Let the Countdown Begin! Are you ready to meet?? The 2012 Convention is Coming!!

Hi everyone!!

So, the thought was to have a bit more detail put together before making an announcement, however, thanks to several posts, most recently this one (http://forum.brillkids.com/general-discussion-b5/preschool-academics/msg81125/?topicseen#new), I’m jumping the gun and leaking the news!


The good news? We need your help!! This is YOUR convention, Your time, let’s make it your way!

The details to date: Location - Memphis, Tennessee, USA ; Date - August 2012 (why? we are expecting to receive a grant for this specific location to help get it all going. Yes, eventually there will be more in other locations, and even in other countries, but this one must be a success first to ensure that, so we hope you can help!)

The concept, which may change based on your input:
THURSDAY: Arrival Thur afternoon/evening with an optional welcome meet & mingle.
FRIDAY: Friday is for starters. Basically, this day is geared mostly for locals who haven’t yet realized that a child can learn so much before gasp school starts at the ripe age of 5 … 6 … 7? We set it up this way in case some of you out-of-towners can’t take off Fri, but would still like to attend and get to know the rest of us. The goal this day is to give an intro to the basics of early learning. What it is, why it is important, why is it that it’s not being done mainstream, how to do it, etc. Basically, convincing/educating the masses of the benefits and the importance of implementing this sort of education with their children and those children with whom they interact.
SATURDAY: This day we’re gearing it more for those who are already in the know. This isn’t about ‘convincing’ and educating on the basics so much as it is a fine-tuning of the process and getting certain other questions discussed and answered in person, such as “What’s next?” or “What if homeschooling isn’t an option for me afterwards? How do we continue”, or “Brainy Baby on a Budget” … or really, anything else … we are still in the planning stages (although not for long, so any input that you may have would be most appreciated and certainly taken into consideration).
SATURDAY AFTERNOON/EVENING: Although I’m excited about the whole weekend, this portion may be one of my favorites envisioned so far. Larry (as in LarrySanger/DadDude) is helping to coordinate through his contacts a fantastic and fun event for active early learning families! While the rest of the weekend is open to the public, this particular event is open only to active members of the early learning community and will be a true meet and mingle with several of us who are also on this forum and our children! Imagine summer barbecue, great cookout grill, plenty of water events for the kids, watermelon, lemonade, and finally getting to meet one another in person!
SUNDAY: Wrap up with a call to take action and how to effectively share early learning with others.

Part of the planned presentations for the weekend is a “Panel of Parents” with certain notables whose work with their wee ones truly inspire, so be on the lookout!

Again, this itinerary is not set in stone, but will soon be finalized, so we are looking for any and all input soon. If you have input after we’ve finalized, no worries, it will help influence upcoming events, as this is our task from hereon out.

In brief, the mission of GiftedVillageCARES is to provide charity, awareness, research, education and support when it comes to early education. The vision, when it comes to these events is to eventually change (even if it’s 30 years from now) what’s considered ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ practice in the preschool years in favor of guided, nurturing, stimulating early learning to help maximize a preschooler’s true potential. Each parent should not have to re-create the wheel alone, especially when the resources are available for each of us to allow our children to fly! But as many of you know, doing it ‘on your own’ can be quite exhausting and overwhelming, which is why GiftedVillage is hoping to change the preschool experience, and eventually, through the nonprofit, create a generation where each child will be gifted beyond what was once thought impossible into the amazingly unimaginable.

On that note, there is so much left to do for this first event, so again, please PM, email, or reply to this post with any constructive thoughts you may have that can make this convention a success. In addition to your comments, we are also looking for anyone interested in specifically helping with the following:

        Children's Activities
        Web Site
        Site Management - Transportation, Catering, Signage and Audio/Visual
        Podcast (in addition to having part of the event available via podcast/online/youtube,etc, we are planning a series of podcast/youtube interviews with notable parents, scientists, product creators, etc to help generate the buzz about GiftedVillageCARES)

If you would like to be on any of these committees for this event, please let us know asap, as well as if you have any prior experience (nothing required but desire!) :slight_smile:

Can’t wait and hope to meet you soon!!

We are very excited! Do you know offhand if there will be representatives there selling different EL products? I spend so much time agonizing over whether to buy a particular program, not because it isn’t a great product but because I want to make sure it is something my child would like!
It would be so great to be able so see some of the programs in person, ask questions directly to the people selling them, maybe even have a table set up with things like the manipulatives forvarious maths programs to see what the kiddos think…Especially if the reps were able to offer onsight discounts :yes:

Awesome news!
Very exciting! :smiley:

Dr Jones of Jones Geniuses Accelerated Learning is hoping to attend, to support as a partner of Brillkids

We plan have a trade stand & product on show, plus Dr Jones is willing to speak as a guest speaker.

Looking forward to more information

Very Interested in the convention …Dr Jones of Jones Geniuses as a partner of Brillkids is willing to speak on Early Learning if you would like. Also have a stand & product.

You can phone me at 817 718 8822 email chris@jonesgeniuses.com


We are working on exhibitors, so if you have a list of people you would like to see, please forward it to me or queriquita. We want this to be an educational experience for both children and parents.

Chris, I saw you post and we will be contacting you soon. Thanks for wanting to participate.


How exciting! I would love to participate on behalf of Intellectual Baby as a speaker and to have a booth with the MonkiSee products. Please keep me posted as this develops further. Thanks!

