My 17-month DD reads never-before taught word!

A few weeks before, my baby read “MOMO”, the brand-name of our car’s steering wheel. I thought that was just a coincidence because it looks like “mama” which she knows from sight-reading. Just a moment ago, Cammie read the brand-name of her Daddy’s sunglasses. She said “Dickies”! clearly. I asked Daddy if he taught her the word but he is just surprised as I am! How wonderful, she is indeed reading phonetically. She does know all the letter sounds so I guess she must have decoded how to use them! :slight_smile:

Excellent- Well done to your child! and at 17 months to0, thats great news. My daughter is :slight_smile: 16 months and is not yet speaking, i’ve been teaching her how to read since she was 6 months old. i’ve tried to ‘test’ her a couple of times before, but no luck. Reading things like this is inspirational…reminds me to hang in there and let her take her sweet time.
congratulations again. :slight_smile:

More proof that children can pick up phonetics rules intuitively! Thanks for sharing!

That is so exciting! Congratulations.

WOW Thats amazing!!! Thanks for sharing!

You must be so excited!

Thank you all for the encouragement! We owe this site and you guys big-time for the invaluable input and inspiration. We’re happy to give some inspiration back, especially to those who are just starting to teach their baby and those who needed a little motivation to persist teaching.

Sophisty, don’t worry if your child isn’t speaking yet, she is just taking her time and is absorbing everything for now. You’ll be pleasantly surprised soon! How does she communicate her needs? Is she studying sign-language? Others may tell you it may hinder speech but it’s not true! My DD isn’t vocal until a few months ago but when she finally spoke, she has tons more vocabulary and is even more expressive than those I knew who spoke early. So hang in there and just enjoy every stage of your baby’s development.

One thing I could suggest to encourage speech is to give her a microphone or a recorder. She will be delighted to hear her own voice. My DD loves to babble at the mic and I think it helped her to take the next step. Hope this helps!

Congratulations! I know how exciting that can be! It was the same with my little one when he knew all the letter phonics, he found it easy to read even those unfamiliar and hard words which he hasn’t seen or read before. It’s amazing now that at 2 years old, he reads higher level books and even reads the newspapers or magazines (this I have yet to capture on video hahahahaha! :slight_smile: It just blows my mind how they can absorb and learn so much.

Good job again!

That is so awesome, how exciting!! I didn’t start teachin my eldest daughter reading until just recently. She is 2. But I hope I can say that for my little one, who is 6 months now. Your story is inspirational.

I follow your blog! Your daughter is amazing and true ispiration!
The results you’re getting are outstanding!
Thanks for sharing!

Hiya Nadia- My daughter is not speaking as such, she babbles a LOT, I think it might be taking her longer to speak because we are teaching her two languages. She’s quite independant, so she’ll pretty much get what she wants (toys etc…) in terms of other things like food and nappy changes- I’ll sort it before she demands it. I cant wait for her to start talking- one of the greatest milestones I think. But the other day, I showed her the word Clap, without saying anything and she clapped. I was overjoyed! but she hasn’t done anything like that again.
Thanks for the microphone tip- i will definatly try that.

That’s so great! Yes, it sure does look like little ones can pick up phonetic rules.

wow!!so nice!

Yes, the $2 toy microphone is a nice way to encourage speech. You start by trying to get them to ba ba ba. I think this helped my grandson speak.

hi nadia, I just finished reading your blog and got so inspired with Cammie’s achievements…congratulations for having a very smart baby. I am also a Filipino but living here in Thailand, I am on my 26th week of pregnancy now and I would like to know as to how you started…I mean in teaching Cammie. Please share some tips…



Wonderful!!! Love u cammie.

That’s so great to hear.It seems you are doing a wonderful job.
Your lil baby is intelligent.

Good job with your baby. congratulation :biggrin:

Congrats!! that is really great. I show my daughter videos of Cami that you post here and on your blog :wink: She loves to watch other kids. I think your last video showed how Cami knew phonics and from that I also started teaching my daughter letter sounds. She is picking them up very well also at 14 months…thanks for sharing the idea. I am teaching my daughter phonics before the names of the letters and my husband is not keen on the idea but after learning about Cami…he is supporting me soo much more now!

So I am secretly glad that your daughter is few months ahead of mine as it gives me ideas on what to teach her next :slight_smile: We started the program with my daugther right after I got inspired by reading your blog and watching a video. I labeled everything in my house similar to your pictures. My daughter was 6 months at the time.

Thanks soo much. Wish her much luck!! Can you move to the states so we can arrange a play date :slight_smile:

One q.s for you:
Does Cami know the letter names? I teach my daughter Doman style even phonics…show her 15 times and retire one and add one. Since I work full time and sometimes we only get to one session in a day, I didn’t wanted to wait till we finish letter names and then start phonics. It would have taken us at least a month. So I jumped right to phonics. if you have any suggestions, I would appreciate it. I thought introducing the sounds and letter names together might confuse her so I only introduced one.
