Mother in law....

My mother in law told me not to celebrate my baby first birthday because my baby doesn’t know what is going on yet…she is too small to be around to much people but anyways we had a party.
Now my mother in law tells me that I shouldn’t be potty training my 16 months old baby because she is too small and I should let her be a baby…but anyways I am potty training her and my baby goes potty twice a day succesfully.Of course she still wears diapers…and just started the potty training two weeks ago.It is a long process.
I don’t even mention to my mother in law I am teaching my baby how to read…because I probably know what her answer will be.

What about your mother in law??

I am not married, but if I were, and I received unsolicited advice from my MIL, I would just ignore it. Everyone and their mother will tell you how to raise your child, but you are the one raising him/her. You, and only you, know what’s best. And you are the only one who has your standards and goals for your child.

nhockaday I LIKE YOU!!! lol

lol lol

Talking about mother-in-laws. Mine is coming it two weeks!!! :wacko: She has not clue of what we are doing, but she is going to find out because we have labels all over the house and we are not going to stop what we are doing because of her. So I’ll let you know how it goes. We have a crawling track and we posted a picture of Valerie on it in her blog and she asked what was that. In that regard, it has been much easier to explain to people because our daughter was in a harness the first three months. So it is kind of a perfect excuse :wink: Now, everytime we get unsolicited advice, I just say “that was the decision we made with Michael, we are in the same page and that is what matters” Done! lol

Ohhh Joha…Good luck with your mother in law!! The last time my mother in law was here my baby got her first cold and she was all over me!!! They sometimes became difficult to talk with. At least mine, she has her own ideas and she is really old school.

wow!mother in law…it’s a hot topic.what a scary topic!hehehe :ph34r: I’m sure all wife and mothers have misunderstanding and had argue here and there with their MIL,but it’s natural…and it’s really true,ONLY WE know what best for our baby! :happy: …well,just small advice here,just ignore it,means your mouth say yes,ok,but you just go on with what your heart says. :biggrin: try to get close and respect to your MIL as much as you can.(arghh,i know it’s hard :smiley: )

anyway…glad mine’s(MIL) is good. :wink:

I can’t help myself coming in this forum. the topic is just too interesting.

My mother in law is OK, she comes to my home for a few hour a day to play with my baby while i am at work. I appreciate that.

I have nothing bad to say about her, just she is sometimes pomposity.

PY ¡¡

You can’t imagine how you make me and my husband laugh when reading your thread. I really have a good time in this forum sometimes only reading the posts. This, Kakuro and my prayers are the 3 things I do before going to bed. I am here not for my BABIES (the youngest 25 years old) but for my only grandson that is a blessing.

How happy would i be to have you as my DIL.
I do not know why in my case it is the other way around. Young people around me, my nieces and nephews with babies (not to much my son) think I am pushing to much (or crazy ideas?) trying to teach my grandson to read or about languages. Yesterday I was very very happy because while reading an english book he also read with me. I know it is because he know it from memory and not really reading but I was very please and will continue reading with him.
It would be nice to know KL experience in Peru from other parents. I feel i am alone here.

Lucky your child to have you parents.

I am getting the picture. I also have posters that my grandson likes very much. He asks ‘what is this? and this?’ etc. I enjoy mentioning all the insects, birds, domestic animals etc. His face brightens when we read about the Condor in the Colca Cannon (Arequipa, Peru) Keep up with your excellent work and as ther are saying just listen to the advices and if you do not agree let the words go out through the other ear (as we say in Peru). We MIL are a pain in the ass but normally have good intentions. Luckily sometime you will be one too. Ja Ja…

hi thanks for the reply!!! I wish you will be my mother in law also. :wink:
It is a great idea about the book from Arequipa-Peru and Colca Cannon. Are you from Arequipa? is KL from Peru?
Because if you are from Arequipa you are not alone I am from Arequipa also!! :ph34r:

The issue that I have with my mother-in-law is that she thinks her job is to “spoil” my daughter :ohmy: >:( so that is an issue. I know she loves my daughter dearly (she is the only grandchild) but it would be nice if she doesn’t try to go against our parenting decisions.

Anyways, 2010BEBES, I’m with Py, it would be nice if you were my mother-in-law lol

My MIL drives me nuts. Just seeing her drives me nuts right away. I was so horrified when she asked me if I already feeding my baby solid food, my gosh! my baby was a month old that time. I told her not yet, maybe in 6 months. And she gave this side comment, that everything has changed! :mad:

How nice that you are from Peru PY, I guess not many peruvians here. Not alone anymore. I am from Lima and think KL lives in Peru but don’t know if he was born here. I admire him for how he is teaching Felicity, she seems a very nice and brilliant little girl. Maybe I will have to wait for my daughter to have a child (she is not married yet) and really apply all that I am learning here.

gosh!pity on you… :huh: but anyway,just be patient,relax and future she will be ok… :closedeyes:

Now I’m curious. I thought he lived in Hong Kong :unsure: Que chismosas nosotras lol

OJO No fue mi intencion chismosear. :frowning: :frowning:
De hecho admiro y envidio el trabajo que tienen. Yo estaria feliz todo el dia con esto y mejorando el software. :happy:

Mmmm… I wonder if the meaning of “chismosas” en Peru and Colombia is different. It was something funny. I know you didn’t meant anything in a bad way :blush: me neither

First time reading this very interesting and funny thread!

And how come nobody told me I live in Peru?!! MOOOOMMM!!!


Funny, funny lol

lol lol :clown: