LR Chinese - How is your child responding?

If you are a non-Chinese speaking family that purchased one of the LR Chinese Curriculums, could you please share how your child (or children) enjoys and has responded to the program.

If you also use other foreign language tools (such as DVDs, CDs and internet sites) how does the LR Chinese Curriculum compare?

Also, which do you enjoy most?

Thank you,


Interested as well since my 4yr old is showing such a HUGE interest in Chinese right now.

Hello Everyone, is there anyone else using LR Chinese? I am interested in trying it but I am not sure if we can redeem a discount with points or if there is a money back policy? can we preview the software?

thanks a lot for any input!


I would love to see a sample too. Even if it was one lesson.

Hi everyone, in case you haven’t noticed, there are content trial packs available for download in your Account Management page, right after the download section for your Little Reader software (in “Purchases” > “Little Reader”).

Even if you are already a licensed user, you should still be able to see these, so you can download the Chinese (Simplified or Traditional) Trial Content and import it into LR to check out some sample lessons :yes:

Would really like someone that has tried LR Chinese with their child to comment… Please…pretty please :slight_smile: .


Can I say , duh? lol
I forgot about that. Will be downloading that.

My kids seemed to enjoy it (the trial) just as much as they like the English version of LR. I should really start them on Chinese while I can.

I just downloaded the trail. I’m hoping to introduce it to my son. But I’m not sure I’ll purchase it right now, only because I really really want to buy the French version that is coming out.(Hopefully soon)

I’m doing LR Chinese with my son who is 16 months now and he appears to be enjoying it. We’re doing LR Eng and Chinese and LM together and he likes them all. We’re up to day 85 in the program. He’s only just started to speak but he can understand a lot. I can’t speak Chinese so I haven’t really been able to observe what he knows. But he has responded to LR. For instance, he smiles when he sees bellybutton because we always play tickle games with him. He signs “fish” when he sees the picture of the fish. He puts his hand to his ear and cocks his head to one side when he sees the picture of the bed. Sorry I can’t provide you with any more info than this.

My older son is resisting learning Chinese right now, so I don’t push him. I just let him observe passively while I give his little brother the lesson. Neither do I try to bug him about what he knows because I don’t want to put him off listening.

Hi there,
I’m doing the LR in Chinese with my boys and I have to say it’s incredible how much they like it. (My eldest is 3yrs old and my twins are 21 months.) I think it could be because it’s completely different for them but they will look at the cards in total amazement. I’ve been wanting to put them on video because they will repeat the words along with LR and sound so cute. I think pronunciation wise they are doing better than with the English semester! I believe they pronounce the words very well at least in sounds like it to me.

I was amazed at how much they were learning so fast. At one instance we were flashing the cards when we came to this one character and my son wasn’t pronouncing it properly I repeated the sound of the character for him thinking maybe he didn’t hear well, but he continued to say " bloop bloop" I know I shouldn’t force anything of them so I let it pass and moved along the course. When we came to the multi-sensory part of the program the character was followed by a picture of it and it turns out the character was a fish. It was amazing for me to see because I realized that he was saying “bloop bloop” because that’s their favorite way of saying fish. I was so excited to see that they were indeed learning and so quickly. I hadn’t realized he was saying the correct word cuz I didn’t know that character was a fish (I don’'t speak any Chinese) and just thought he wasn’t pronouncing it like the program was.

Another time the same thing happened except this time is was a cow. I payed closer attention realizing he knew what he was doing, and next thing you know it turned out the be the character of a cow. It’s super cool for me as a non Chinese speaking mom to see my children picking it up and it inspires me to continue.

I’m greatly enjoying LR in Chinese and I would recommend it to any mom that is interested in teaching multiple languages. It’s so easy ESPECIALLY if you don’t know the language yourself. Makes me think I’m going to have to learn it myself though, just to keep up with my kids. ha! Gotta know what they’re up to when they start speaking with each other in Chinese. :slight_smile:

Great to know, I luv u baby!

Thanks for sharing that! Let’s hope one day he’ll say the actual Chinese character instead of just bloop bloop! lol

KL I am not able to download the chinese trial and apparently it is because I already (2 eyars ago) downloaded a trial for Little reader…?
how come we can not download multiple trials; I am interested in the chinese but I have to see it first and present it to my daughter
to make sure she will like it. Can you pls help me?>

Than ks


Dear KL can you pls help with my question about LR Chinese?

Hi GloriaD,

You are now able to trial Little Reader Chinese Curriculum, please check your email account for more details :happy:

Thank you for your very helpful replies.


Can any non Chinese speaking mom may update us with the use of the Chinese Curriculum with their baby or child. I am very interested but am somewhat not sure that we can teach it withour actually speaking a word of Chinese except Ni hao.

I started LR Chinese with my son a couple weeks ago and he loves it as much as the English LR. I do not speak Chinese at all and have picked up a couple words from the lessons with my son. I am very impressed with all the extra letter pronoucations available in the category section that came with the program. He is still talking baby talk and I am not sure what he has retained from the lessons so far but I have always planned on teaching him multi languages (I just didn’t know when to start) and I am sure that the early exposure can only help. I have purchased the Little Pim package to broaded his exposure to the language.

Mine would be a negative review as my son does not enjoy LR Chinese, though he adores LR English. Partly because none of us speak Chinese. My son is least interested in those languages that we don’t speak directly to him. Exceptions are those with songs like Whistlefritz.

I also would like to try this chinese lessons before I consider purchasing it.
Please give me some advice.
How can I try this chinese trial lessons ?