How I wish to be in the US right now! Is there a time-line when a convention is due in Asia? :slight_smile:

Man, that’s too close for me not to go. lol Cool.

Lucky you maquenzie, it coulnt be much further away from me :frowning: still I am sure we will all benefit from what you discover on the forum.
I really like your planning of approach. You topics mentioned go strait to the heart of the biggest issues in early learning. We need to get it more publically acceptable and we need to learn how to openly discuss it. The rest of the world is missing out due to their ignorance, I truly hope this convention gets wide spread publicity and positive media coverage. I hope it is a rocketing success so I can go to one on the other side of the world :yes:

Have you considered recording any of the speaking presentations? When I lived in Central America I desperately wanted to go the IAHP for the Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence Course. I would have gladly paid to watch it on video rather than leave my family and my baby for a week. I am sure there are others here that might feel this way. It is just a thought.

I know I was incorrectly credited with the thread that spawned the idea for this… (wished I was somewhat responsible though)… and was not planning to go anywhere this summer (a new baby in June!!!), but wow, if we get an all-star line-up and with what’s already been done, I just may have to do it no matter what!

Thank you for putting this together!

we didn’t say what day in August… can we make it second week at least? I have a poker event through the 3rd (ha ha)

I have been thinking of all of the vendors and products I would love to see at the convention, and my wish list grows by the hour :yes:
A couple of things that might be great as well:
It might be fun to have some sort of parent exhibit or friendly competition for home-made PP presentation or bits, or even a more extensive one with categories. We have some of the most creative parents, and even the public might be caught up in the excitement and possibilities of things they can do at home without forking out a lot of money for more commercial products…plus, it could be used as a way for parents to exchange ideas and materials!
Also, maybe some kind of swap/sale of gently used materials that have been mastered, outgrown, or didn’t get used…I know many parents aren’t going to want to drag materials with them to sell, but even putting out a big master list of who has what to sell or exchange, who is looking for what, and where people might be willing to ship :yes:
Hhhmm, also, would it be possible to have extra printing/duplicating methods on hand for parents to exchange homemade materials? Something like a Kinkos or something either very close to the convention or maybe renting extra copiers, that sort of thing…

I’m thrilled with the enthusiasm and support we’re getting so far! Keep it coming :slight_smile:

@Kerileanne99 - we are hoping to have some products (and reps) there, especially so that the children can try them out while the parents are in the convention.

@NadiaD & @Maquenzie - hope to meet you there!

@Christatjonesgeniuses & @KristaG- thank you so much! ditto sonya’s comment - looking forward to seeing you there!

@Nadia0801 - we are hoping to make this one a success! assuming it is, the current plan is 15 months later to have one on another continent, 15 months later on another, and so on. It all will be impacted by this year’s though, so here’s hoping to a fantastic turnout!

@Mandabplus3 - just because we’re on the other side of the globe (for now), doesn’t mean you can’t help make this one a success, even if it’s in brainstorming/planning :slight_smile: this will help ensure that the show will go on around the world in time to come. can’t wait!

@KristaG - recording is a brilliant idea, especially for those too far to attend! if anyone is reading this and wants to help with this aspect, please ‘speak up’ :wink:

@PokerDad - too funny … as of now, we’re leaning towards the 2nd or 3rd w/e in august, which dates are a no-go for you? fyi: we’re planning on teaching the kids to play poker - their pops and his whole side of the family are big on playing :wink:

@Kerileanne99 - yes, a wishlist! be sure to reply here as you think of more things: http://forum.brillkids.com/general-discussion-b5/product-and-speaker-wishlist!/msg81256/?topicseen#new :smiley:
as to the swap/sale - i agree about not wanting to lug things around. fortunately, this forum seems to do a pretty good job (it has a swap/sale section). as to duplicating homemade (non copyrighted material), definitely something that could happen, especially since the locations we’re looking into have business rooms with copiers/printers/computers, etc. as to the fun competition, it sounds, well, fun :slight_smile: let me know if you want to head up developing this concept more. as to it being a bk/boi/pp competition, how would it differ from what bk is already doing?

again, i’m so encouraged by all of the support thus far - keep it coming!


I am very excited that the convention is happening!
I am planning to go just by myself :slight_smile: I still have to figure out who will stay with kids for the weekend though! :slight_smile:
I am super crazy busy and overcommitted already :wacko:
But I am , like most of the people here on the forum SOOO willing to help and make this convention happen,
So please count me in for any small jobs, errands, tasks , etc.!

Marlita is doing a great job of getting this together. I’ll be delighted to meet as many of you as can go in August!


If you can’t find anyone to watch the kids bring them. I am bringing mine.


Yay I was born in Tenn. :slight_smile: Count my family in and please let me know how I can help. How will we target potential EL families? I assume majority will be from the area but we could attract families outside of the area by creating a short video showing kids playing while speaking about their early cognitive potential and describing the convention with some clips of programs BrillKids, Reading Bear, Readeez, Jones Geniuses, Monki See etc. Maybe offer a starter kit including infant stimulation cards, lists of sight words, common misspelled words, product info and reviews, website links etc.

Mela Bala,

I know that queriquita is going to post something about getting videos to us soon. But you are already thinking in the direction we are headed. So, I think you should volunteer to serve with me on the PR/Marketing end of things. Yes… :smiley:

Yes :slight_smile: I will PM you my email.