Is anyone interested in swapping learning materials? For instance I have the “How To Teach Your Baby To Read” kit and YBCR (the entire package including spanish) that I’d be willing to swap for tweedle winks DVD’s or Memory Magic. I just thought this might be a great way to get our hands on materials without the hefty pricetags. I’d be open to any other ideas and suggestions!
I’ll give up 2 Baby Signing Times DVDs, for something, anything anybody found to be useful. One is gently used 3-4x, and one is an un-opened package. I need LR, LM, Soft Way To Mozart, Tweedlewink, Kid 20/20. If you have red dot cards that are laminated that you don’t want, I’ll take those too. We don’t do foreign language (only English), or EK though.
I have tons of educational dvds like Little Pim, Signing times, Muzzy (Spanish, French and Mandarin), Tweedlewink, Wink and way too many to list here would be wililng to swap those, or barter my herbal teas and beauty products at for any of the following LR, LM, Soft Way To Mozart, Kid 20/20.
Hi everyone,
I lent out my “Your Baby Can Read” set.
I still have the “How To Teach Your Baby To Read” Kit with the “Enough, Inigo, Enough” book and certificate that can be photo copied.
I also have home made books, if anyone’s interested. And the “Nose Is Not Toes” book by Glenn Doman too.
I am still looking for Memory Magic and Wink or Tweedlewinks DVD’s. If you’d be interested in renting to me, just tell me a price. I truly, truly appreciate anyone who’d even consider lending out their materials!
So, does anyone want Baby Signing Times (both DVDs)? Please tell me what DVDs you have if you are willing to trade. The only ones I already have are just YBCR and Trebellina.
I would love to see Trebellina. I have wink, tweedlewink, ybcr, wink for chinese, doman picture dictionaries, little pim, tag, magic school bus, newton in a bottle, the list goes on and on…
Hi Mandy,
We have considered buying Trebellina. If we purchased it, would you swap it with Tweedlewinks? I wouldn’t even mind you borrowing it before we used it. Let me know!
Right now I’m not interested in swapping materials, BUT I wanted to give a little advice to the people that are going to be trading Tweedle Wink (since they are kind of pricy). These DVD’s seem to break easy when pulling them out or in the box. I think it may have to do with the box. They even come with a note telling you to remove it with care. Right after I got my set I cracked my Vol. 1 >:( as you can image I was very upset. So just make sure you take good care of them once you borrow them so you don’t have to replace them.
Thanks!!! Jakim, Joha, Diva7, Luckymommy1307 (do let us know if you have any ideas on swapping internationally…because I’m not too sure myself), Jane Wan, Mandy ,Kappasweet, THen, and Patience :happy: !!! This is just wonderful!
I am teaching my girls languages, exposing them to sign language (Auslan and ASL etc), and Mandarin, french, german, spanish and Japanese. I am interested in material swapping…and very interested in EK type stuff. Has anyone got Babybit 3 and 4?
Just email me and we can discuss what I have to swap, as I have quite a bit…