I didn’t know of anyone was working on an excel file of the library that ed made so in working on the homeschooling link library I made me a copy of ed’s 2 libraries and added some of mine for the time being so I thought I would share, however there may be some of ed’s that I missed so sorry on that note but here it is for everyone to use, and ed can add onto, and or redo if wants to. I just did this for the creation of the homeschooling link library. If someone else was working on creating an excel file then please go ahead with yours as well, mine is just a rough copy. Thanks to ed and everyone involved. We are a team and a family here at Bk so thanks to everyone!
thanks mother of faith for all your work! it will be a great library!
Thanks to you for coming up with it and putting in all the hard work you have done. Everyday there seems to be new resources that makes each library an ongoing topic. You are weclome to use the file and add more to it as well.
For those of you who can not open the excel file you can download openoffice.org and it will open it is a FREE software program.
I just came through this wonderful sites with lot of resources and activities
Awesome post for a newbie …
wow these links are great. Thank you so much for all your hard work and posting them to make it easier for everyone to find sites in topics they are interested in that will have good info. I have found so much useful information, tips and links since I have joined this BrillKids.
So glad to hear that Mela1, we are so happy to have you here!
Just wanted everyone to know that i am still working on the library for homeschoolers so hang in there. I will upload it in two differnet formats so that everyone will be able to view it different ways. one will be in excel and the other as a. azz cardfile. I am trying to get it completed and uploaded for August 2011. If anyone wants to help then please message me , and thanks again as always to ‘ed’
Thanks for taking the time to post all these links!!!
As for science section I’d like to add this website:
It contains chemistry and physics resources for pupils from elementary school to high school.
As a matter of fact it is my site ( I’m a science teacher in France ). It is translation and an adaptation from my french site.
I hope it will be useful and I’ll listen with interest your critics about it if you have !
Thank you so much!
I have been looking all over for computer science material for primary aged kids, and I finally found this 111 page book full of activities. Its divided into three sections with lots of activities. The sections are Data: the raw material—Representing information, Putting Computers to Work—Algorithms and Telling Computers What To Do—Representing Procedures.
Cokers4life, sending huge virtual hugs your direction!!!
I have spent quite a bit of time looking for something decent, this looks fantastic…I emailed it to brother, a programmer, to get his opinion, but he did glance through quickly and gave a thumbs up:)
Karma AND hugs :biggrin:
You are welcome and thanks for letting me know he gave it a thumbs up because I wasn’t sure myself. lol
Looking to print large maps to color in and put on your wall? I know I was. Here is a site I finally found that you can make as large as you like from your own printer! All for free. You can customize the size to your liking up to 66 x 86 in. I thought it was pretty neat.
We all know that after we’ve taught all the basic boring shapes we usually just drop the whole shape topic, but here is a great sight that shows you how to make some awesome 3D shapes out of paper, glue and a razor. Obviously you would put these together and then present them to the little ones as they are very detail oriented. For all other kids, it would be a nice geometry project. As always its free.
Books for online reading are here and they even make donations for every book read online: http://www.wegivebooks.org/
I was sent a link to a lot of Dorling Kindersley books on that site but can no longer find thiis direct link, I hope you their search comes up with Dorling Kindersley books (haven´t had time to check) Enjoy!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the last link.
Came across this 30 day trial to Greg Tang’s Kakooma. Looks like a very interesting way to reinforce math facts. It might be worth checking out. No credit card information required.
I found this great site with philosophical discussion guides using young children’s books as the center of discussion. Its really delightful and easy to use. http://www.teachingchildrenphilosophy.org/wiki/Main_Page