Little Musician

Dear KL, Lappy,

Any idea when the Little Musician will be ready for trying it out? Also, do you have at this point an idea of main features it will have?

Appreciate hearing about it!

Im looking forward to Little Music as well!! Can’t wait until it comes out!

Me too am waiting for the Little Musician. I know my daughter will love it. I cant wait till it comes out. Did they mention when it will be released pls?

Hi all,

Sorry for the late reply!

All I can say is - we’re still working on it, and getting closer and closer to the finish line. Problem is just that we’ve also been working on a lot of other things recently, so LMs sometimes have had to take a back seat for a while (you guys are going to see many new things released this year!). But anyway, we’re hoping to get beta out within the next 3 months. But then again, I’ve said that for many times now ages ago, so please don’t hold your breath!

Eagerly looking forward to it KL

I just got Trebellina, and I love it, but I am also so excited to see what you guys offer through LM. It would be wonderful to have a music program that matches the his reading and math programs, I love how consistent it all is.
LOVE these programs!

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes! Here is a quirky version of this song! Fun to watch and great to learn and do with kids!

We have been teaching our boys Chinese for about 5 years and have had a lot of fun and sometimes frustration! :wacko:
Find me at Baining’s Big Chinese Challenge! For more info on teaching your kids Chinese!

KL…Any updates on Little Musician release?

Sigh… it’s stalled recently as we’ve been busy releasing the latest LR and LM builds ahead of the physical versions of LR coming out.

However, most of that is done now and we’ll be focusing very firmly on Little Musician quite soon. I’ll certainly be within this year, but hopefully can get beta out in the next few months.

Sorry for the wait!

KL… the fact is, its all worth the wait. I only wish you had convinced me to take the Lifetime plan instead of 1 year before. I have to now work all over again to collect enuff points and money for the lifetime plan for LM/LR and Little Musician (whenever you come out with it…)… I hope there will be some offers at the time that i would LOVE to absolutely take advantage of…
Funny thing is - I am actually thinking of having another baby - ONLY THANKS TO Brillkids and parentweb coz I know I have tons of support and can do tons of things for the baby…

If I could wish something for u - its all the very best of everything in life :slight_smile:

Aww… thanks… so nice of you to say that!

dear KL,
Pls send beta version atleast,my son getting older,pls release the l.mwsician soon.eagarly waiting.

My son loves music, can’t wait for LMusician to launch.

I share your eagerness, cant wait to see it as well :slight_smile: From my understanding releasing Beta version is almost the same as releasing the final, since basically it is a final version, just released to test it with the users for possible bugs and suggestions… So… as I can imagine it does take lots of work to get the program to the stage of Beta, but I am happy to know that it is coming!

Another thing I cant wait to see is Chinese curriculum,

Isnt it great to be a part of educational community with constantly improoving and updated educational products, and even though it is not all available at once and getting developed, just the fact that these educational products are coming, our suggestions and ideas are taken into consideration, and there is yet more to come, gives lots of inspiration and motivation! Isnt it?

KL and team,

You have NO IDEA how excited I am for Little Musician! NO IDEA. I cannot wait! Well, technically, I have to…so I will…but it won’t be fun. :slight_smile:

Thank you for working so hard…even with all of us breathing down your neck! Ha ha.


We hear you! We hear you! Coming! Coming!


KL, Lappy, Shukhi
U had better come out with it BEFORE my daughter turns too old to learn from it AND before i go ahead and waste some money on something else out of desperation… In any event I have been banned from using my credit card for sometime… so waiting… for both the lifetime renewal and LM.

Hi, KL, Lappy, any news about the little musician?

Still waiting…

Hi KL,

Can you please tell us what will be tentative schedule of its release?

What type of music / categories its going to cover?

Will it have Indian Classical music which I am looking for.

– Kreena

Really sorry for the delay, everyone. It’s just that other things keep popping up and jumping the queue!

However, we ARE spending more and more time on it now and still hope to get it out in beta within the year. Don’t really want to say too much right now about what it will cover, as things are still fluid right now…