver cancer.


I am deeply sorry to hear about your mother. Have you looked into alternative cancer treatments? please look up the budwig protocol. feel free to message me with any questions

So sorry to hear about this.

I’m glad she’s not going to do chemo. That is absolutely the last thing I would ever do.

I believe there are many ways you can cure cancer (as well as many other so-called ‘incurable’ diseases). Here are the top 3 things I would do if my Mom had cancer:

  1. I would immediately have her start taking MMS:

You can find lots of info (including testimonials) about it over the Internet, through you’ll also find quite a lot of DISinformation out there.

  1. I would immediately get her to start taking a lot of Vitamin D3 - at least 5,000iu a day, probably 10,000iu. (Actually she already takes that everyday). Vitamin D3 can be purchased inexpensively from places like . BTW, I would recommend everyone take this too, whether you have cancer or not.
    (specifically mentions colon cancer too.)

  2. I would get her a tabletop water distiller and start making distilled water. Drink at least a gallon (4 litres) a day. (If you’re doing the MMS protocols, just use this distilled water alongside it.). BTW I do this on a daily basis myself.

And guess what the best thing about all the above is - because these methods are unpatentable, they are CHEAP! And therein lies the ‘problem’. Cheap (and the fact you can’t patent it) means there’s not much money to be made, which means not much research done on it, which means it’s very hard to get mainstream doctors and medical establishments to risk their medical careers and put their necks on the line by recommending them. Because it has a direct impact on the billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry too, you will also find a lot of disinformation about a lot of this, to say the least.

If anyone has questions, feel free to also email me directly - KL(at) .


I read this post last night and have had you on my mind ever since. I have been praying for you and your mom today. There is so much I would like to share with you about faith and miracles and the power of God. I can send you a private message. I pray that you do not lose hope and I cannot even imagine how devastating this is for you. When I had very little children my mom was my backbone. I went to her for everything. I cannot imagine not having her around for that. I am sure you feel the same.

There is a lot of great advice here so far. Remember that sugar feeds cancer and right now you want to starve the cancer. An alkaline diet would help her a lot, but the most important thing is her attitude and her faith. I know of people who have been healed of cancer because of their great faith.

I will continue to pray for both of you.